The PHP Countries Package provides a convenient and object-oriented approach to working with country data. Designed to integrate country information into any PHP applications with ease. This package offers easy access to country names, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code, ISO 3166-1 numeric code, FIPS code, phone dial, country's capital city, continent code.
- Easy retrieval of country names and codes, capital city and/or continent.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach for better data management and integration.
- Lightweight and simple to integrate into any PHP project. (8.1+)
- Currently supporting English, Hungarian, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese languages.
- Future support for multiple locales, making it versatile for international applications.
The PHP Countries Package can be easily installed via Composer.
composer require omisai/php-countries
After installing the package, you can begin to work with any country data. You can work with country model directly or access all of them through a Collection class.
* Access through the Collection
* Consider using the Collection class, if you
* plan to register it to a service container.
* It eagerly loads all the countries.
use Omisai\Countries\Collection;
$collection = new Collection();
$countries = $collection->getCountries();
* Shorthand to use the default english locale
$countries[4]->name; // "Finland"
* Or using different locale
$countries[4]->getName('fr'); // "Finlande"
* Search for a specific country based on different criteria
$collection->getCountryByAlpha2('FI'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByAlpha3('FIN'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByNumeric('246'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByFipCode('FI'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByDial('358'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByCapital('Helsinki'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByName('Finland'); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
$collection->getCountryByName('Finlande', "fr"); // Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland
* Get only a part of data from the countries
$collection->getCountriesAlpha2(); // ['country_name' => 'country_alpha2']
$collection->getCountriesAlpha3(); // ['country_name' => 'country_alpha3']
$collection->getCountriesNumeric(); // ['country_name' => 'country_numeric']
$collection->getCountriesFipCode(); // ['country_name' => 'country_fipCode']
$collection->getCountriesDial(); // ['country_name' => 'country_dial']
$collection->getCountriesAlpha2('fr'); // ['fr:country_name' => 'country_alpha2'] -> ['Finlande' => 'FI']
$collection->getCountriesByContinent('EU'); // [Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland, Omisai\Countries\Models\Hungary, ...]
* Use any country directly
use Omisai\Countries\Models\Finland;
$europe = new Finland();
$europe->alpha2; // "FI"
$europe->alpha3; // "FIN"
$europe->numeric; // "246"
$europe->fipCode; // "FI"
$europe->dial; // "358"
$europe->capital; // "Helsinki"
$europe->continent; // "EU"
$europe->hu; // "Finnország"
$europe->name; // "Finland"
$europe->getName('it'); // "Finlandia"
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
# or
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.