Additional tabs "Albums" and "Tracks" to the artist details pane
Additional tabs "Tracks" and "Artists" to the album details pane
Favorite toggle to the details pane of the tracks, albums, artists, playlists, and podcasts
New filter "Favorite" for the smart list
OpenSubsonic extensions to the Subsonic API:
Method getLyricsBySongId
Property sortName
to all artist, album, and song responses
Property played
to all song responses
Drop support for PHP versions older than 7.4 (i.e. PHP 7.1 - 7.3)
Drop support for ownCloud versions older than 10.5 (i.e. OC 10.0 - 10.4)
Drop support for Nextcloud versions older than 20 (i.e. NC 13 - 19)
New design including cover art on all list-like views
Ampache and Subsonic APIs: Check the username in case-insensitive manner
Ampache API:
The action download
doesn't implicitly record the track as played (unlike stream
) (Update: This change didn't actually work, fixed in v2.1.0)
The song property url
refers to the stream
URL instead of download
Playlist sorting not working if the list contains any broken track references
Nextcloud.log being flooded with the debug-level message "/appinfo/app.php is deprecated" on NC20+
You can’t perform that action at this time.