Welcome in this repository! This repository contains the MATLAB code and the full analysis of the inverted pendolum on a cart as well as three control systems.
Here a brief description of the content:
- Robust Control of Inverted Pendulum on a cart.pdf: full analysis of the inverted pendolum on a cart, with mechanical, transfer function and state space modelling. It is also proposed an introduction to robust control theory as well as three different controllers:
- H2 Control with Polytopic Uncertainties
- H2 and H\inf Norm Bounded Control
- H2 Control with Polytopic Uncertainties via LMI
- RC1_H2Nominale.m: MATLAB file - H2 controller with nominal values
- RC2_H2_NormBoundedUncertainty.m: MATLAB file - H2 norm bounded controller with uncertainties
- RC2_HInf_NormBoundedUncertainty.m: MATLAB file - H\inf norm bounded controller with uncertainties
- RC3_H2_LMI.m: MATLAB file - H2 controller with Polytopic Uncertainties via LMI
- Nicola Massarenti
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.