CIS-566 Project for Group 4 members
CloudBite is a full-stack application designed to streamline operations in cloud kitchens by managing orders, displaying kitchen data, and manaing menu through a single platform. The frontend is developed using React, while the backend leverages Spring Boot.
- Git
- Node.JS
- Next.JS
- Java JDK 11 or newer
- Gradle
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
git clone cd cis-566-project-group-4/
Ensure MongoDB is installed and running on your machine. Follow the steps mentioned below: Configure the file in the Spring Boot project to connect to your MongoDB instance.
Ensure RabbitMQ is installed and running by following the steps below: Configure the RabbitMQ settings in the if different from default settings.
Open a command prompt in the project's root directory and navigate to CloudBite folder. Use Gradle to compile and run the project:
gradle build
# or
gradle bootRun (or) ./gradlew bootRun --info
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ui/ from “Repository Home folder”
npm install
npm start
# or
npm run dev
# or
npm run build && npm start
# or
next start
This will launch the frontend at http://localhost:3000.
Access the user interface through your web browser at http://localhost:3000 to manage orders(http://localhost:3000/orders/), view the kitchen display (http://localhost:3000/orders/), or update the menu ( (http://localhost:3000/admin/). Utilize the API endpoints provided by the backend for direct interactions or integration with other systems.
Ensure MongoDB is installed and running on your machine. Follow the steps mentioned below: Configure the file in the Spring Boot project to connect to your MongoDB instance.
Ensure RabbitMQ is installed and running by following the steps below: Configure the RabbitMQ settings in the if different from default settings.
Open a command prompt in the project's root directory and navigate to CloudBite folder. Use Gradle to compile and run the project:
gradle build
# or
gradle bootRun (or) ./gradlew bootRun --info
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ui/ from “Repository Home folder”
npm install
npm start
# or
npm run dev
# or
npm run build && npm start
# or
next start
This will launch the frontend at http://localhost:3000.
Access the user interface through your web browser at http://localhost:3000 to manage orders(http://localhost:3000/orders/), view the kitchen display (http://localhost:3000/orders/), or update the menu ( (http://localhost:3000/admin/). Utilize the API endpoints provided by the backend for direct interactions or integration with other systems.