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Releases: obophenotype/human-phenotype-ontology

2025-03-03 Release

03 Mar 10:03
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Content changes

Classes added: 49
Onychoheterotopia (HP:6001189)
Positive urine infectious agent test (HP:0025795)
Positive urine Legionella pneumophila antigen test (HP:0025796)
Preauricular lymphadenopathy (HP:6001188)
Corneal epithelial edema (HP:6001182)
Supraclavicular nerve distribution (HP:6001169)
Vogt striae (HP:6001180)
Pain at the lateral aspect of the elbow (HP:6001173)
Pain at the posterior aspect of the elbow (HP:6001174)
Mucocutaneous lesion painful (HP:0025803)
Positive CSF anti-measles antibody test (HP:6001179)
Wrist instability (HP:0025800)
Ulnar translocation of the carpus (HP:6001202)
Unilateral sensorineural hearing impairment (HP:0025797)
Abnormal wrist physiology (HP:0025799)
Retinal shunt vessels (HP:6001183)
Omovertebral bone (HP:6001177)
Painful lymphadenopathy (HP:0025804)
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167)
Filamentary keratitis (HP:6001184)
Reduced circulating progranulin concentration (HP:6001187)
Occupational exposure to frequent hand trauma (HP:6001195)
Choroid thickening (HP:6001181)
Pain at the medial aspect of the elbow (HP:6001175)
Clavicular edema (HP:6001178)
Reduced MHC I cell surface expression (HP:0025794)
Superior displacement of the humeral head (HP:6001171)
Nail elevation (HP:0025801)
Abnormal optic disc vasculature morphology (HP:6001168)
FInger pulp localization (HP:6001199)
Elevated circulating glucosylsphingosine concentration (HP:6001185)
Forward displacement of posterior cervical dura mater on neck flexion (HP:6001191)
Limited shoulder external rotation (HP:6001194)
Limited shoulder internal rotation (HP:6001170)
Scapholunate interval widening (HP:6001198)
Inability to fully extend finger at metacarpophalangeal joint (HP:6001196)
Abnormal wrist morphology (HP:0025798)
Conjunctival xerosis (HP:6001193)
Lunotriquetral interval widening (HP:6001201)
Optic disc hemorrhage (HP:6001186)
Wrist arthritis (HP:6001197)
Radial nerve distribution (HP:6001176)
Talipes varus (HP:0025802)
Spongiosis (HP:6001166)
Abnormal MHC surface expression (HP:6001190)
Ulnar wrist pain (HP:6001200)
Corneal dellen (HP:6001192)
Abnormal retinal vein morphology (HP:6001165)
Increased compartment pressure (HP:6001172)
Synonyms added: 79
Term New Synonym Predicate
Decreased circulating superoxide dismutase concentration (HP:0031837) Decreased superoxide dismutase level oio:hasExactSynonym
Decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase activity (HP:0003282) Low alkaline phosphatase oio:hasExactSynonym
Hyperkalemia (HP:0002153) Increased circulating potassium concentration oio:hasExactSynonym
Temporomandibular joint ankylosis (HP:0012478) Jaw ankylosis oio:hasExactSynonym
Vogt striae (HP:6001180) Vertical stromal lines oio:hasExactSynonym
Onychoheterotopia (HP:6001189) Ectopic fingernail oio:hasExactSynonym
Congenital posterior urethral valve (HP:0010957) COPUM oio:hasExactSynonym
Ureteral stenosis (HP:0000071) Ureteric stenosis oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal circulating superoxide dismutase activity (HP:0031835) Abnormal superoxide dismutase level oio:hasExactSynonym
Corneal dellen (HP:6001192) Corneal stromal dellen oio:hasExactSynonym
Conjunctival xerosis (HP:6001193) Dry conjunctiva oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal urethral discharge (HP:6000108) Abnormal penile discharge oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Limited shoulder internal rotation (HP:6001170) Shoulder internal rotation limited oio:hasExactSynonym
Single umbilical artery (HP:0001195) SUA oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal circulating potassium concentration (HP:0011042) Abnormal blood potassium concentration oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal periungual morphology (HP:0100803) Abnormality of the periungual region oio:hasExactSynonym
Conjunctival xerosis (HP:6001193) Conjunctival dryness oio:hasExactSynonym
Neural tube defect (HP:0045005) NTD oio:hasExactSynonym
Clavicular edema (HP:6001178) Edema localized around the clavicle oio:hasExactSynonym
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167) Straight adrenal gland oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal scaphoid morphology (HP:0004243) Abnormality of the scaphoid oio:hasExactSynonym
Scapholunate interval widening (HP:6001198) Terry-Thomas sign oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:4000198) Reduced acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase activity in cultured fibroblasts oio:hasExactSynonym
Intrauterine growth retardation (HP:0001511) FGR oio:hasExactSynonym
Choroid thickening (HP:6001181) Pachychoroid oio:hasExactSynonym
Congenital posterior urethral valve (HP:0010957) Congenital obstructing posterior urethral membranes oio:hasExactSynonym
Corneal epithelial edema (HP:6001182) Bullous keratopathy oio:hasExactSynonym
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167) Elongated adrenal gland oio:hasExactSynonym
Corneal dellen (HP:6001192) Localized corneal thinning oio:hasExactSynonym
Glanular hypospadias (HP:0000807) Balanic hypospadias oio:hasExactSynonym
Omovertebral bone (HP:6001177) Os omovertebrale oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal hamate bone morphology (HP:0004259) Abnormality of the hamate bone oio:hasExactSynonym
FInger pulp localization (HP:6001199) Symptoms localized to pulp of the finger oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase in cultured fibroblasts (HP:4000197) Reduced N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase in cultured fibroblasts oio:hasExactSynonym
Increased circulating superoxide dismutase concentration (HP:0031836) Increased superoxide dismutase level oio:hasExactSynonym
Pain at the lateral aspect of the elbow (HP:6001173) Lateral elbow pain oio:hasExactSynonym
Intrauterine growth retardation (HP:0001511) Fetal growth restriction oio:hasExactSynonym
Optic disc hemorrhage (HP:6001186) Optic disc bleeding oio:hasExactSynonym
Congenital megaureter (HP:0008676) Primary megaureter oio:hasExactSynonym
Caesarean section (HP:0011410) Caesarean section oio:hasExactSynonym
Retinal shunt vessels (HP:6001183) Retinal collateral vessels oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal trapezoid bone morphology (HP:0004256) Abnormality of the trapezoid bone oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced MHC I cell surface expression (HP:0025794) Reduced cell surface expression of class I HLA antigens oio:hasExactSynonym
Clavicular edema (HP:6001178) Clavicular swelling oio:hasExactSynonym
Talipes varus (HP:0025802) Pes adductus oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal capitate bone morphology (HP:0004262) Abnormality of the capitate bone oio:hasExactSynonym
Painful lymphadenopathy (HP:0025804) Lymph node pain oio:hasExactSynonym
Triggered by exposure to medication (HP:4000101) Triggered by medication exposure oio:hasExactSynonym
Superior displacement of the humeral head (HP:6001171) Proximal subluxation of the humeral head oio:hasExactSynonym
Congenital megaureter (HP:0008676) Primary megaloureter oio:hasExactSynonym
Mucocutaneous lesion painful (HP:0025803) Skin or mucosal lesions painful oio:hasExactSynonym
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (HP:0020102) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia oio:hasExactSynonym
Biliary atresia (HP:0005912) Atresia of bile ducts oio:hasExactSynonym
Superior displacement of the humeral head (HP:6001171) Decreased acromiohumeral distance oio:hasExactSynonym
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167) Lying down adrenal gland oio:hasExactSynonym
Inability to fully extend finger at metacarpophalangeal joint (HP:6001196) Inability to fully extend finger at MCP joint oio:hasExactSynonym
Bouchard node (HP:0012314) Bouchard's node oio:hasExactSynonym
Onychogryphosis (HP:0001805) Onychogryposis oio:hasExactSynonym
Choroid thickening (HP:6001181) Increased choroidal thickness oio:hasExactSynonym
Vogt striae (HP:6001180) Vogt's striae oio:hasExactSynonym
Vogt striae (HP:6001180) Corneal striae oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal subungual morphology (HP:0009723) Abnormality of the subungual region oio:hasExactSynonym
Spina bifida occulta (HP:0003298) Hidden spina bifida oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal fascia morphology (HP:0100536) Abnormality of the fascia oio:hasExactSynonym
Heberden node (HP:0012313) Heberden's node oio:hasExactSynonym
Limited shoulder external rotation (HP:6001194) Shoulder external rotation limited oio:hasExactSynonym
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167) Lying down adrenal sign oio:hasExactSynonym
Purulent parotid gland drainage (HP:0034781) Purulent drainage from Stensen duct oio:hasExactSynonym
Talipes varus (HP:0025802) Pes varus oio:hasExactSynonym
Positive CSF anti-measles antibody test (HP:6001179) Elevated measles antibody titer in cerebrospinal fluid oio:hasExactSynonym
Inability to fully extend finger at metacarpophalangeal joint (HP:6001196) Inability to fully extend finger from base oio:hasExactSynonym
Accessory scaphoid (HP:0004244) Bipartite scaphoid oio:hasExactSynonym
Superior displacement of the humeral head (HP:6001171) High-riding shoulder oio:hasExactSynonym
Choroid thickening (HP:6001181) Thickened choroid oio:hasExactSynonym
Discoid adrenal gland (HP:6001167) Pancake adrenal gland oio:hasExactSynonym
Bull's eye maculopathy (HP:0011504) Annular macular dys...
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2025-01-16 Release

16 Jan 16:00
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HPO Content Updates

Classes added: 9
Poor R-wave progression (HP:6001161)
Synovial crystals (HP:6001156)
Finger mass (HP:6001163)
Pulsatile mass in extremity (HP:6001159)
Occupational exposure to frequent kneeling (HP:6001157)
Abnormal R wave (HP:6001160)
Trochanteric pain (HP:6001158)
Prominent V1-V2 R wave (HP:6001162)
Foot mass (HP:6001164)
Synonyms added: 29
Term New Synonym Predicate
Trochanteric pain (HP:6001158) Pain at the lateral aspect of the hip oio:hasExactSynonym
Finger mass (HP:6001163) Bump on finger oio:hasExactSynonym
Occupational exposure to frequent kneeling (HP:6001157) History of frequent kneeling oio:hasExactSynonym
Foot mass (HP:6001164) Lump on foot oio:hasExactSynonym
Food allergy (HP:0500093) Allergic reaction to foods oio:hasExactSynonym
Hepatic failure (HP:0001399) Hepatic insufficiency oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced MHC II surface expression (HP:0031390) Reduced human leukocyte antigen class II surface expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Slow-growing hair (HP:0002217) Poor hair growth oio:hasExactSynonym
Foot mass (HP:6001164) Foot growth oio:hasExactSynonym
Food allergy (HP:0500093) Reaction to food allergens oio:hasExactSynonym
Synovial crystals (HP:6001156) Crystals in synovial fluid oio:hasExactSynonym
Chiari malformation (HP:0002308) Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia oio:hasExactSynonym
Prominent V1-V2 R wave (HP:6001162) Prominent R wave in lead V1 oio:hasExactSynonym
Facial edema (HP:0000282) Swelling of the face oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal MHC II surface expression (HP:0031389) Abnormal human leukocyte antigen class II surface expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Stiff skin (HP:0030053) Skin induration oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced MHC II surface expression (HP:0031390) Abnormal HLA class II surface expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Finger mass (HP:6001163) Finger growth oio:hasExactSynonym
Synovial crystals (HP:6001156) Bursa aspiration: crystals present oio:hasExactSynonym
Recurrent bronchopulmonary infections (HP:0006538) Recurrent bronchopneumonia oio:hasExactSynonym
Prominent V1-V2 R wave (HP:6001162) High voltage R wave in V1/V2 oio:hasExactSynonym
Trochanteric pain (HP:6001158) Lateral hip pain oio:hasExactSynonym
Pulmonary artery atresia (HP:0004935) Atresia of the pulmonary artery oio:hasExactSynonym
Foot mass (HP:6001164) Bump on foot oio:hasExactSynonym
Finger mass (HP:6001163) Lump on finger oio:hasExactSynonym
Trochanteric pain (HP:6001158) Pain on the outside of the hip oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal MHC II surface expression (HP:0031389) Abnormal major histocompatibility complex class II surface expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Recurrent sinusitis (HP:0011108) Recurrent sinus infections oio:hasExactSynonym
Swollen lip (HP:0031244) Lip swelling oio:hasExactSynonym
Synonyms removed: 1
Term Removed Synonym
Elevated urine D-lactate level (HP:6000467) #8641
Nodes renamed: 1
ID Old Label New Label
HP:0031134 Cor triatrium sinister Cor triatriatum sinister

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2024-12-12...2025-01-16

2024-12-12 Release

12 Dec 01:27
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New and updated content

Phenotypes renamed: 29
ID Old Label New Label
HP:0041090 obsolete Avulsion fractured pelvic region of trunk Pelvic avulsion fracture
HP:0004366 Abnormality of glycolysis obsolete Abnormality of glycolysis
HP:5200267 Laeden paralysis Leaden paralysis
HP:6000762 Posiitive rubella CSF culture Positive rubella CSF culture
HP:0041243 Fractured proximal phalanx of manus Fractured proximal finger phalanx
HP:0031103 Decreased cirrculating antimullerian hormone circulation Decreased circulating antimullerian hormone circulation
HP:0041064 Fractured knee obsolete Fractured knee
HP:0007543 Epidermal hyperkeratosis obsolete Epidermal hyperkeratosis
HP:0041236 Fractured middle phalanx of manus Fractured middle finger phalanx
HP:0003891 Abnormality of the humeral epiphysis Abnormal humeral epiphysis morphology
HP:5200018 Steroetypic upper-extremity movements Stereotypic upper-extremity movements
HP:0002423 Long-tract signs Long-tract sign
HP:0007350 Hyperreflexia in upper limbs Upper limb hyperreflexia
HP:0025707 Hypoplastic nasal bone Hypoplastic fetal nasal bone
HP:0003063 Abnormality of the humerus obsolete Abnormality of the humerus
HP:6000299 Forearm Forearm pain
HP:0041174 Fractured distal phalanx of manus Fractured distal finger phalanx
HP:0041161 obsolete Fractured pelvic region of trunk Pelvis fracture
HP:0041239 Fractured manual digit 1 phalanx Fractured thumb phalanx
HP:0000290 Abnormality of the forehead Abnormal forehead morphology
HP:0041225 Fractured metacarpal bone of digit 1 Fractured 1st metacarpal
HP:5200017 Steroetypic movements of face and head Stereotypic movements of face and head
HP:0030995 Peritoneal effusion obsolete Peritoneal effusion
HP:0003542 Increased serum pyruvate Increased circulating pyruvate concentration
HP:3000022 Abnormality of cartilage of external ear Abnormal external ear cartilage morphology
HP:0003961 Fractured forearm bones Fractured forearm bone
HP:0000811 Abnormal external genitalia Abnormal external genitalia morphology
HP:0040110 Abnormal saccule morphology obsolete Abnormal saccule morphology
HP:0041241 Fractured phalanx of manus Fractured finger phalanx
Phenotypes added: 41
Hypertrophic ulnar styloid process (HP:6001117)
Digoxin exposure (HP:6001138)
Pain at the medial aspect of the knee (HP:6001154)
Posterior fat pad sign of the elbow (HP:6001143)
Distal radioulnar joint arthritis (HP:6001130)
Increased peripheral nerve cross sectional area (HP:6001147)
Purulent drainage from skin (HP:6001119)
Coronoid fracture (HP:6001134)
Radial head fracture (HP:6001131)
History of recent participation in athletics (HP:6001128)
Pain at the anterior aspect of the knee (HP:6001144)
Skin laceration (HP:6001125)
Upper arm pain (HP:6001139)
History of spinal cord injury (HP:6001135)
Triceps tendon rupture (HP:6001137)
Pain exacerbated by wrist deviation (HP:6001152)
Metacarpal fracture (HP:6001126)
Pain disproportionate to abnormality on physical exam (HP:6001123)
Pain on the lateral aspect of the foot (HP:6001153)
Pain at the posterior aspect of the knee (HP:6001145)
Pain at the base of the thumb (HP:6001127)
Positive Speed's test (HP:6001150)
Femoral nerve distribution (HP:6001136)
Remote trauma history (HP:6001129)
Capitellum fracture (HP:6001140)
EEG with temporal slowing (HP:6001115)
Pain at the lateral aspect of the knee (HP:6001155)
Single-finger involvement (HP:6001121)
Pain at the anterior aspect of the elbow (HP:6001142)
Biceps tendonitis (HP:6001146)
Elbow lateral collateral ligament tear (HP:6001132)
Pain exacerbated by passive flexion at joint (HP:6001148)
Triangular lunate bone (HP:6001151)
Positive hook test at the elbow (HP:6001149)
Anterior shoulder pain (HP:6001141)
Occupational history of putting fingers in other people's mouths (HP:6001120)
History of high-pressure injection injury of the hand (HP:6001116)
Elbow medial collateral ligament tear (HP:6001133)
Multiple-finger involvement (HP:6001122)
Sphenoid wing dysplasia (HP:6001124)
History of recent peripheral venous catheter (HP:6001118)
Synonyms added: 84
Term New Synonym Predicate
Positive hook test at the elbow (HP:6001149) Positive O'Driscoll hook test oio:hasExactSynonym
Cutaneous cyst (HP:0025245) Skin cyst oio:hasExactSynonym
Partial atrioventricular canal defect (HP:0011577) PAVSD oio:hasExactSynonym
Increased peripheral nerve cross sectional area (HP:6001147) Peripheral nerve swelling oio:hasExactSynonym
Pain on the lateral aspect of the foot (HP:6001153) Lateral foot pain oio:hasExactSynonym
Femoral nerve distribution (HP:6001136) Femoral nerve distribution oio:hasExactSynonym
Failure to thrive (HP:0001508) FTT oio:hasExactSynonym
Short REM sleep (HP:5200360) Short rapid eye movement sleep oio:hasExactSynonym
Muscle spasm (HP:0003394) Muscle spasms oio:hasExactSynonym
Distal radioulnar joint arthritis (HP:6001130) Arthritis of the distal radioulnar joint oio:hasExactSynonym
Otitis media with effusion (HP:0031353) OME oio:hasExactSynonym
Capitellum fracture (HP:6001140) Capitellar fracture oio:hasExactSynonym
Fusion of middle ear ossicles (HP:0005473) Fused ossicles oio:hasExactSynonym
Triangular lunate bone (HP:6001151) Piece of pie sign of lunate bone oio:hasExactSynonym
Neurofibrillary tangles (HP:0002185) Tau-positive tangle oio:hasExactSynonym
EEG with temporal slowing (HP:6001115) EEG with slow activity in temporal lobes oio:hasExactSynonym
Retrognathia (HP:0000278) Lower jaw retrusion oio:hasExactSynonym
Hypertrophic ulnar styloid process (HP:6001117) Ulnar styloid large oio:hasExactSynonym
Retrognathia (HP:0000278) Mandibular retrognathia oio:hasExactSynonym
Hyperkinetic movements (HP:0002487) Hyperactive movements oio:hasExactSynonym
Submucous cleft palate (HP:5201016) Submucosal cleft palate oio:hasExactSynonym
Conical incisor (HP:0011065) Peg-shaped tooth oio:hasExactSynonym
Pelvis fracture (HP:0041161) Pelvic fracture oio:hasExactSynonym
Digoxin exposure (HP:6001138) Lanoxin exposure oio:hasExactSynonym
Neurofibrillary tangles (HP:0002185) Tau-positive neurofibrillary tangles oio:hasExactSynonym
Increased circulating pyruvate concentration (HP:0003542) Increased serum pyruvate oio:hasExactSynonym
Partial atrioventricular canal defect (HP:0011577) Partial atrioventricular septal defect oio:hasExactSynonym
Multiple-finger involvement (HP:6001122) Multiple finger involvement oio:hasExactSynonym
Lens luxation (HP:0012019) Completely dislocated lenses oio:hasExactSynonym
Microcephaly (HP:0000252) small calvarium oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Upper limb hyperreflexia (HP:0007350) Hyperreflexia in upper limbs oio:hasExactSynonym
Fractured thumb phalanx (HP:0041239) Fractured manual digit 1 phalanx oio:hasExactSynonym
Upper arm pain (HP:6001139) Proximal arm pain oio:hasExactSynonym
Positive hook test at the elbow (HP:6001149) Positive distal biceps hook test oio:hasExactSynonym
Partial atrioventricular canal defect (HP:0011577) Partial AVSD oio:hasExactSynonym
Partial atrioventricular canal defect (HP:0011577) Incomplete atrioventricular septal defect oio:hasExactSynonym
Urinary urgency (HP:0000012) Urgent micturition oio:hasExactSynonym
Submucous cleft palate (HP:5201016) Submucous clefting oio:hasExactSynonym
Retrognathia (HP:0000278) Mandibular retrusion oio:hasExactSynonym
Elbow lateral collateral ligament tear (HP:6001132) Ligamentous tear on the lateral aspect of the elbow oio:hasExactSynonym
Hyperkeratosis (HP:0000962) Epidermal hyperkeratosis oio:hasExactSynonym
Partial atrioventricular canal defect (HP:0011577) Partial AVC defect oio:hasExactSynonym
Elbow lateral collateral ligament tear (HP:6001132) Lateral ulnar collateral ligament tear oio:hasExactSynonym
Retrognathia (HP:0000278) Retrusion of lower jaw oio:hasExactSynonym
Long-tract sign (HP:0002423) Long-tract signs oio:hasExactSynonym
Slow pupillary light response (HP:0030211) Sluggish pupillary reactions to light oio:hasExactSynonym
Decreased lacrimation (HP:0000633) Hypolacrimia oio:hasExactSynonym
Agenesis of permanent teeth (HP:0006349) Missing permanent teeth oio:hasExactSynonym
Fractured distal finger phalanx (HP:0041174) Fractured distal phalanx of manus oio:hasExactSynonym
Vesicoureteral reflux (HP:0000076) VUR oio:hasExactSynonym
Biceps tendonitis (HP:6001146) Biceps tendinitis oio:hasExactSynonym
Primum atrial septal defect (HP:0010445) ostium primum ASD oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal vestibular saccule morphology (HP:0030999) Abnormal saccule morphology oio:hasExactSynonym
Fractured middle finger phalanx (HP:0041236) Fractured middle phalanx of manus oio:hasExactSynonym
Pelvis fracture (HP:0041161) Fractured pelvic region of trunk oio:hasExactSynonym
Elbow medial collateral ligament tear (HP:6001133) Ligamentous tear on the medial aspect of the elbow oio:hasExactSynonym
Distal radioulnar joint arthritis (HP:6001130) DRUJ arthritis oio:hasExactSynonym
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2024-08-13 Release

13 Aug 12:29
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Content changes

Classes added: 273
Left ventricular rupture (HP:6001036)
Positive bloodstream cryptococcus culture (HP:6000906)
Reduced beta-hexosaminidase A activity (HP:0025754)
Tangential speech (HP:0025775)
Fetal methamphetamine exposure (HP:6000990)
Scalp edema (HP:6000959)
Diminished long-chain-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6001023)
Longitudinal erythronychia (HP:6001074)
Idiosyncratic use of words (HP:0025774)
Circumscribed (HP:6001047)
Elevated urine hydroxyphenyllactic acid level (HP:6001004)
Subcortical U fiber lesion (HP:6000995)
Exposure to oily lotions or creams (HP:6001094)
Dorsal flexion contracture of the ankle (HP:6001097)
Radiodense (HP:0025790)
Decreased circulating transcobalamin I concentration (HP:6000967)
Delta brush pattern on EEG (HP:6001051)
Sweaty foot-like odor (HP:6001063)
Positive tissue coccidioidomycosis culture (HP:6000965)
Iliac vein compression (HP:6001099)
Postprandial exacerbation (HP:6000932)
Impaired hepatobiliary scintigraphy tracer uptake (HP:6000930)
Anti-HLA-DQ antibody positivity (HP:6001015)
History of aortic valve replacement (HP:6000983)
Positive bloodstream tuberculosis-induced T-cell-based interferon-gamma release assay (HP:6000901)
Ankle dislocation (HP:6001057)
Fractured scaphoid bone (HP:6001107)
Positive bloodstream EBV monospot test (HP:6000923)
Asymmetric blood pressure between legs (HP:0025750)
Nonrimmed muscule vacuoles (HP:6000978)
Elevated urine L-xylulose level (HP:0025742)
Positive tissue encapsulated budding yeast test (HP:6000964)
Diminished glomerular basement membrane collagen IV alpha 4 chain staining (HP:6001028)
Serpiginous burrow (HP:6000960)
Positive Vibrio cholerae stool culture (HP:6000904)
Elevated tissue arylsulfatase A activity (HP:6001112)
Positive urine anion gap (HP:0025763)
Diminished sulfotransferase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000970)
Hepatic cystine accumulation (HP:6001032)
Excessive diet restriction (HP:6001072)
Anti-DREBRIN antibody positivity (HP:6001059)
Abnormal vestibulo-spinal reflex (HP:6001104)
Abnormal change in sexual drive (HP:0025793)
Thickened cortex of the mandible (HP:6000937)
Mechanic's hands (HP:6001013)
Oral mucosa plaque (HP:6001110)
Echogenic fetal colon (HP:6000916)
Abnormal tissue alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity (HP:6000972)
Reduced anterior scleral thickness (HP:0025751)
Out-toeing (HP:6001056)
Diminished circulating hyaluronidase activity (HP:6000969)
Prolonged retraction of penile foreskin (HP:6000935)
Reduced posterior scleral thickness (HP:0025752)
History of recent intermittent breastfeeding (HP:6001045)
Elevated urinary bile alcohol level (HP:6001007)
Exacerbated by exposure to sunlight (HP:6001075)
Asymmetric blood pressure between arms (HP:6000945)
Positive brain-tissue rabies nucleic acid test (HP:6000961)
Subdural hygroma (HP:6001070)
Diminished acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6001024)
Anti-apolipoprotein CII autoantibody positivity (HP:6001061)
Intoeing (HP:6001054)
Elevated urine glucose tetrasaccharide level (HP:6001008)
Carotidynia (HP:6000944)
Ring-enhancing cerebral lesion (HP:0025738)
Elevated urine malic acid level (HP:6001000)
Brainstem lucency (HP:0025741)
Abnormal preoccupation (HP:0025785)
Reduced tissue neuraminidase activity (HP:6000911)
Positive probe-to-bone test (HP:6001105)
Single lesion (HP:6000914)
Positive bloodstream Borrelia miyamotoi nucleic acid test (HP:6000907)
Pupillary hypersensitivity to parasympathomimetic agents (HP:6000993)
Punctate pontine perivascular enhancement (HP:6001037)
Anti-lipoprotein lipase autoantibody positivity (HP:6001060)
Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in wound tissue (HP:6000963)
Coved type ST segment elevation (HP:6000984)
Tibiotalar synostosis (HP:6001052)
Rapid gastric emptying (HP:6001017)
Radiolucent (HP:0025789)
Intestinal worm (HP:6001038)
Eggshell calcification of lymph nodes (HP:6001019)
Thumb hypoplasia grade 3B (HP:6000941)
Abnormal syntax (HP:0025782)
Left ventricular apical dyskinesis (HP:6001073)
Diminished urine glutamine level (HP:0025746)
Exposure to repetive hand impact (HP:6001106)
Anti-mumps antibody positivity (HP:6000903)
Thumb hypoplasia grade 3A (HP:6000940)
Elevated urinary mandelic acid (HP:6000999)
Elevated bone scintigraphy uptake (HP:6001022)
Dyschronometria (HP:6001044)
Thickened cortex of the clavicle (HP:6000936)
Substantially elevated circulating ethanol concentration (HP:6000986)
Metaphyseal undermodelling (HP:6001098)
Elevated urinary 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid level (HP:6000992)
Eosinophilic neuronal inclusion bodies (HP:6001062)
Bone marrow cystine accumulation (HP:6001033)
Ruminations (HP:0025771)
Immobile lump (HP:0025760)
Saddle-back type ST segment elevation (HP:6000985)
Transverse terminal upper limb defect (HP:6000918)
Tortuous appearance of the stomach (HP:6000987)
Hemimelia of lower leg (HP:6000947)
Incus ankylosis (HP:6001071)
Vertebra plana (HP:6001053)
Positive mumps virus PCR test in the blood circulation (HP:6000900)
Elevated brain succinate level by MRS (HP:0025740)
Inability to puff cheeks (HP:6001102)
Conjunctival subepithelial fibrosis (HP:6001090)
Abnormal volitional state (HP:0025780)
Local anesthetic ineffectiveness (HP:6001108)
Positive respiratory tract Bordetella pertussis nucleic acid test (HP:6000962)
Elevated urinary 2-aminoisobutyric acid (HP:0025753)
Positive tuberculin skin test (HP:6000925)
Abnormal urine amino acid level (HP:0025745)
T2-hyperintense putaminal rim (HP:6001084)
Decreased T-cell ZAP-70 protein expression in CD4-positive T cells (HP:6001096)
Strong ultraviolet light exposure (HP:6001092)
Palmoplantar location (HP:6001109)
Muscle vacuoles (HP:6000977)
Dysorthography (HP:6000915)
Inappropriately low urine osmolality following challenge (HP:6001079)
Optic nerve mass (HP:0025739)
Thumb hypoplasia grade 4 (HP:6000942)
Subcutaneous emphysema (HP:6001021)
Positive CSF Toxoplasma gondii antibody positivity (HP:6000924)
Elevated urine 3-hydroxysebacic acid level (HP:6001001)
Tongue spasticity (HP:0025747)
Rubber-like lump (HP:0025765)
Abnormal subthalamic nucleus morphology (HP:0025737)
Posiitve skin scabies test (HP:6000899)
Disorder of thought content (HP:0025779)
Breath-holding spell (HP:6000950)
Restricted tongue movement (HP:0025748)
Whorled (HP:6001050)
Bone marrow hemophagocytosis (HP:6000980)
Reduced epidermal collagen IV alpha 5 chain staining (HP:6001026)
Irregular P-P interval (HP:6001087)
Intraosseous lipoma (HP:0025786)
Hiker's feet (HP:6001014)
Cystine nephrolithiasis (HP:6001031)
Anti-Treponema pallidum antibody positivity (HP:6000926)
Abnormal semantics (HP:0025773)
Inappropriate elation (HP:0025768)
Positive gastric CMV intranuclear inclusions (HP:6001005)
Triggered by high protein intake (HP:6001067)
Elevated urine dodecanedioic acid level (HP:0025744)
Elevated urine 4,5-dihydroxyhexanoic acid level (HP:6001003)
Abnormal positive emotional state (HP:0025767)
Painless mass (HP:0025761)
Elevated urinary adipic acid (HP:6001114)
Diminished tissue alpha-L-iduronidase activity (HP:6000910)
Fungal hair infection (HP:6001088)
Thought insertion (HP:0025776)
Characteristic of mass (HP:0025758)
Palpable thrill on extremity (HP:6001055)
Entoptic phenomenon (HP:6001103)
Elevated urinary vanillactic acid level (HP:6001002)
obsolete Peripheral nerve metachromasia (HP:6001030)
Diminished glomerular basement membrane collagen IV alpha 5 chain staining (HP:6001029)
Excessive piloerection (HP:6000958)
Craniocervical junction constriction (HP:6000920)
Splenic granulomatosis (HP:6000981)
Thought broadcasting (HP:0025777)
2-3 finger osseus syndactyly (HP:0025770)
Scrotal worm (HP:6001039)
Hemimelia of forearm (HP:6000948)
Inappropriate normal or low erythropoietin (HP:6001016)
Thumb hypoplasia grade 2 (HP:6000939)
Conjunctival fornix foreshortening (HP:6001091)
Spiculated (HP:6001049)
Anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positivity (HP:6001064)
Mediastinal lymph node calcification (HP:6001018)
Anti-neuronal intermediate filament antibody positivity (HP:6001058)
Liver rupture (HP:6000998)
Swelling of inguinal region (HP:6000913)
Erythema marginatum (HP:6001012)
Exacerbated by heat (HP:6001076)
Elevated circulating trihydroxycholestanoic acid concentration (HP:6000973)
Prolonged use of tightly fitting footwear (HP:6001066)
Twisted gallbladder pedicle (HP:6001042)
Diminished circulating cationic trypsinogen concentration (HP:6000968)
Abnormal nail surface (HP:0025757)
Exuberant granulation tissue (HP:6000956)
Diminished glomerular basement membrane collagen IV alpha 3 chain staining (HP:6001027)
Sorbitol ingestion (HP:6000953)
Positive serum amyloid P scintigraphy (HP:6001100)
Abnormal cognitive process (HP:0025792)
Irregular RR interval (HP:6001086)
Thought echo (HP:0025778)
Immediate detumescence of penis at time of symptom onset (HP:6000982)
Breast cyst (HP:6001046)
Maternal retinal mottling (HP:6001041)
Femoral osteopoikilosis (HP:6000943)
Asymmetric blood pressure between limbs (H...
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2024-07-01 Release

01 Jul 18:05
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Content changes

Classes added: 115
Popcorn calcification (HP:6000871)
Elevated CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentration (HP:6000823)
Recent history of sedation by propofol infusion (HP:6000883)
Amyloid goiter (HP:6000815)
Eschar (HP:6000793)
Megacolon (HP:6000852)
Enlarged distal tibial epiphysis (HP:6000886)
Proximal radioulnar joint dislocation (HP:6000890)
Anti-DCC netrin 1 receptor antibody positivity (HP:6000881)
Periumbilical depression (HP:6000808)
Positive bloodstream HIV p24 antigen test (HP:6000798)
Gastric carcinoid tumor (HP:6000898)
Elevated circulating beta-glucuronidase activity (HP:6000819)
Positive Quantiferon tuberculosis test (HP:6000799)
Elevated urinary phosphohydroxylysine level (HP:6000806)
Positive lacrimal tract actinomyces culture (HP:6000792)
Elevated urine fructose level (HP:6000804)
Temporomandibular joint dislocation (HP:6000814)
Decreased circulating sulfate concentration (HP:6000854)
Pancreatic VIPoma (HP:6000897)
Beaded bile ducts (HP:6000846)
Thickened cortex of the ulna (HP:6000812)
Enlarged radial head (HP:6000885)
Toe hyperphalangy (HP:6000868)
Cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia (HP:6000824)
Anti-dachshund family transcription factor 1 antibody positivity (HP:6000877)
Reduced C27 3beta-HSD activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000825)
Elevated osmolality gap (HP:6000820)
Positive CSF mycobacterial culture (HP:6000835)
Cardiac mass (HP:6000847)
Nonexudative conjunctivitis (HP:6000843)
Symmetric distribution (HP:6000857)
Elevated urine bismuth level (HP:6000888)
Dermal foam cells (HP:6000859)
Exacerbated by pronation (HP:6000790)
Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase to alanine aminotransferase ratio (HP:6000813)
Long-bone fracture (HP:0025736)
Sclerotic ilium (HP:6000869)
Breast apocrine adenoma (HP:6000895)
Positive respiratory tract nucleic acid pathogen test (HP:6000836)
Hyperkalemia while symptomatic (HP:6000833)
Multiple eyelid beaded papules (HP:6000842)
Positive respiratory tract SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus nucleic acid test (HP:6000837)
Wide sacroiliac joint (HP:6000875)
Muscle extensor surface location (HP:6000858)
Thickened femoral cortex (HP:6000810)
Elevated blood bismuth concentration (HP:6000887)
Fibrocystic breast lesion (HP:6000896)
Delayed tibial epiphyseal ossification (HP:6000867)
Delayed ossification of the clavicle (HP:6000874)
Elevated urinary 2,8-dihydroxyadenine level (HP:6000803)
Diminished tissue glycogen branching enzyme activity (HP:6000861)
Thyroid cyst (HP:6000853)
Horizontal position of testicle (HP:6000839)
Diminished alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000830)
Gaucher cells (HP:6000893)
Basilar artery fenestration (HP:6000787)
Anti-potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 16 antibody positivity (HP:6000878)
Tzanck smear with multinucleated giant cells (HP:6000800)
Displacement of the extensor tendon in metacarpophalangeal joint (HP:6000788)
Metaphyseal chevron deformity (HP:6000870)
Reduced tissue peptidase D activity (HP:6000828)
Anti-Glutamate Receptor delta2 antibody positivity (HP:6000876)
Abnormal scleral thickness (HP:6000841)
Elevated urinary gamma-glutamylcysteine level (HP:6000834)
Thickened cortex of the radius (HP:6000811)
Anti-regulator of G protein signaling 8 antibody positivity (HP:6000879)
Cervical C6/C7 vertebrae fusion (HP:6000807)
Elevated serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) (HP:6000863)
Distal radioulnar joint dislocation (HP:6000889)
Absent superficial temporal artery pulse (HP:6000786)
Absent toe phalanx flexion crease (HP:6000891)
Positive fecal cryptosporidium antigen test (HP:6000838)
Transverse terminal limb defect (HP:6000818)
Positive bloodstream rapid plasma reagin test (HP:6000797)
Reduced tissue phosphorylase kinase activity (HP:6000832)
Reduced tissue glycine cleavage enzyme activity (HP:6000829)
Reduced procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000826)
Hyperphalangy of the 4th finger (HP:6000865)
White matter globoid cells (HP:6000892)
Elevated circulating bile alcohol concentration (HP:6000821)
Bowdler spurs (HP:6000873)
Transverse smile (HP:6000864)
Positive Mazzotti test (HP:6000801)
Vascular compression of the eighth cranial nerve (HP:6000845)
Diminished tissue fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase activity (HP:6000827)
Breast adenoma (HP:6000894)
Heloma (HP:6000789)
Basilar meningeal enhancement (HP:6000851)
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the calvaria (HP:6000872)
Delayed distal femoral epiphyseal ossification (HP:6000866)
Prominent lesser trochanter (HP:6000816)
Anti-neurochondrin antibody positivity (HP:6000880)
Cold intolerance (HP:6000855)
Nematode in retina (HP:6000844)
Diminished tissue very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000860)
Distortion of the anterior part of the interhemispheric fissure (HP:6000791)
Thickened tibial cortex (HP:6000809)
History of wearing tightly fitted clothing (HP:6000794)
Superior olive hypertrophy (HP:6000848)
Abnormal third cranial nerve morphology (HP:0025735)
Enlarged humeral head (HP:6000884)
Positive bloodstream Tropheryma whippelii nucleic acid test (HP:6000802)
Anti-recoverin antibody positivity (HP:6000882)
Temporal cortex localization (HP:6000850)
Increased circulating dihydroxycholestanoic acid concentration (HP:6000831)
Localized soft-tissue swelling on extremity (HP:6000840)
Head and neck distribution (HP:6000856)
Melorheostosis (HP:6000817)
Parotid adenoma (HP:6000862)
Elevated CSF tetrahydrobiopterin level (HP:6000822)
Anti-folate receptor antibody positivity (HP:6000795)
Elevated urinary uroporphyrin level (HP:6000805)
Positive bloodstream VDRL test (HP:6000796)
Spinal extradural arachnoid cyst (HP:6000849)
Text definitions added: 115
Term New Text Definition
Popcorn calcification (HP:6000871) Popcorn calcifications are areas of amorphous calcifications often with rings and arcs that resemble popped corn kernels in the metaphysis and epiphysis around the growth plate.
Elevated CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentration (HP:6000823) The concentration of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is above the upper limit of normal.
Recent history of sedation by propofol infusion (HP:6000883) A history of exposure to anesthesia by propofanol infusion recently before the presenting complaint.
Amyloid goiter (HP:6000815) Amyloidosis is defined as the accumulation of amorphous, proteinaceous material in different parts of the body. Amyloid can be deposited in the thyroid gland in such quantities to cause a clinically apparent enlargement of the gland known as Amyloid goiter.
Eschar (HP:6000793) A type of wound characterized by dry, black, hard necrotic tissue.
Megacolon (HP:6000852) Persistent and substantial increase in diameter diameter and length of the colon.
Enlarged distal tibial epiphysis (HP:6000886) Size (volume) of the distal epiphysis of the tiba above the upper limit of normal.
Proximal radioulnar joint dislocation (HP:6000890) he proximal radioulnar translocation means that both the radius and ulna are dislocated from the humerus.
Anti-DCC netrin 1 receptor antibody positivity (HP:6000881) The presence of autoantibodies in the serum that react against Netrin-1 receptors DCC (deleted in colorectal carcinoma).
Periumbilical depression (HP:6000808) The tissue that immediately surrounds the umbilicus is located below the normal plane of the abdomen.
Positive bloodstream HIV p24 antigen test (HP:6000798) Demonstration of the p24 antigen of human immunodeficiency virus in the bloodstream.
Gastric carcinoid tumor (HP:6000898) Originating from enterochromaffin-like cells, gastric carcinoid tumors are rare tumors that develop within the gastric mucosa. They can present as an isolated lesion or there can be multiple lesions. The tumor can invade locally into deeper structures of the gastrointestinal tract wall. Solitary gastric carcinoids have a greater chance for the development of malignancy and metastasis as compared to multiple gastric carcinoids due to hypergastrinemia.
Elevated circulating beta-glucuronidase activity (HP:6000819) The activity of beta-glucuronidase (EC in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Positive Quantiferon tuberculosis test (HP:6000799) A positive Quantiferon test result indicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Quantiferon assay is designed to stimulate IFN-gamma release from CD4+ T cells in a single tuberculosis antigen tube using long peptides from three M. tuberculosis antigens.
Elevated urinary phosphohydroxylysine level (HP:6000806) The amount of phosphohydroxylysine in the urine, normalized for urine concentration, is above the upper limit of normal.
Positive lacrimal tract actinomyces culture (HP:6000792) Growth of Actinomyces israelii (anaerobic filamentous gram positive) culture of lacrimal discharge or concretions.
Elevated urine fructose level (HP:6000804) Amount of fructose in the urine above the upper limit of normal.
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2024-06-25 Release

25 Jun 13:55
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Changes to HPO Content

Classes added: 85
Elevated urinary 4-tyramine level (HP:6000775)
Positive CSF treponemal antibody positivity (HP:6000767)
Premature glabellar skin wrinkling (HP:6000744)
Anti-glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored high-density lipoprotein binding protein 1 antibody positivity (HP:0025731)
Flexural reticulate hyperpigmentation (HP:6000745)
Elevated erythrocyte AICA-ribotide concentration (HP:6000752)
Dalen Fuchs nodules (HP:6000710)
Scalp nodule (HP:6000726)
Elevated circulating dimethyl sterol concentration (HP:6000754)
Elevated circulating 3-hydroxykynurenine concentration (HP:6000776)
Positive CSF human T-lymphotropic virus type I antibody positivity (HP:6000730)
Positive synovial mycobacterial culture (HP:6000734)
Positive mycobacterial synovial nucleic acid test (HP:6000735)
Reduced erythrocyte galactokinase activity (HP:6000723)
Abnormal social development (HP:0025732)
Triggering by ocular trauma (HP:6000711)
Paracentral hyper-autofluorecence (HP:6000769)
Decreased circulating pancreatic isoamylase activity (HP:6000721)
Decreased urinary creatine level (HP:6000748)
Olanzapine exposure (HP:6000780)
Elevated urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid level (HP:6000756)
Echophenomenon (HP:6000768)
Fixed fetal extremities (HP:6000770)
Abnormal peripapillary microvascular network (HP:6000771)
Reduced tissue guanidinoacetate methyltransferase activity (HP:6000722)
Decreased tissue S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase activity (HP:6000750)
Reduced tissue phosphomannose isomerase activity (HP:6000782)
Decreased CSF tetrahydrobiopterin level (HP:6000764)
Gelatinous drop-like dystrophic cornea (HP:6000712)
Anti-streptococcus deoxyribonuclease-B antibody positivity (HP:6000732)
Posiitive rubella CSF culture (HP:6000762)
Thickened fibular cortex (HP:6000705)
Decreased urinary dopamine level (HP:6000751)
Positive bloodstream influenza nucleic test (HP:6000737)
Axonal spheroids (HP:6000717)
Decreased CSF N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate concentration (HP:6000765)
Cone-shaped distal tibial epiphysis (HP:6000778)
Reduced tissue type II iodothyronine deiodinase activity (HP:6000719)
Maternal household cat exposure (HP:6000784)
Auriculitis (HP:6000772)
Positive CSF West Nile virus nucleic acid test (HP:6000759)
Positive chlamydia trachomatis urine nucleic acid test (HP:6000731)
Osteoporotic femoral neck (HP:6000779)
Auspitz sign (HP:6000724)
Central giant cell lesion of the jaw (HP:6000715)
Reduced tissue palmitoyl-protein thioesterase activity (HP:6000783)
Posterior vertebral body notching (HP:6000777)
Positive bloodstream babesia nucleic acid pathogen test (HP:6000736)
Positive bloodstream adenovirus nucleic acid test (HP:6000739)
Anti-Francisella tularensis antibody positivity (HP:6000740)
Elevated circulating monomethyl sterol concentration (HP:6000753)
Decreased liver bile salt export pump expression (HP:6000718)
Elevated circulating thiosulfate concentration (HP:6000757)
Streak gonad (HP:0025733)
Positive CSF fungus test (HP:6000729)
Elevated circulating C-terminal fibroblast growth factor 23 concentration (HP:6000755)
History of undercooked pork ingestion (HP:6000727)
Absent Bell phenomenon (HP:6000709)
Salty tasting skin (HP:6000725)
Positive bloodstream parainfluenza virus nucleic acid test (HP:6000738)
Elevated circulating type I procollagen aminoterminal propeptide concentration (HP:6000749)
Elevated fractional excretion of urate (HP:6000746)
Positive CSF herpes simplex virus nucleic acid test (HP:6000760)
Positive CSF Tropheryma whipplei bacteria microscopy (HP:6000766)
Reduced epidermal kindlin-1 expression (HP:6000714)
Elevated urinary 5-hydroxyhexanoic acid level (HP:0025734)
Femoral osteosclerosis (HP:6000708)
Abnormal urinary creatine level (HP:6000747)
Terminal hepatic lobular vascular occlusion (HP:6000716)
Positive CSF cryptococcal antigen test (HP:6000761)
New medication added in recent weeks (HP:6000706)
Hepatic reticuloendothelial system cell iron deposition (HP:6000713)
Reduced tissue phosphomannomutase activity (HP:6000781)
Protein craving (HP:6000785)
Reduced tissue fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000720)
Pediculosis capitis (HP:6000743)
Noctural pain (HP:6000707)
History of recent trauma to external ear canal (HP:6000774)
Positive CSF treponema pallidum nucleic acid test (HP:6000763)
Positive bloodstream MERS coronavirus nucleic acid test (HP:6000741)
History of recent rodent exposure (HP:6000728)
Positive nasopharyngeal corynebacterium diphtheriae nucleic acid test (HP:6000742)
Elevated circulating interleukin 1 receptor antagonist concentration (HP:6000758)
Recent history of moisture in external ear canal (HP:6000773)
Positive streptococcus A rapid antigen detection test (HP:6000733)
Synonyms added: 70
Term New Synonym Predicate
Positive CSF treponemal antibody positivity (HP:6000767) Positive Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption oio:hasExactSynonym
Positive CSF treponemal antibody positivity (HP:6000767) Positive Treponema pallidum hemoagglutination assay oio:hasExactSynonym
Positive CSF treponemal antibody positivity (HP:6000767) Positive Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test oio:hasExactSynonym
Anti-glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored high-density lipoprotein binding protein 1 antibody positivity (HP:0025731) Anti-GPIHBP1 antibody positivity oio:hasExactSynonym
Flexural reticulate hyperpigmentation (HP:6000745) Reticular pigmented anomaly of the flexures oio:hasExactSynonym
Flexural reticulate hyperpigmentation (HP:6000745) Reticulate hyperpigmentation of the flexures oio:hasExactSynonym
Scalp nodule (HP:6000726) Scalp nodules oio:hasExactSynonym
Hyperautofluorescent retinal lesion (HP:0025158) Retinal lipofuscin accumulation oio:hasRelatedSynonym
Positive CSF human T-lymphotropic virus type I antibody positivity (HP:6000730) Positive CSF HTLV-1 antibody positivity oio:hasExactSynonym
Decreased facial expression mirroring (HP:5200220) Decreased facial expression reciprocity oio:hasExactSynonym
Delayed upper limb epiphyseal ossification (HP:0003840) Delayed maturation of the end part of the upper limb bone oio:hasRelatedSynonym
Hip dislocation (HP:0002827) Dislocated femoral heads oio:hasExactSynonym
Hip dislocation (HP:0002827) Dislocation of the femoral head oio:hasExactSynonym
Crumpled ear (HP:0009901) Cauliflower ear oio:hasBroadSynonym
Mirror image hand polydactyly (HP:0010690) Mirror image duplication of fingers oio:hasExactSynonym
Facial hyperostosis (HP:0005465) Enlargement of the facial bones oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced responsiveness to social cues (HP:5200028) Lack of response to verbal cues oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Reduced responsiveness to social cues (HP:5200028) Reduced responsiveness to verbal cues oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Anterior tibial bowing (HP:0006390) Saber shin oio:hasExactSynonym
Anterior tibial bowing (HP:0006390) Saber tibia oio:hasExactSynonym
Anterior tibial bowing (HP:0006390) Sabre shin oio:hasExactSynonym
Mirror image foot polydactyly (HP:0010691) Mirror image duplication of toes oio:hasExactSynonym
Optic nerve hypoplasia (HP:0000609) Double ring sign oio:hasRelatedSynonym
Frontal bossing (HP:0002007) Frontal protuberance oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated circulating phosphoethanolamine concentration (HP:0033406) Elevated circulating o-phosphoethanolamine concentration oio:hasExactSynonym
Ectopic thyroid (HP:0100028) Abnormal thyroid location oio:hasExactSynonym
Reduced social responsiveness (HP:0012760) Reduced social reciprocity oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Thickened fibular cortex (HP:6000705) Broad cortex of fibula oio:hasExactSynonym
Thickened fibular cortex (HP:6000705) Cortical thickening of the fibula oio:hasExactSynonym
Thickened fibular cortex (HP:6000705) Thickened cortex of the fibula oio:hasExactSynonym
Thickened fibular cortex (HP:6000705) Thickened cortices of fibula oio:hasExactSynonym
Non-infectious meningitis (HP:0033430) Aseptic meningitis oio:hasExactSynonym
Auriculitis (HP:6000772) Auricular inflammation oio:hasExactSynonym
Osteoporotic femoral neck (HP:6000779) Osteoporosis of femoral neck oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal lung morphology (HP:0002088) Unusual lung shape oio:hasExactSynonym
Poor head control (HP:0002421) Delay in head control oio:hasExactSynonym
Poor head control (HP:0002421) Delay in head righting oio:hasExactSynonym
Poor head control (HP:0002421) Infant head lag oio:hasExactSynonym
Heavy proteinuria (HP:0012597) Severely high blood protein levels oio:hasExactSynonym
Duplicated tragus (HP:0011270) Accessory tragus oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal circulating vitamin B6 concentration (HP:0032476) Abnormal circulating pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentration oio:hasNarrowSynonym
Positive urine cannabinoid test (HP:0500110) Positive urine pot test oio:hasExactSynonym
Absent Bell phenomenon (HP:6000709) Absent palpebral-oculogyric reflex oio:hasExactSynonym
Bent long bone (HP:0034530) Angulated long bone oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated fractional excretion of urate (HP:6000746) Uric acid wasting oio:hasExactSynonym
Abnormal glycosidase enzyme activity (HP:0003649) Abnormality of g...
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2024-04-26 Release

26 Apr 14:06
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New features

  • Bugfix logical axioms in HPO
  • Bugfix in HPOA which had missing relations

New content

Synonyms added: 7
Term New Synonym Predicate
Amplification of relationship seeking (HP:5200315) Increased seeking of relationships oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of interpersonal communication (HP:5200311) Increase in interpersonal communication oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of emotional responsiveness (HP:5200323) Increase in emotional responsiveness oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of social interactions (HP:5200212) Increase in social interactions oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of sexual behavior (HP:5200321) Increase in sexual behavior oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of emotional expression (HP:5200322) Increase in emotional expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of comfort with casual physical contact (HP:5200325) Increase in comfort with casual physical contact oio:hasExactSynonym
Nodes renamed: 7
ID Old Label New Label
HP:5200315 Increased seeking of relationships Amplification of relationship seeking
HP:5200311 Increase in interpersonal communication Amplification of interpersonal communication
HP:5200323 Increase in emotional responsiveness Amplification of emotional responsiveness
HP:5200212 Increase in social interactions Amplification of social interactions
HP:5200321 Increase in sexual behavior Amplification of sexual behavior
HP:5200322 Increase in emotional expression Amplification of emotional expression
HP:5200325 Increase in comfort with casual physical contact Amplification of comfort with casual physical contact

Full Changelog: v2024-04-19...v2024-04-26

2024-04-19 Release

19 Apr 15:16
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New features

This hot-fix release fixes an error where certain genes were missing from the HPOA files.

Content changes

Synonyms added: 7
Term New Synonym Predicate
Amplification of relationship seeking (HP:5200315) Increased seeking of relationships oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of interpersonal communication (HP:5200311) Increase in interpersonal communication oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of emotional responsiveness (HP:5200323) Increase in emotional responsiveness oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of social interactions (HP:5200212) Increase in social interactions oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of sexual behavior (HP:5200321) Increase in sexual behavior oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of emotional expression (HP:5200322) Increase in emotional expression oio:hasExactSynonym
Amplification of comfort with casual physical contact (HP:5200325) Increase in comfort with casual physical contact oio:hasExactSynonym
Nodes renamed: 7
ID Old Label New Label
HP:5200315 Increased seeking of relationships Amplification of relationship seeking
HP:5200311 Increase in interpersonal communication Amplification of interpersonal communication
HP:5200323 Increase in emotional responsiveness Amplification of emotional responsiveness
HP:5200212 Increase in social interactions Amplification of social interactions
HP:5200321 Increase in sexual behavior Amplification of sexual behavior
HP:5200322 Increase in emotional expression Amplification of emotional expression
HP:5200325 Increase in comfort with casual physical contact Amplification of comfort with casual physical contact

Full Changelog: v2024-04-04...v2024-04-19

2024-04-04 Release

04 Apr 20:47
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This release has some issues with the HPOA files (the annotations), use instead.

Content changes

Classes added: 22
Low tissue ferrochelatase activity (HP:6000697)
Low tissue ferrochelatase activity (HP:6000697)
Elevated urinary bile acid level (HP:6000701)
Elevated urinary bile acid level (HP:6000701)
Reduced breast milk zinc concentration (HP:6000700)
Reduced breast milk zinc concentration (HP:6000700)
Elevated circulating N-carbamyl-beta-aminoisobutyric acid concentration (HP:6000696)
Elevated circulating N-carbamyl-beta-aminoisobutyric acid concentration (HP:6000696)
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702)
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702)
Reduced tissue delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000695)
Reduced tissue delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000695)
Elevated circulating heptacarboxylporphyrin concentration (HP:6000698)
Elevated circulating heptacarboxylporphyrin concentration (HP:6000698)
Elevated circulating 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid acid concentration (HP:6000694)
Elevated circulating 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid acid concentration (HP:6000694)
Elevated circulating 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid concentration (HP:6000703)
Elevated circulating 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid concentration (HP:6000703)
Elevated circulating CXCL9 concentration (HP:6000704)
Elevated circulating CXCL9 concentration (HP:6000704)
Aggravated by menstruation (HP:6000699)
Aggravated by menstruation (HP:6000699)
Text definitions added: 11
Term New Text Definition
Low tissue ferrochelatase activity (HP:6000697) Concentration or activity of Ferrochelatase (FECH; EC below the lower limit of normal. FECH enzyme can be measured in multiple tissues including leukocytes and cultured fibroblasts. FECH is the terminal enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway, and catalyzes the insertion of iron into protoporphyrin to form heme.
Elevated urinary bile acid level (HP:6000701) The amount of bile acid in the urine, normalized for urine concentration, is above the upper limit of normal.
Reduced breast milk zinc concentration (HP:6000700) The concentration of zink in breast milk is below the lower limit of normal.
Elevated circulating N-carbamyl-beta-aminoisobutyric acid concentration (HP:6000696) The concentration of N-carbamyl-beta-aminoisobutyric acid in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702) The amount of glyoxylic acid in the urine, normalized for urine concentration, is above the upper limit of normal. The conjugate base of glyoxylic acid is known as glyoxylate.
Reduced tissue delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000695) Concentration or activity of delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase (P5CDH; EC below the lower limit of normal. P5CDH can be measured in multiple tissues including leukocytes and cultured fibroblasts. P5CDH is a mitochondrial matrix NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenase which catalyzes the second step of the proline degradation pathway, converting pyrroline-5-carboxylate to glutamate.
Elevated circulating heptacarboxylporphyrin concentration (HP:6000698) The concentration of heptacarboxylporphyrin in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Elevated circulating 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid acid concentration (HP:6000694) The concentration of delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Elevated circulating 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid concentration (HP:6000703) The concentration of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Elevated circulating CXCL9 concentration (HP:6000704) The concentration of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 in the blood circulation is above the upper limit of normal.
Aggravated by menstruation (HP:6000699) Applied to a sign or symptom that is more severe during mensutruation.
Nodes removed: 3
Synonyms added: 5
Term New Synonym Predicate
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702) Elevated urinary alpha-ketoacetic acid level oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702) Elevated urinary glyoxylate level oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated urinary glyoxylic acid level (HP:6000702) Elevated urinary oxoacetic acid level oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated circulating 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid acid concentration (HP:6000694) Elevated circulating delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate concentration oio:hasExactSynonym
Elevated circulating CXCL9 concentration (HP:6000704) Elevated circulating monokine induced by gamma-interferon concentration oio:hasExactSynonym
Text definitions changed: 1
Term Old Text Definition New Text Definition
Anti-perilipin-1 antibody positivity (HP:6000380) A pulmonary cavity is a gas-filled area of the lung in the center of a nodule or area of consolidation and may be clinically observed by use of plain chest radiography or computed tomography. Cavities are present in a wide variety of infectious and noninfectious processes. The presence of autoantibodies in the serum that react against perilipin-1 (PLIN1).
Nodes renamed: 1
ID Old Label New Label
HP:6000380 CHANGE ME Anti-perilipin-1 antibody positivity
Relationships removed: 1
Subject Predicate Object
Anti-perilipin-1 antibody positivity (HP:6000380) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) Abnormal location of ears (HP:0000357)

What's Changed

  • Documenting differences in ontology files (attempt 2) by @hrshdhgd in #9856

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024-04-03...v2024-04-04

2024-04-03 Release

03 Apr 13:49
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This release has some issues with the HPOA files (the annotations), use instead.

New features:

  • All HPO labels and definitions have been normalised to American English. British English synonyms have been added systematically

New and updated content

Classes added: 466
Elevated erythrocyte galactose-1-phosphate concentration (HP:6000610)
Positive CSF varicella zoster antibody positivity (HP:0430141)
Elevated circulating lipoprotein X concentration (HP:6000566)
Low serum osmolality (HP:6000680)
PAS-positive lymphocyte vacuolization (HP:6000639)
Elevated urinary quinolinic acid level (HP:6000335)
Anti-intrinsic factor antibody positivity (HP:6000344)
Reduced circulating insulin-like growth factor 2 concentration (HP:6000404)
Elevated urinary 2-oxoisocaproic level (HP:6000599)
3-5 finger cutaneous syndactyly (HP:6000505)
Elevated urine propionic acid level (HP:6000432)
Elevated urinary 3-hydroxyadipic acid level (HP:6000609)
Reduced tissue arginine:glycine amidinotransferase activity (HP:6000572)
Proximal to distal progression (HP:6000305)
Positive Mycobacterium avium sputum culture (HP:0430108)
Glomerular PLA2R immune-complex deposition (HP:6000669)
Elevated urine hyaluronic acid level (HP:6000391)
Elevated urinary N-methylhistamine level (HP:6000533)
Positive CSF VDRL test (HP:6000395)
Umbilical cord prolapse (HP:6000329)
Short esophagus (HP:6000382)
Positive oropharynx poliovirus nucleic acid test (HP:6000580)
Right ventricular regional akinesia (HP:6000665)
Abnormal circulating interleukin 12 concentration (HP:6000442)
Retroperitoneal mass (HP:6000285)
Anti-factor VIII antibody positivity (HP:6000494)
Reduced erythrocyte hexokinase activity (HP:6000559)
Mesenteric torsion (HP:6000632)
Mitral opening snap (HP:6000685)
Elevated circulating C12 acylcarnitine concentration (HP:0430143)
Reduced circulating interleukin 12 concentration (HP:6000487)
Elevated urinary 2-oxovaleric acid level (HP:6000600)
Positive Bartonella henselae nucleic acid test in the blood circulation (HP:6000550)
Prevertebral space enlargement (HP:6000290)
Reduced tissue mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase activity (HP:6000576)
Bone marrow monocytosis (HP:6000641)
Ectopic testis (HP:6000460)
Paravertebral mass (HP:6000660)
Elevated CSF 14-3-3 protein concentration (HP:6000689)
Positive synonvial fluid infectious agent test (HP:6000581)
Occipital cortex localization (HP:0430132)
Flank mass (HP:6000363)
Excessive blood loss during delivery (HP:6000325)
Retracted tympanic membrane (HP:6000459)
Mosaic attenuation pattern in lung (HP:6000317)
Spinal lipoma (HP:6000590)
Decreased circulating carboxypeptidase N activity (HP:6000560)
Anti-factor V antibody positivity (HP:6000492)
Squamosal suture synostosis (HP:6000612)
Exposure to cosmetic fragrances (HP:6000636)
Nasal secretion eosinophilia (HP:0430119)
Elevated circulating ghrelin concentration (HP:6000436)
Increased circulating interleukin 1beta concentration (HP:6000374)
Decreased FOXP3-expressing T cell count (HP:6000473)
Abnormal circulating CC chemokine concentration (HP:6000446)
Elevated circulating vasoactive intestinal peptide concentration (HP:6000564)
Perimenopausal onset (HP:6000314)
Elevated urine N-acetyltyrosine level (HP:6000479)
Positive synonvial fluid culture (HP:6000582)
Sulfur-containing abscess (HP:6000458)
Radioulnar subluxation (HP:6000506)
Bloodstream Malaria parasite (HP:6000553)
Increased ratio of deoxypyridinoline to pyridinoline cross-links in urine (HP:6000330)
Elevated urinary coproporphyrin level (HP:6000536)
Elevated urinary beta-alanine level (HP:6000276)
Antiparietal cell antibody positivity (HP:6000343)
Positive CSF JC-virus nucleic acid test (HP:6000552)
Recent temporal region trauma (HP:6000626)
Temporal artery giant cells (HP:6000618)
Elevated urine trihydroxycholestanoic acid level (HP:6000393)
Past surgical history (HP:0430103)
Positive bloodstream Cysticercosis antigen test (HP:0430110)
Elevated urinary methylmalonylcarnitine level (HP:6000392)
Seminal vesicle agenesis (HP:0430121)
Reduced muscle glycogen debrancher enzyme activity (HP:6000616)
Reduced Acyl-CoA:dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000426)
Scalloped appearance of liver surface (HP:6000628)
Reduced erythrocyte inosine triphosphatase activity (HP:6000511)
Duplicate uterine cervix (HP:6000414)
Anti-factor X antibody positivity (HP:6000496)
Reduced tissue carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase activity (HP:6000574)
Bone arteriovenous malformation (HP:6000587)
Increased circulating interleukin 15 concentration (HP:6000439)
Anti-ADAMTS13 antibody positivity (HP:6000462)
Right ventricular regional wall motion abnormality (HP:6000664)
Left atrial fibrosis (HP:6000691)
Reduced tissue medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity (HP:6000356)
Elevated urinary pyrroline hydroxycarboxylic acid level (HP:6000620)
Muscle arteriovenous malformation (HP:6000586)
Elevated urinary histamine level (HP:6000532)
Reduced neutrophil myeloperoxidase activity (HP:6000375)
Reduced tissue aspartylglucosaminidase activity (HP:6000573)
Positive human Immunodeficiency virus nucleic acid test in the blood circulation (HP:6000546)
Elevated urinary 3-hydroxypentanoic acid level (HP:6000604)
Antistreptolysin O antibody positivity (HP:6000348)
Decreased erythrocyte fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase activity (HP:6000555)
Anti-beta fodrin antibody positivity (HP:6000475)
High serum osmolality (HP:6000681)
Elevated circulating complement C3 concentration (HP:0430146)
Abnormal serum osmolality (HP:6000679)
Elevated urinary ureidopropionic acid level (HP:6000534)
Anti-factor H antibody positivity (HP:6000499)
4-5 toe cutaneous syndactyly (HP:6000503)
Ovarian cystadenoma (HP:6000672)
Elevated CSF cystathionine concentration (HP:6000280)
Maxillary cyst (HP:6000594)
History of facial cosmetic use (HP:6000297)
Tectal plate enlargement (HP:6000284)
Meteorism (HP:6000319)
Elevated urine manganese level (HP:6000480)
Primary peritoneal serous papillary adenocarcinoma (HP:0430116)
Reduced urinary iodine level (HP:6000438)
Abnormal circulating interleukin 6 concentration (HP:6000441)
Fetal oral mass (HP:6000470)
Elevated urinary N-carbamoyl-beta-alanine level (HP:6000279)
Ductus venosus agenesis with intrahepatic drainage (HP:6000369)
Thickened Descemet membrane (HP:6000312)
Orbital inflammation (HP:6000614)
Lipid-laden bone-marrow macrophages (HP:6000640)
Anti-lamin C antibody positivity (HP:6000644)
Elevated blood cadmiun concentration (HP:6000444)
Elevated urinary L-glycerate level (HP:6000670)
Poly-hill sign (HP:6000504)
Positive CSF arbovirus nucleic acid test (HP:6000549)
Tympanic membrane bulla (HP:6000422)
Anti-von Willebrand factor antibody positivity (HP:6000676)
Elevated circulating beta chorionic gonadotropin concentration (HP:6000485)
Anti-factor XI antibody positivity (HP:6000497)
Positive stool Giardia antigen test (HP:6000324)
Elevated tissue sphingomyelin concentration (HP:6000292)
Phlebolith (HP:6000661)
Gastrocnemius contracture (HP:6000366)
Femoral neck fracture (HP:6000655)
Burning eye sensation (HP:6000420)
Elevated urinary N-tau-ribosylhistidine level (HP:6000621)
Low maternal vitamin B12 concentration (HP:6000518)
Breast myxoma (HP:6000671)
Absent zona pellucida (HP:6000328)
Incomplete right bundle branch block (HP:6000313)
Elevated muscle fiber laminin alpha 5 expression (HP:6000659)
Positive skin infectious agent test (HP:0430117)
Decreased Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein concentration in hematopoietic cells (HP:6000472)
Sweating and flushing in the preauricular area in response to mastication (HP:6000637)
Reduced phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000619)
Elevated circulating inhibin A concentration (HP:6000519)
Elevated urine 3-methyladipic acid level (HP:6000466)
Non-glucose reducing substance in urine (HP:6000389)
Reduced alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase activity in cultured fibroblasts (HP:6000427)
History of recent stay in area with inadequate sewage sanitation (HP:6000540)
Skip lesions on temporal artery biopsy (HP:0430105)
Parietal cortex localization (HP:0430131)
Elevated urinary 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid level (HP:6000603)
Decreased skin turgor (HP:6000303)
3-4 toe cutaneous syndactyly (HP:6000648)
Thoracic cage flatness (HP:6000327)
Positive bloodstream infectious agent antigen test (HP:0430109)
Postmenopausal onset (HP:6000315)
Head impulse test has corrective saccade (HP:0430122)
Positive skin fungus test (HP:0430118)
Gallbladder adhesions (HP:6000452)
Diminished circulating reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) concentration (HP:6000406)
Posterior fossa localization (HP:0430129)
Abnormal circulating hepatic transaminase concentration (HP:0430135)
Reduced tissue tissue AICAR transformylase activity (HP:6000349)
Cardiac valve vegetations (HP:6000326)
Synovial cyst (HP:6000364)
Reduced sympathoneural responses to the cold pressor test (HP:6000323)
Nasal secretion neutrophilia (HP:0430120)
Decreased circulating cat...
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