DbUp is a database migration tool, which builds into a standard NuGet package and can be deployed using our standard Octopus deploy. It comprises of a C# console project and a TSQL script directory. When run the application executes the scripts in sequence and logs the execution to a SchemaVersion table. If the application is run a second time the script names are compared to the SchemaVersion table, and only scripts that are different are executed.
Include the following NuGet packages: -
- dbup-sqlserver
- OctoPack
Replace the default console app with:
public class Program
static int Main()
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString;
// Create Db if it doesn't exist
var upgrader =
var result = upgrader.PerformUpgrade();
if (!result.Successful)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
return -1;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
return 0;
- Load the connection string from an app.config file, so we can inject a deployment SQL target from Octopus.
- EnsureDatabase.For.SqlDatabase(connectionString);
- Crates the Database in the conneciton string if it doesn’t exist.
- Console.ReadLine();
- If you are runnning a debug version in octopus then it will hang waiting for user input.
- .LogScriptOutput()
- Displays the output from the script in the console.
- Create a scripts folder to contain your migraiton scripts
- Name the scripts appropiately, and try to limit each script to do one thing, it will help with debuging later.
- Scripts are executed in alphabeticcaly name order, so prefix the name with Script001…002 etc
- Change the property 'Build Action', on each script to Embedded Resource, so it will be included in the binary.
- Make your sql scripts Idempotent.
- In general you should always put guards around your scripts so that checks are made to evaluate the elements existance, or not.
- Turn Journaling off
- .JournalTo(new NullJournal())
- By doing this every script will execute every time.
- The system has no need for the schemaVersion table
- DbUp
- ElasticUp
- EF SchemaCompare