runc 1.1 -- "A plan depends as much upon execution as it does upon concept."
This release only contains very minor changes from v1.1.0-rc.1 and is
the first release of the 1.1.y release series of runc. We do not plan to make
any new releases of the 1.0.y release series of runc, so users are strongly
encouraged to update to 1.1.0.
- libcontainer will now refuse to build without the nsenter package being
correctly compiled (specifically this requires CGO to be enabled). This
should avoid folks accidentally creating broken runc binaries (and
incorrectly importing our internal libraries into their projects). (#3331)
Static Linking Notices
The runc
binary distributed with this release are statically linked with
the following GNU LGPL-2.1 licensed libraries, with runc
as a "work that uses the Library":
The versions of these libraries were not modified from their upstream versions,
but in order to comply with the LGPL-2.1 (§6(a)), we have attached the
complete source code for those libraries which (when combined with the attached
runc source code) may be used to exercise your rights under the LGPL-2.1.
However we strongly suggest that you make use of your distribution's packages
or download them from the authoritative upstream sources, especially since
these libraries are related to the security of your containers.
Thanks to the following people who made this release possible:
- Akihiro Suda [email protected]
- Aleksa Sarai [email protected]
- Kir Kolyshkin [email protected]
Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai [email protected]