Check the latest commits here: https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/commits/master
More information can be found here: https://www.techandme.se/nextcloud-vm/
Small changelog:
- Make phpMyadmin optional
- Move MySQL password to .my.cnf instead of a separate file
- Remove indexing in www root (root is shown for Collabora otherwise)
- Reverted to 4.4 kernel (4.8 breaks VMXNET 3 in VMware)
- Minor bug fixes
Known errors:
- N/A
If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1TB VM you can download it from Tech and Me's shop: https://shop.techandme.se/index.php/product-category/virtual-machine/nextcloud/
PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!