Preview build
Changelog for 0.3.0-rc2:
- PR #25 Modernise repo for Go 1.17 and new home in openfaas organisation by @alexellis
6a34a1b Remove old deprecated YAML files by @alexellis
0ba4ec8 Add version folder to Dockerfile by @alexellis
4249760 Split line in Dockerfile by @alexellis
6a119a9 Inject version from CI by @alexellis
c0cf7bb Upgrade CI to use GITHUB_TOKEN by @alexellis
01e57ef Set up go.mod for sample function by @alexellis
698d77e Fix-up testing functions for NATS connector by @alexellis
684efff Update dependencies by @alexellis
Changes: 0.3.0-rc1...0.3.0-rc2
Generated by Derek