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This lightweight library provides the core logic and functionality you need to build engaging match-3 games. Focus on game design and mechanics while leaving the complex logic to this library


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Match3 Board

The core logic and functionality you need to build engaging match-3 games
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Installation 📦

  1. Download Latest Release
  2. Unpack the ninetailsrabbit.match3_board folder into your /addons folder within the Godot project
  3. Enable this addon within the Godot settings: Project > Project Settings > Plugins

To better understand what branch to choose from for which Godot version, please refer to this table:

Godot Version match3-board Branch match3-board Version
GodotEngine ⚠️deprecated⚠️ 1.x
GodotEngine 4.3 2.x
GodotEngine main 2.x

Demo 🎬

There is a complete demo scene available where you can see the setup of an example board.

If you already have experience with Godot you can get almost all the information on how to create your own board just looking how it is this scene mounted.


Getting started 🚀

This plugin shows in a simple way the customisation of to setup a Match3 Board and get started in no time.

For a quick start, do the following steps:

Download and enable the plugin

Check the Godot documentation if you have not done so before

Add the Match3Board node to your scene 🟡🔺🔹

You will see nothing in the 2D tab and it's ok, we need to create some initial configuration before seeing anything on the screen.


You should be able to see a few exported parameters:

  • Configuration: This is a Resource that holds the important board configuration.
  • Animator (Optional): This links a Match3Animator node that contains your custom animations
  • Highlighter (Optional): This links a Match3Highlighter node that contains your custom highlights
  • Line Connector (Optional): This links a Match3LineConnector node that contains a custom Line2D to use when the selected mode is ConnectLine

Create a Match3BoardConfiguration resource ⚙️

The advantage of using one resource for the configuration is that you can create and save as many as you want to create different boards.

Once you create one you will see this new fields in the editor:


Available normal & special pieces

The board internally uses the Match3PieceConfiguration Resource to know how to instantiate the pieces.

In order for the board to know they exist, the normal and special pieces must have an associated Match3PieceConfiguration and add it to these arrays.



The piece scene that will be instantiated, is mandatory that the root node have attached a script that inherits from Match3Piece

When you create a new Match3Piece scene, you'll see that the script contains exportable parameters, they are automatically initialised based on this Match3PieceConfiguration so your values will not be taken into account, it's recommended to set this values only on Match3PieceConfiguration


The unique id for this piece, if you left this field empty an error will be thrown when initializing the board in the SceneTree.

Name & Description

PPurely informative for your use case, these are optional fields.


This field is a Match3PieceWeight resource that only needs a weight value. This is used to randomly generate the pieces in the board when enter the Fill state. The higher the value of the weight for the piece, the more likely it is to come out.

This value it's only used by pieces of Normal type.


The type of the piece, there is available 3 options:

  • Normal: A normal piece that can be combined with others through the match_with() function
  • Special: A special piece that can be triggered and execute a special action
  • Obstacle: An obstacle piece, this piece cannot be moved.

The custom shape for this piece, this is a text value which represents the shape of the piece.


This color is informative just like the shape, it does not apply this colour to the piece on the board.


The priority is used at the time of consumption as a sequence if it is a Normal piece or at the time of execution if it is a Special piece.

Can be

A few boolean parameters to determine the actions that can be performed on this piece by the board.

  • Swapped: Define if the piece can be swapped with others
  • Moved: Define if the piece can be moved, means if it can be dropped after consuming sequences and has empty neighbour slots
  • Shuffled Define if the piece whether it can be mixed when this action is executed
  • Triggered: Define if the piece can be triggered, only used by Special type pieces
  • Replaced: Define if the piece can be replaced, if active, other pieces could be drawn and replace this one without restriction
  • Consumed: Define if the piece can be consumed in a sequence.

Pieces collision layer

A value between 1 and 32. By default uses the layer 8 and is used internally by the board to enable drag and slide modes that detect the pieces.


The size of the board where grid_width represents the number of columns and grid_height the number of rows


Grid cell scene

This is your scene that represents a grid cell in the board. The root node needs to inherit from Match3GridCell

Empty Cells

This parameter contains an array with board position values Vector2i(column, row) that represents empty cells that cannot contain pieces.

Cell size

The size of the cells, the textures of your cell scene will be adjusted to this size through scaling.

Cell offset

The separation between cells where Vector2i(column_separation, row_separation)


This group represents the modes that will determine which swap moves are made, how pieces are selected and how they fall and fill on the board.



The piece can be swapped with adjacent cells (not included diagonals)


Adjacent with diagonals

The piece can be swapped with adjacent cells including diagonals


Adjacent only diagonals

The piece can be swapped only with adjacent diagonal cells



The movement is free, pieces can be swapped with any other


The pieces can be swapped on the same row it belongs



The pieces can be swapped on the same column it belongs



The pieces can be swapped on the same column & row it belongs


Cross Diagonal

The pieces can be swapped on the complete adjacent diagonals


Connect Line

This mode needs a Match3LineConnector added and configured as child of the board. The pieces can be swapped connecting adjacent matchs from the last connected piece.




The pieces are selected by click, clicking on it again deselects it. To make a swap you would have to click on the source piece and click again on the target piece.


The pieces can be dragged to do the swap, releasing the mouse will drop the piece. If there is a match, the swap is completed, if not, the piece returns to its cell of origin.


Same as drag but the piece stays in its original place, only when the mouse is released the movement is applied (if valid).


Fall down

The pieces fall vertically if there are empty slots after consuming the combo sequences and entering the Fall state.


The pieces still falls vertically but if they can't, they take into account whether the bottom diagonals are empty and move towards them.

In place

The pieces does not fall, new pieces are created where the combos were consumed and left empty cells.


These parameters are taken into account for the start of the board.

Auto Start

The cell and pieces are drawed once the node is _ready on the scene tree. When this property is false, you need to manually call the functions draw_cells() and draw_pieces() in this order to draw and activate the board.

Min & Max match

The minimum match by default it's always 3 and cannot be assigned a value below. This values defines the minimum pieces to be detected as a sequence and the maximum pieces which may contain.

Available moves on the start

The number of limited moves for this board. Each time it makes a complete cycle and returns to the WaitForInput state, 1 move is consumed. Set to -1 so that there is no limit to movement

This property emits the signals movement_consumed and finished_available_movements when value changes. This property is purely informative and does not lock the board when it reaches zero. That decision will be made by you

Allow matches on the start

When this property is enabled, when the board draws the pieces and there are matches, the board goes to the Consume state. If not, th board will remove the matches for new pieces to ensure that there are no matches in the first movement.


This parameters are related around sequences, a sequence is a combination of pieces that can be consumed.

Sequence rules

An array of SequenceConsumeRule, these rules define which pieces are created in which combinations


The unique id of the rule


The rules are checked in order of priority, a rule with a higher priority will be checked first.

Strict size comparison

When this property is enabled, the sequence size has to be the same as target_pieces when checked.

This means that a sequence rule with a 4 blue pieces that receives a sequence of 5 blue pieces will fail the check but if this property were false, the rule would apply when having at least 4 blue pieces.


An array of Match3Sequence.Shape, the received sequence must be one of these shapes in order to be accepted

Piece to spawn

A Match3PieceConfiguration that will be spawn when the rule is accepted

Target pieces

An amount of Match3Configuration the sequence must have for the rule to be accepted.

Enabled shapes

Enables or disables the sequences that the board can accept.

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • T-Shape
  • L-Shape

Animation flows

Animations can be executed in 2 flows: Serial or Parallel

  • Serial: an animation will be released after the previous one.
  • Parallel: They all run at the same time
Draw cells & pieces animation

The animations that draw cells and pieces to get the board ready

Sequence animation

The animation that runs when a sequence is consumed in the board

Fall animation

The animation that runs when enter the Fall state and the fall movements are applied according to the chosen mode.

Fill animation

The animation that runs when enter the Fill state and pieces spawned are applied according to the chosen mode.

Delay after shuffle

A timeout before unlocking the board after a shuffle.

Match3 Board ⬛

This is the core of the plugin and probably the class you want to manipulate to get or modify information from the Board.

Apart from the parameters already explained in the Getting started section, it contains a number of modules to manipulate the board


These states are used internally, to know the current state of the board use the variable current_state as well the methods provided.

enum BoardState {
	WaitForInput, // Waiting for the player input
	Consume, // Consuming found sequences in the board
	SpecialConsume, // Consuming special pieces triggered
	Fall, // Falling pieces based on the fall mode selected
	Fill // Filling the board based on the fill mode selected

var current_state: BoardState = BoardState.WaitForInput

func state_is_wait_for_input() -> bool

func state_is_consume() -> bool

func state_is_special_consume() -> bool

func state_is_fall() -> bool

func state_is_fill() -> bool


This are all the signals available to react to changes that happens inside

signal state_changed(from: BoardState, to: BoardState)
signal swap_accepted(from: Match3GridCell, to: Match3GridCell)
signal swap_rejected(from: Match3GridCell, to: Match3GridCell)

signal consumed_sequence(sequence: Match3Sequence)
signal consumed_sequences(sequences: Array[Match3Sequence])

signal selected_piece(piece: Match3Piece)
signal unselected_piece(piece: Match3Piece)
signal piece_drag_started(piece: Match3Piece)
signal piece_drag_ended(piece: Match3Piece)

signal drawed_cells(cells: Array[Match3GridCell])
signal drawed_cell(cell: Match3GridCell)
signal drawed_piece(piece: Match3Piece)
signal drawed_pieces(pieces: Array[Match3Piece])

signal shuffle_started
signal shuffle_ended
signal locked
signal unlocked
signal movement_consumed
signal finished_available_movements


var grid_cells: Array = [] // Multidimensional to access cells by column & row
var grid_cells_flattened: Array[Match3GridCell] = []

var current_available_moves: int = 0
var current_selected_piece: Match3Piece
var current_state: BoardState = BoardState.WaitForInput

var is_locked: bool = false


func distance() -> int

func size() -> int

func travel_to(new_state: BoardState) -> void

func lock() -> void

func unlock() -> void

func draw_cells() -> Match3Board

func draw_cell(column: int, row: int) -> Match3GridCell

func clear_cell(cell: Match3GridCell, disable: bool = false) -> void

func draw_pieces() -> Match3Board

func draw_piece_on_cell(cell: Match3GridCell, piece: Match3Piece, replace: bool = false) -> void

func draw_random_piece_on_cell(cell: Match3GridCell, replace: bool = false) -> Match3Piece

func add_pieces_to_generator(pieces: Array[Match3PieceConfiguration]) -> Match3Board:

func add_piece_to_generator(piece_configuration: Match3PieceConfiguration) -> Match3Board

func remove_matches_from_board() -> void:

func shuffle() -> void:

func swap_pieces(from_piece: Match3Piece, to_piece: Match3Piece) -> void:

func lock_all_pieces() -> void

func unlock_all_pieces() -> void

func consume_sequence(sequence: Match3Sequence) -> void

func consume_sequences(sequences: Array[Match3Sequence]) -> void

Finder module

This module provides methods to find cells and pieces inside the board easily and intuitively.

Just access through the board with board.finder

func get_cell(column: int, row: int) -> Match3GridCell

func get_cell_piece(column: int, row: int) -> Match3Piece:

func cells_from_row(row: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cells_from_column(column: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func top_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func bottom_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func right_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func left_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func diagonal_top_right_cells_from(cell: Match3GridCell, distance: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func diagonal_top_left_cells_from(cell: Match3GridCell, distance: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func diagonal_bottom_left_cells_from(cell: Match3GridCell, distance: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func diagonal_bottom_right_cells_from(cell: Match3GridCell, distance: int, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func adjacent_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Dictionary

func cross_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cross_diagonal_cells_from(origin_cell: Match3GridCell, only_usables: bool = false) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func empty_cells() -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cell_with_pieces_of_id(id: StringName) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cell_with_pieces_of_shape(shape: StringName) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cell_with_pieces_of_type(type: Match3PieceConfiguration.PieceType) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func cell_with_pieces_of_color(color: Match3PieceConfiguration.PieceType) -> Array[Match3GridCell]

func pieces() -> Array[Match3Piece]:

func special_pieces() -> Array[Match3Piece]:

func obstacle_pieces() -> Array[Match3Piece]:

func pieces_of_id(id: StringName) -> Array[Match3Piece]

func pieces_of_shape(shape: StringName) -> Array[Match3Piece]

func pieces_of_type(type: Match3PieceConfiguration.PieceType) -> Array[Match3Piece]

func pieces_of_color(color: Color) -> Array[Match3Piece]

func pieces_from_row(row: int) -> Array[Match3Piece]

func pieces_from_column(column: int) -> Array[Match3Piece]

Sequence detector module

This module can detect valid sequences on the board by applying the correct shape (vertical, horizontal, tshape...) to them if they are enabled in the configuration.

Just access through the board with board.sequence_detector

func find_horizontal_sequences(cells: Array[Match3GridCell]) -> Array[Match3Sequence]

func find_vertical_sequences(cells: Array[Match3GridCell]) -> Array[Match3Sequence]

func find_tshape_sequence(sequence_a: Match3Sequence, sequence_b: Match3Sequence)

func find_lshape_sequence(sequence_a: Match3Sequence, sequence_b: Match3Sequence)

func find_board_sequences() -> Array[Match3Sequence]

func find_horizontal_board_sequences() -> Array[Match3Sequence]

func find_vertical_board_sequences() -> Array[Match3Sequence]

func find_match_from_piece(piece: Match3Piece) -> Match3Sequence

func find_match_from_cell(cell: Match3GridCell) -> Match3Sequence

Sequence consumer module

Although this module is actually used internally when changing the status, it is publicly exposed and can be used at any time. Instead of returning sequences, it returns a class that allows to obtain more information from the resulting sequences.

This module also can manipulate (add, update, remove) SequenceConsumeRule

Just access it through the board with board.sequence_consumer


class Match3SequenceConsumeResult:
	var sequence_size: int
	var combos: Array[Match3SequenceConsumeCombo]

	func _init(sequence_combos: Array[Match3SequenceConsumeCombo]) -> void:
		sequence_size = sequence_combos.reduce(func(accum, combo: Match3SequenceConsumeCombo): return accum + combo.size(), 0)
		combos = sequence_combos

	func unique_pieces() -> Array[Match3Piece]:
		var pieces: Array[Match3Piece] = []

		for combo: Match3SequenceConsumeCombo in combos:
			if pieces.any(func(piece: Match3Piece): return ==


		return pieces


class Match3SequenceConsumeCombo:
	var sequence: Match3Sequence
	var special_piece_to_spawn: Match3PieceConfiguration

	func _init(_sequence: Match3Sequence, piece_to_spawn: Match3PieceConfiguration = null) -> void:
		sequence = _sequence
		special_piece_to_spawn = piece_to_spawn

	func size() -> int:
		return sequence.size()


func add_sequence_consume_rules(rules: Array[SequenceConsumeRule]) -> Match3SequenceConsumer

func add_sequence_consume_rule(rule: SequenceConsumeRule) -> Match3SequenceConsumer

func remove_rules(rules: Array[SequenceConsumeRule]) -> Match3SequenceConsumer

func remove_rule(rule: SequenceConsumeRule) -> Match3SequenceConsumer

func sequences_to_combo_rules(matches: Array[Match3Sequence]) -> Array[Match3SequenceConsumer.Match3SequenceConsumeResult]

func consume_sequence(sequence: Match3Sequence) -> Match3SequenceConsumeResult

Match3 Cell 🔲

Represents a cell on the board, they are used as a reference for piece positions thus eliminating the need for pieces to have position information.

Board cells use this class by default. You must create your own scene where the root node inherits from this script.

All the cells have access to current linked Match3Piece through the variable piece.

Creating your own scene allows you with minimal dependency to add the nodes you want, Sprite2D, AnimateSprite2D, AnimationPlayer, GPUParticles, etc.


Column & Row

The column and row this cell belongs, this board position translates to Vector2i(column, row)


The size of the cell, if you add textures using sprite nodes in your custom cell scene, they will adjust to this cell size through scaling.

Can contain piece

Define if this cell can contain a piece, usually empty drawed cells have this value to false

Texture scale

Using the size as reference to 1.0, scale the texture of this cell. By default it is always set to 1 but you can still change it here

Odd & Even & Empty textures

You can assign a series of textures to be drawn in odd and even positions, they are optional and serve to speed up the display of single cells.


You have access to the cell neighbours after drawed the cells on the board

var neighbour_up: Match3GridCell
var neighbour_bottom: Match3GridCell
var neighbour_right: Match3GridCell
var neighbour_left: Match3GridCell

var diagonal_neighbour_top_right: Match3GridCell
var diagonal_neighbour_top_left: Match3GridCell
var diagonal_neighbour_bottom_right: Match3GridCell
var diagonal_neighbour_bottom_left: Match3GridCell

// Access the neighbours in a dictionary format
func neighbours() -> Dictionary:
  return {
	  "up": neighbour_up,
	  "bottom": neighbour_bottom,
	  "right": neighbour_right,
	  "left": neighbour_left,
	  "diagonal_top_right": diagonal_neighbour_top_right,
	  "diagonal_top_left": diagonal_neighbour_top_left,
	  "diagonal_bottom_right": diagonal_neighbour_bottom_right,
	  "diagonal_bottom_left": diagonal_neighbour_bottom_left,

// Return the neighbours that can contain pieces and is not empty, neighbours that does not meet
// this conditions will be turned to null
func usable_neighbours() -> Dictionary


This class contains a lot of methods related to get information, assign pieces, etc

func has_piece() -> bool

func is_empty() -> bool

//Clear the cell removing the piece, when disable is passed as true it also changes can_contain_piece to false
func clear(disable: bool = false) -> void

func remove_piece(queued: bool = false) -> void

// This methods actually are used internally, it is recommended not to use unless you know what you are doing.
func can_swap_piece_with_cell(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool
func swap_piece_with_cell(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func board_position() -> Vector2i:

func in_same_row_as(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func in_same_column_as(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func in_same_position_as(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func in_same_grid_position_as(grid_position: Vector2) -> bool

func is_row_neighbour_of(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func is_column_neighbour_of(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func is_adjacent_to(other_cell: Match3GridCell, check_diagonal: bool = false) -> bool

func is_diagonal_adjacent_to(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func in_diagonal_with(other_cell: Match3GridCell) -> bool

func neighbour_up_has_piece() -> bool

func neighbour_bottom_has_piece() -> bool

func neighbour_right_has_piece() -> bool

func neighbour_left_has_piece() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_bottom_left_has_piece() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_bottom_right_has_piece() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_top_left_has_piece() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_top_right_has_piece() -> bool

func neighbour_bottom_is_empty() -> bool

func neighbour_right_is_empty() -> bool

func neighbour_left_is_empty() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_bottom_left_is_empty() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_bottom_right_is_empty() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_top_left_is_empty() -> bool

func diagonal_neighbour_top_right_is_empty() -> bool

func is_top_left_corner() -> bool

func is_top_right_corner() -> bool

func is_bottom_left_corner() -> bool

func is_bottom_right_corner() -> bool

func is_top_border() -> bool

func is_bottom_border() -> bool

func is_right_border() -> bool

func is_left_border() -> bool

Match3 Piece 💎

Board pieces use this class by default. You must create your own scene where the root node inherits from this script and attach it on a Match3PieceConfiguration resource.

Creating your own scene allows you with minimal dependency to add the nodes you want, Sprite2D, AnimateSprite2D, AnimationPlayer, GPUParticles, etc.


There are few parameters you can set on it that are mostly visual:

// The textures are scaling based on the `Match3Configuration.cell_size`, this value is usually lower in the pieces to fit better into the cell
@export var texture_scale: float = 0.85

// Reset position automatically on drag release, the animation can be customized on piece_drag_ended hook
// from the Match3Animator
@export var reset_position_on_drag_release: bool = true
// The smooth factor feeling for the drag movement, lower values move the piece slowly into the mouse
@export var drag_smooth_factor: float = 20.0

Access the cell

You have access to the Match3GridCell that is linked to this piece through the cell variable


There are a few functions that you can overwrite and they are useful when creating custom behaviours for normal pieces but especially for special pieces.

Match with

The logic which determines whether a pieces matches another pieces to create the sequences.

// Definition
func match_with(other_piece: Match3Piece) -> bool

// Default behaviour on Match3Piece
func match_with(other_piece: Match3Piece) -> bool:
	if is_obstacle() or other_piece.is_obstacle():
		return false

	if is_normal() and other_piece.is_normal():
		return equals_to(other_piece)

	if (is_special() and other_piece.is_normal()) or (is_normal() and other_piece.is_special()):
		return same_shape_as(other_piece)

	return false


Special pieces use this function to trigger an special effect. Basically it returns an array of Match3Sequence that will be consumed after launching its animation but it could perform other actions that your game needs.

Receive the Match3Board as an argument to have all its functionalities available and more freedom to create customised behaviours.

The Match3PieceConfiguration that creates this piece if can_be_triggered is enabled it will be triggered by touching it. To disable this behaviour and instead trigger it from a swap, set can_be_triggered to false and can_be swapped to true.

Don't forget to call super.trigger() in your override function to change the boolean variable is_triggered as it is important for the board not to run it again.

// Definition
func trigger(board: Match3Board) -> Array[Match3Sequence]

// Default behaviour on Match3Piece
func trigger(board: Match3Board) -> Array[Match3Sequence]:
  is_triggered = true

	return []


This is the piece_to_spawn which was defined in a SequenceConsumeRule, this function choose in what Match3GridCell is going to be spawned. It receives the Match3Board and the origin Match3Sequence.

// Definition
func spawn(board: Match3Board, sequence: Match3Sequence) -> Match3GridCell:

// Default behaviour on Match3Piece
func spawn(board: Match3Board, sequence: Match3Sequence) -> Match3GridCell:
	return sequence.middle_cell()

Match3 Sequence💠💠💠

A sequence is a combination of pieces that on your board are defined as a valid match.

This is true for the normal flow of the board but you can create a sequence with any combination of pieces and consume it without problems.

You only need to use a few of the methods of this class.


A sequence can be of a specific shape listed here, by defualt it's Irregular when no Shape is provided

enum Shapes {


Contains few variables that holds information about:

var cells: Array[Match3GridCell] = []
var shape: Shapes = Shapes.Irregular

// This variable it's only set when the Shape is Match3Sequence.Shapes.Special from a Match3Piece.trigger()
// Unless you have manually created the sequence, the board assigns it automatically.
var origin_special_piece: Match3PieceConfiguration

Manual creation

Creating a manual sequence is as easy as knowing the cells from which you want to create the sequence and the shape of the cells.

func _init(sequence_cells: Array[Match3GridCell], _shape: Shapes = Shapes.Irregular) -> void[your_cells...], Match3Sequence.Shapes.Vertical)

// Or you can create a new sequence from a list of pieces

static func create_from_pieces(pieces: Array[Match3Piece], selected_shape: Shapes = Shapes.Irregular) -> Match3Sequence

Match3Sequence.create_from_pieces(pieces, Match3Sequence.Shapes.LineConnected)]

// Or you can combine multiple sequences to create a new one

func combine_with(other_sequence: Match3Sequence) -> Match3Sequence

var sequence :=[your_cells...], Match3Sequence.Shapes.Vertical)

var new_sequence := sequence.combine_with(Match3Sequence.create_from_pieces(pieces, Match3Sequence.Shapes.LineConnected)])

Match3 Animator 🎞️

This script provides functions that are executed at certain points on the board, this is where you can include your own animations.

To create your own, create a new script that inherits from Match3Animator and add it as a child node to the Match3Board


In the demo folder provide with this addon you can find a complete example of a custom animator


When an animation start or end, signals animation_started animation_finished are emitted.

signal animation_started(animation_name: StringName)
signal animation_finished(animation_name: StringName)

You can access to the current running animation on property current_animation

Animation Hooks

// Used when the board draw cells for the first time, it receives all the drawed cells
func draw_cells(cells: Array[Match3GridCell]) -> void:

// Used when the board draw pieces for the first time, it receives all the drawed pieces
func draw_pieces(pieces: Array[Match3Piece]) -> void

// When a valid swap is applied, receives the involved pieces and the target positions
func swap_pieces(
  from_piece: Match3Piece,
  to_piece: Match3Piece,
  from_piece_position: Vector2,
  to_piece_position: Vector2

// When a valid swap is rejected, e.g: no match after swap, receives the involved pieces and the target positions
func swap_rejected_pieces(
  from_piece: Match3Piece,
  to_piece: Match3Piece,
  from_piece_position: Vector2,
  to_piece_position: Vector2

// When sequences are consumed in the board, only run when the sequence animation flow is Serial
func consume_sequence(sequence: Match3Sequence) -> void

// When sequences are consumed in the board, only run when the sequence animation flow is Parallel
func consume_sequences(sequences: Array[Match3SequenceConsumer.Match3SequenceConsumeResult]) -> void

// When falling pieces after consuming last sequences from the board. Only run when the fall animation flow is Serial
func fall_piece(movement: Match3FallMover.FallMovement) -> void

// When falling pieces after consuming last sequences from the board. Only run when the fall animation flow is Parallel
func fall_pieces(movements: Array[Match3FallMover.FallMovement]) -> void

// When filling pieces after falling pieces from the board. Only run when the fill animation flow is Serial
func spawn_piece(cell: Match3GridCell) -> void

// When filling pieces after falling pieces from the board. Only run when the fill animation flow is Parallel
func spawn_pieces(cells: Array[Match3GridCell]) -> void

// When a special piece is triggered on the board.
func trigger_special_piece(piece: Match3Piece) -> void

// When a piece drag ended, only runs if the mode is Drag or Slide.
func piece_drag_ended(piece: Match3Piece) -> void

// When a shuffle action is made on the board
func shuffle(movements: Array[Match3Shuffler.ShuffleMovement]) -> void

Match3 Highlighter ✨

If you want to apply highlight effects when a piece is selected on the board, this is the place to do it.

The setup is exactly the same as the Match3Animator, to create your own, create a new script that inherits from Match3Highlighter and add it as a child node to the Match3Board

_In the demo folder provide with this addon you can find a complete example of a custom highlighter


Highlighter hooks

The advantage of receiving the cell is that if it contains a piece, it can also be treated here.

In the case of the ConnectLine mode, the pieces are received instead of cells but nothing happens because their associated cell can be accessed via the piece.cell property from Match3Piece

You have access to the current_highlighted_cells and current_highlighted_pieces from this class when an highlight is active

// Highlight the cells after select a piece. Receive the valid cells based on the selected swap mode.
func highlight_cells(cells: Array[Match3GridCell]) -> void

// Highlight an individual cell after select a piece. This cells comes from the highlight_cells hook
func highlight_cell(cell: Match3GridCell) -> void

// Remove the highlights after unselect a piece either by user input or by applying a swap movement.
func remove_highlight() -> void

func on_selected_piece(piece: Match3Piece) -> void

func on_unselected_piece(piece: Match3Piece) -> void

// The pieces by the line connector are received here as it is a different flow.
func on_connected_piece(piece: Match3Piece) -> void

func on_confirmed_line_connector_match(pieces: Array[Match3Piece]) -> void

func on_canceled_line_connector_match(pieces: Array[Match3Piece]) -> void

Match3 Line Connector ︴

This node allows you to customise the Line2D used by the board when the selected swap mode is ConnectLine.



A target Match3Board, if this value is null the node will try to get the board by the group name from the scene tree

Confirm & Cancel match input action

They are only taken into account when the board selection mode is Click. This mode needs a manual confirmation and cancellation unlike drag & slide which works by holding and releasing the mouse.

Match3 Editor preview 🪲

With this node, you can see how much space the board will take up in the scene. It is a very simple node just to see the grid in the editor. The display position is in the format Vector2(column, row)





The Match3Board from which to read the Match3Configuration, if this value is null the node will try to get the board by the group name from the scene tree

Generate & Remove preview

You can manually update the board with this tool buttons. Take into account that if you change any configuration on the main board, they are not reflected in the preview. You have to manually re-generate the preview with this buttons.

Contrary to the parameters of this node, any changes will be updated in the editor.

Preview pieces textures

An array of textures to draw the pieces inside the cells, they does not need to be the same as the pieces you have set up in the board

Preview cell texture

The texture to use to display the board cells

Cell & Piece texture scale

The textures are scaling based on the Match3Configuration.cell_size, this value is usually lower in the pieces to fit better into the cell.

Display position

Displays the position in the board for each cell with the format Vector2(column, row)

Position font size

The font size of the label that displays the cell position


This lightweight library provides the core logic and functionality you need to build engaging match-3 games. Focus on game design and mechanics while leaving the complex logic to this library




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