Allows to warmup all components for a given OpenComponents' registry. In practice, given every registry's instance has an internal cache for components' compiled views and server.js' closures, the module performs the following actions:
- It scans the registry to retrieve components' list
- Requests info for each component (latest version only) in order to get components' API (mandatory parameters and example values)
- Makes a POST request for all components so that the cache is populated from S3
- Responds with the list of components that responded with a 200 or not
var warmup = require('oc-warmup');
url: '',
// optional params
components: c => === 'header' && c.oc.state !== 'deprecated',
headers: { 'accept-language': 'en-US' },
timeout: 20000
}, (error, result) => {
// => something like 'error connecting to registry' or null
// => something like { successful: ['a', 'b'], errors: ['* c: error blabla (500)']}