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@zmberg zmberg released this 07 Apr 01:56
· 293 commits to master since this release

To install or upgrade to the old version, see installation doc.

Change log since v1.3.0

Upgrade Notice

No, really, you must read this before you upgrade

  • Enable following feature-gates by default: ResourcesDeletionProtection, WorkloadSpread, PodUnavailableBudgetDeleteGate, InPlaceUpdateEnvFromMetadata,
    StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC, PodProbeMarkerGate. (#1214, @zmberg)
  • Change Kruise leader election from configmap to configmapsleases, this is a smooth upgrade with no disruption to OpenKruise service. (#1184, @YTGhost)

New Feature: JobSidecarTerminator

In the Kubernetes world, it is challenging to use long-running sidecar containers for short-term job because there is no straightforward way to
terminate the sidecar containers when the main container exits. For instance, when the main container in a Pod finishes its task and exits, it is expected that accompanying sidecars,
such as a log collection sidecar, will also exit actively, so the Job Controller can accurately determine the completion status of the Pod.
However most sidecar containers lack the ability to discovery the exit of main container.

For this scenario OpenKruise provides the JobSidecarTerminator capability, which can terminate sidecar containers once the main containers exit.

For more detail, please refer to its proposal.

Advanced Workloads

  • Optimized CloneSet Event handler to reduce unnecessary reconciliation. The feature is off by default and controlled by CloneSetEventHandlerOptimization feature-gate. (#1219, @veophi)
  • Avoid pod hang in PreparingUpdate state when rollback before update hook. (#1157, @shiyan2016)
  • Fix cloneSet update blocking when spec.scaleStrategy.maxUnavailable is not empty. (#1136, @ivanszl)
  • Add 'disablePVCReuse' field to enable recreation of PVCs when rebuilding pods, which can avoid Pod creation failure due to Node exceptions. (#1113, @willise)
  • CloneSet 'partition' field support float percent to improve precision. (#1124, @shiyan2016)
  • Add PreNormal Lifecycle Hook for CloneSet. (#1071, @veophi)
  • Allow to mutate PVCTemplate of Advanced StatefulSet & CloneSet. Note, Only works for new Pods, not for existing Pods. (#1118, @veophi)
  • Make ephemeralJob compatible with k8s version 1.20 & 1.21. (#1127, @veophi)
  • UnitedDeployment support advanced StatefulSet 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' field. (#1110, @yuexian1234)


  • Add 'forceRecreate' field to ensure the immediate recreation of the container even if the container is starting at that point. (#1182, @BH4AWS)


  • Support attach metadata in PullImage CRI interface during ImagePullJob. (#1190, @diannaowa)



  • Simplify some code, mainly comparison and variable declaration. (#1209, @hezhizhen)
  • Update k8s registry references from to (#1208, @asa3311)
  • Fix config/samples/apps_v1alpha1_uniteddeployment.yaml invalid image. (#1198, @chengleqi)
  • Change kruise base image to alpine. (#1166, @fengshunli)
  • PersistentPodState support custom workload (like statefulSet). (#1063, @baxiaoshi)