A luarocks build backend for tree-sitter parsers written in C++.
tree-sitter has dropped support for C++ scanners. This build backend is forked from luarocks-build-treesitter-parser with the aim of keeping C++ support. But it is recommended to switch to C, as this build backend may not work on all platforms.
The resulting parser libraries are installed to
The installed parsers are not lua modules, but they
can be added to the package.cpath
rockspec_format = '3.0'
package = "tree-sitter-LANG"
version = "scm-1"
source = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-LANG/archive/<REF>.zip",
dir = 'tree-sitter-LANG-<REF>',
source = {
url = "git://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-LANG",
description = {
summary = "tree-sitter parser for LANG",
homepage = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-LANG",
license = "MIT"
dependencies = {
"lua >= 5.1",
build_dependencies = {
build = {
type = "treesitter-parser-cpp",
---@type string (required) Name of the language, e.g. "norg".
lang = "LANG",
---@type string[] parser source files.
sources = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
---@type boolean? (optional) Won't build the parser if `false`.
parser = true,
---@type boolean? (optional) Must the sources be generated using the tree-sitter CLI?
generate = true,
--- Ignored if `generate` is false.
---@type boolean? (optional) Generate the sources from src/grammar.json?
generate_from_json = false,
--- Overwrites any existing queries with the embedded queries.
--- Will add 'queries' to the rockspec's 'copy_directories' if set.
---@type table<string, string>? (optional)
queries = {
-- Will create a `queries/<lang>/highlights.scm`
-- Note that the content should not be indented.
["highlights.scm"] = [==[
name: (variable) @function)
name: (variable) @function)
You can find more examples in the fixtures directory.
Neovim searches for tree-sitter parsers in a parser
on the runtimepath (:h rtp
Parsers installed with luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp can be found
by creating a symlink to the parser
directory in the install location
on the Neovim runtimepath.