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Version 1.2.0

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@jkwatson jkwatson released this 07 May 20:56
· 2471 commits to main since this release



  • The "Implementation-Version" attribute has been added to the jar manifests for all published jar artifacts.



  • A new method has been added to the Span and the SpanBuilder to enable adding a set of Attributes in one call, rather than
    having to iterate over the contents and add them individually. See Span.setAllAttributes(Attributes) and SpanBuilder.setAllAttributes(Attributes)

Behavioral Changes

  • Previously, an AttributeKey with a null underlying key would preserve the null. Now, this will be converted to an empty String.



  • The IdGenerator.random() method will now attempt to detect if it is being used in an Android environment, and use
    a more Android-friendly IdGenerator instance in that case. This will affect any usage of the SDK that does not
    explicitly specify a custom IdGenerator instance when running on Android.

Behavioral Changes

  • The name used for Tracer instances that do not have a name has been changed to be an empty String, rather than the
    previously used "unknown" value. This change is based on a specification clarification.



  • The B3 Propagator injectors now only include the relevant fields for the specific injection format.

Behavioral Changes

  • The W3CBaggagePropagator will no longer explicitly populate an empty Baggage instance into the context when
    the header is unparsable. It will now return the provided Context instance unaltered, as is required by the specification.
  • The AwsXrayPropagator will no longer explicitly populate an invalid Span instance into the context when
    the headers are unparsable. It will now return the provided Context instance unaltered, as is required by the specification.


  • The jaeger-thrift exporter has had its dependency on the jaeger-client library updated to version 1.6.0.
  • The zipkin exporter now has an option to specific a custom timeout.
  • The zipkin, jaeger and jaeger-thrift exporters will now report the otel.dropped_attributes_count and otel.dropped_events_count
    tags if the numbers are greater than zero.

Semantic Conventions (alpha)

Breaking Changes

  • The SemanticAttributes and ResourceAttributes have both been updated to match the OpenTelemetry Specification v1.3.0 release, which
    includes several breaking changes.
  • Values that were previously defined as enums are now defined as static public static final constants of the appropriate type.

OpenTracing Shim (alpha)


  • Error logging support in the shim is now implemented according to the v1.2.0 specification.

SDK Extensions

  • A new HostResource Resource and the corresponding ResourceProvider has been added.
    It will populate the and host.arch Resource Attributes.
  • A new ExecutorServiceSpanProcessor has been added to the opentelemetry-sdk-extension-tracing-incubator module. This implementation
    of a batch SpanProcessor allows you to provide your own ExecutorService to do the background export work.
  • The autoconfigure module now supports providing the timeout setting for the Jaeger GRPC exporter via
    a system property (otel.exporter.jaeger.timeout) or environment variable (OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_TIMEOUT).
  • The autoconfigure module now supports providing the timeout setting for the Zipkin exporter via
    a system property (otel.exporter.zipkin.timeout) or environment variable (OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_TIMEOUT).
  • The autoconfigure module now exposes the EnvironmentResource class to provide programmatic access to a Resource
    built from parsing the otel.resource.attributes configuration property.

Metrics (alpha)

Breaking Changes

  • The deprecated SdkMeterProvider.registerView() method has been removed. The ViewRegistry is now immutable and cannot
    be changed once the SdkMeterProvider has been built.


  • OTLP summaries now have the proper percentile value of 1.0 to represent the maximum; previously it was wrongly set to 100.0.


  • There is now full support for delta-aggregations with the LongSumAggregator and DoubleSumAggregator.
    See AggregatorFactory.sum(AggregationTemporality). The previous AggregatorFactory.sum(boolean) has been
    deprecated and will be removed in the next release.

Many thanks to all the people who contributed to this release: