Release Version 0.8.0
Changes from 0.7.0:
- Updated metrics generated by the runtime_metrics module to match the proposed semantic conventions.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed HttpTextFormat to TextMapPropagator
- Added a toBuilder method to the Attributes class
- Added method to create an Attributes Builder from ReadableAttributes
- Updates to the Attributes' null-handling to conform to the specification
- TraceState validations were updated to match the W3C specification
- recordException Span API now has an additional overload to support additional attributes
- BUGFIX: Bound instruments with no recordings no longer generate data points.
- BREAKING CHANGE: The Exporter interfaces have changed to be async-friendly.
- BREAKING CHANGE: The parent context passed to the Sampler will no longer be nullable, but instead an invalid context will be passed.
- BREAKING CHANGE: The SpanProcessor now takes a ReadWriteSpan for the onStart method
- BREAKING CHANGE: ResourceConstants changed to ResourceAttributes
- BREAKING CHANGE: ParentOrElse Sampler changed to be called ParentBased
- Default Resource include the SDK attributes
- ResourceProvider SPI to enable custom Resource providers
- The individual pieces of the SDK are not published as individual components, in addition to the whole SDK artifact.
- Zipkin and Jaeger exporters now include the InstrumentationLibraryInfo attributes.
- The OTLP protobufs were updated to version 0.5.0 and the OTLP exporters were updated accordingly.
Many thanks for contributions from @anuraaga, @dengliming, @iNikem, @huntc, @jarebudev, @MitchellDumovic, @wtyanan, @williamhu99, @Oberon00, @thisthat, @malafeev, @mateuszrzeszutek, @kenfinnigan