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Saeed Taghavi SaeedTaghavi
PhD student of computational neuroscience
Selma Lugtmeijer slugtmeijer

University of Birmingham Birmingham

Shashank Bhushan shahan360
Experienced Data Prof. carrying knowledge of various Data Engineering & Analytics & BI tools. Curious. Here to learn by contributing to collaborative projects.

University of Houston @zero-to-mastery United States

SungHo Lee dvm-shlee

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Matthieu Gallou-Guyot MatthieuGG
PhD Sports Science

The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Hu Chuan-Peng hcp4715
School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal Uni

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing, China

Peer Herholz PeerHerholz
Research Assistant Professor | neuroscience, AI, methods/workflows/data, open & reproducible science

Northwestern University Chicago/ USA, Montréal/Canada & EU

Soudeh sudehashrafi
PhD Candidate @ Deakin University

Deakin University Melbourne, Australia

Alejandra López Castro Alejandra-LozC
Physician interested in cognitive neuroscience, imagenology and neuroethics. Music and physics enthusiast. MD, MS, PhD student at INB-UNAM


Mervynderjeet (Mervyn) Singh MervSingh
Postdoc at University of Calgary Developmental Neuroimaging & Bray Neuroimaging Labs

University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta

Wei MAO wei-sdc

united image healthcare shanghai

Rahul Venugopal v36.0 rahulvenugopal
PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. Interested in Consciousness, Wearables and Computing.

Centre for Consciousness Studies, NIMHANS Bengaluru

Sujas Bhardwaj, PhD SUJ4S
Data Science in Neuroimaging, Machine Learning, Functional Neuroimaging

Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Sience (IISc), Bengaluru Bengaluru, India

Jess Yu jessjyu
Computational Neuraldynamics PhD student at Imperial College London
Andrei Tamas Foldes andreifoldes
Postdoc at Oxford Internet Institute


inês a. t. almeida ines-almeida
Researcher at Project EXCELScIOR (CIBB, University of Coimbra), in Meta-research.

CIBB, University of Coimbra University of Coimbra, Portugal

Christophe Phillips ChristophePhillips
FRS-FNRS Research Director @ GIGA Institute Professor @ Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science ULiege, Belgium

GIGA Institure, University of Liège, Belgium Liège, Belgium

mnarayan mnarayan
ML & Statistical Science | Causal Inference | Metascience | Protein Design @neuroquant. Maker of @skggm.

Pasteur's Quadrant

Sebastian Morales sebastianmorales-lab

Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay

Sina Mansour L. sina-mansour
Network science enthusiast studying connectomics

National University of Singapore, & The University of Melbourne Singapore

Zhaoning Li Das-Boot
To be a social psychologist...

University of Macau Macao, China

Wang Qing Vincent-wq
Assistant researcher, love #neuro data science🧠, #photography📸 and cat person😸!

SMHC, MNI, McGill University Montreal, Canada

Stefano Vicentin StefanoVicentin
PhD student in Neuroscience. Mainly interested in memory and attentional processes, from behavioral features to graph properties of the involved brain networks

University of Padua Padua

Tomasz Kuliński yaaun
Precision medicine student, a.k.a. cyber pseudo-doctor aspirant.

Poland ↔ Sweden

Lezlie Espana l-espana
Programmer Analyst III at MCW's Brain Injury Research Program.

Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI

Anibal Sólon anibalsolon
Everywhere: @anibalsolon

PhD Student in CS @ UTexas Austin, TX