What's Changed
- [fix/xcstring-formatting] add beautifyJSON/formatting step to Transifex pull GitHub workflow by @felix-schwarz in #124
- [fix/xcstring-formatting] Fix xcstring formatting by @felix-schwarz in #125
- [feature/skip-www-authenticate] Skip WWW authenticate by @felix-schwarz in #122
- [feature/oauth2-token-post-client] Implement RFC 6749 section 2.3.1 alternative by @felix-schwarz in #123
- [feature/download-etag-fallback] Fallback to Etag by @felix-schwarz in #127
- [feature/build-and-analyze] Add build & analyze GitHub workflow by @felix-schwarz in #126
- [fix/transifex-duplicate-keys] Remove duplicate locale keys before push and after pull from Transifex by @felix-schwarz in #130
- [fix/openssl-license] Update OpenSSL license by @felix-schwarz in #132
- ci: use mxcl/xcodebuild by @DeepDiver1975 in #136
- [fix/xcstrings-format] xcstrings normalization to Xcode style by @felix-schwarz in #134
- [fix/inifite-cs] Infinite loop class settings source support fix by @felix-schwarz in #137
- [feature/mem-optimizations] Optimize memory usage by @felix-schwarz in #121
Full Changelog: v12.3.0...v12.4.0