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OpenShift Discovery Center

Build Status

This repo contains the AsciiDoc sources for the OpenShift Discovery Center.

Development Setup

If you don't have a GitHub account, start by creating a GitHub account. Fork the discoverycenter project to your GitHub account. Clone your newly forked repository into your local workspace:

$ git clone [email protected]:[your user]/discoverycenter.git
Cloning into 'discoverycenter'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 4745, done.
remote: Total 4745 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (4745/4745), 1.92 MiB | 1.52 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1475/1475), done.
Checking connectivity... done

Add a remote ref to upstream for pulling future updates

$ git remote add upstream

As a precaution, disable merge commits to your master branch

$ git config branch.master.mergeoptions --ff-only

Building w/Middleman

Middleman is a framework for creating static HTML sites. It requires that your system have both ruby and rubygems already installed in some way.

First, install the bundler gem and then install Middleman and its dependencies:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Live Previews with Middleman

You can simply use Bundler to run Middleman in order to be able to preview your changes locally:

$ bundle exec middleman server

You can now view the site at http://localhost:4567

Content on the live site will look exactly as it does in your development environment. Please verify each of your changes before submitting a pull request.


It's usually a good idea to start by submitting an issue describing your feedback or planned changes.

To contribute changes, first setup your own local copy of this project. Then, create a new branch (from master), to track your changes:

  1. Make sure you have all current changes from upstream/master:

     $ git pull --rebase upstream master
  2. Push the pulled updates to your fork of discoverycenter on GitHub:

     $ git push

    Make sure there is an issue logged for your Bug Fix or Feature Request that you are working on here.

  3. Create a simple topic branch to isolate that work (just a recommendation):

     $ git checkout -b my_cool_feature
  4. Stage your changes and commit (one or more times):

     $ git add en/my-new-file.adoc  
     $ git commit -m 'ISSUE-XXX Making this awesome new feature'  
     $ git add en/another-new-file  
     $ git commit -m 'ISSUE-YYY Fixing this really bad bug'
  5. Rebase your branch against the latest master (applies your patches on top of master):

     $ git fetch upstream
     $ git rebase -i upstream/master
     # if you have conflicts fix them and rerun rebase
     # The -f, forces the push, alters history, see note below
     $ git push -f origin my_cool_feature

The -i triggers an interactive update which also allows you to combine commits, alter commit messages etc. It's a good idea to make the commit log very nice for external consumption. Note that this alters history, which while great for making a clean patch, is unfriendly to anyone who has forked your branch. Therefore you want to make sure that you either work in a branch that you don't share, or if you do share it, tell them you are about to revise the branch history (and thus, they will then need to rebase on top of your branch once you push it out).

After completing your changes, test and review them locally.

Finally, send us a Pull Request comparing your new branch with openshift/discoverycenter:master.

When you're done, reset your development environment by repeating the steps in this section: switch back to master, update your repo, and cut a new feature branch (from master).


Once your pull request is merged into the official repository, it will automatically be built and deployed by Travis CI.

Review Process (for Administrators)

Article Style

The Discovery Center source includes a style guide. Please make sure that any submitted articles confirm to the style guide. This includes things like introductions, set-up and conclusion sections, proper line breaks, and so on and so forth.

Merging and Pull Requests

Pull Requests should be able to be automatically merged using GitHub's web-based tools.

To test PRs submissions locally, switch back to master and set up a local copy of the contributed code:

  1. Locate the upstream section for your GitHub remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

     [remote "upstream"]
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
         url = [email protected]:openshift/discoverycenter.git
  2. Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull//head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/ to this section.

     [remote "upstream"]
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
         url = [email protected]:openshift/discoverycenter.git
         fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*
  3. Now fetch all the pull requests:

     $ git fetch upstream
      * [new ref]         refs/pull/1000/head -> upstream/pr/1000
      * [new ref]         refs/pull/1002/head -> upstream/pr/1002
      * [new ref]         refs/pull/1004/head -> upstream/pr/1004
      * [new ref]         refs/pull/1010/head -> upstream/pr/1009
  4. To check out a particular pull request:

     $ git checkout pr/999
     Branch pr/999 set up to track remote branch pr/999 from upstream.
     Switched to a new branch 'pr/999'

    If everything looks good, use the merge button on the pull request to merge in the changes.

Mentioning PR numbers in commit messages will automatically generate links:

git commit -m 'merging pull request #123, thanks for contributing!'

If the Pull Request requires additional work, add a comment on GitHub describing the changes, and switch back to your repo's local master branch to its previous state:

git checkout master


No description, website, or topics provided.






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