Releases: owncloud/music
Releases · owncloud/music
- On ownCloud, flooding the log with errors "Cannot declare class because the name is already in use" (since v1.8.2)
#1060 @prsnbrg - Nextcloud 25 and later not running the Music background tasks: podcast channel updates, database cleanup
#1044 - M4A-ALAC files sometimes starting to play simultaneously while the previous file is still playing
- Respect the "Ignored articles" setting also when sorting a playlist by artist
#1048 - In addition to 'http' and 'https', allow podcast streams from the URL schemes 'feed', 'podcast', 'pcast', 'podcasts', 'itms-pcast', 'itms-pcasts', 'itms-podcast', and 'itms-podcasts'
- Subsonic:
not working on PostgreSQL
- Keyboard shortcuts for seeking and volume adjustment step in smaller increments when ALT key is held down
#1039 - The REST API for Ampache/Subsonic key management made more consistent with the other REST APIs
- Ampache/Subsonic key creation not working from the web UI on Nextcloud versions < 25 and on ownCloud 10.0 (regression in v1.8.0)
- Basic support to play M4A files with ALAC encoding also on non-Apple browsers
#1030 - Basic support to play AIFF, AU, and CAF files
#767- Based on the Aurora.js (no plugins required)
- Limitations: no seeking, no adjusting of playback speed, possible glitches, may not work with all files
- Corresponding file extensions must be mapped to MIME types
, see below
- Command
occ music:register-mime-types
to add MIME type mappings for those supported audio file types which
are not mapped by default on OC and NC: .aac, .au, .aif, .aiff, .aifc, .caf
- Show the collapsed navigation pane when a track is dragged over the navigation pane toggle
#999 - Updated the getID3 library to the release version 1.9.22-202207161647
- More secure generation of the Ampache/Subsonic API keys
- Removed the REST API endpoint
, leaving only/api/settings/userkey/generate
- Removed the REST API endpoint
- Wider progress bar on wide high-resolution screens also for the lite player within the Files app
- On individual shared file page (on OC), overlay the play icon on the preview image on hover
- Allow up to 5 redirects (up from 2) when fetching a podcast channel or internet radio station
- Color of the progress bar follows the selected color theme on NC
- Small layout issues on Nextcloud 25
- Layout issue in the two-line controls pane on IE
- Not adjusting to dark theme when the theme comes from the browser preference (in NC25)
- User's podcasts, radio stations, and Ampache/Subsonic API keys not erased when an user account deleted
- Music controls not visible on publicly shared folders on NC25
#1028 - Wrong icon in the "New files to scan" and "No scanned files" pop-ups on NC25
- Firefox on Ubuntu selecting the single-column layout after page load regardless of the window width
#1029 - Tablet and mobile layout not working correctly on NC 25.0.2
#1036 - Playback jumping to the next radio station when seeking beyond the end of the already buffered content
- Two-line layout for the controls pane on narrow windows
#1004 #204 - Muting/unmuting by clicking the speaker icon
#1013 @Root-Core - Many new keyboard shortcuts
#1013 @Root-Core- Numpad +/-: Increase/decrease volume
- M: Mute toggle
- J/L: Seek backwards/forward
- K: Play/Pause toggle
- Shift + Comma/Period: Decrease/Increase playback speed
- Arrow Left/Right: Seek backwards/forward (was formerly skip previous/next)
- Ctrl + Arrow Left/Right: Skip previous/next
- Step size of seeking and volume control is increased when shift held down
- 'Skip previous' shown in the play/pause context menu on narrow screens where it doesn't fit in the controls pane
- Preview of the seek position shown while hovering over the seek bar
#1007 @Root-Core
- Use background color definitions from the cloud core when available. Fixes a problem with the Nextcloud Breeze Dark theme introduced in v1.6.0.
#1002 - Subsonic: Search functions now find also songs by artist or album name and albums by artist name
- This prevents the Substreamer client from going haywire when shuffle play for an artist requested (!)
- This prevents the Substreamer client from going haywire when shuffle play for an artist requested (!)
- Subsonic: Method
returns a placeholder image (instead of an error) if the album/artist in question has no cover art set
#1000 - Context menu on the play/pause button can be opened with right click in addition to the long press
#1006 @Root-Core - Playback speed change by clicking the menu option now has step size 0.25 instead of 0.5. Right-click or long-press decreases the speed.
#1013 @Root-Core - Wider progress bar on wide high-resolution screens
#1004 - Removed the undocumented keyboard shortcuts for toggling the layout on Albums and Folders views
- Respect the global keyboard shortcut disable switch introduced by Nextcloud 25
- Small issues in the mobile and tablet layouts
- Subsonic: API method
ignoring the argumentcount
- Subsonic: Some clients (at least Substreamer, Jamstash, Sonixd) experiencing perpetual 302 redirect loops
#1000 - Subsonic:
in json mode returning "false" as string instead of bool caused Substreamer to poll it indefinitely
#1000 - Podcast title not showing on the German translation of 'Podcast channel "{{ title }}" added'
#1005 @Root-Core - Alphabet navigation breaking down when the artist name starts with a Unicode character greater than U+FFFF
#1021 - Nextcloud 25: Web UI not working except for in a narrow window; alphabet navigation not working; layout issues
- Option to set the playback rate. This can be found by long-pressing the play/pause button on the controls pane.
#972 - Show the broadcasted song title on Icecast/Shoutcast -type radio streams
#992 @medismail - Show other metadata broadcasted by the radio station in the details pane
- Gapless play with preloading of the next track in the queue
#776 - Artist and album names from to the tab of the track details
#995 - Album art from on the album details pane when no local art available
- Support for radio stream URLs which point to a playlist file containing the actual audio stream URL
#966 - Configurable option to ignore articles in the alphabetical ordering of the artists (by default, ignore: The, El, La, Los, Las, Le, Les)
#984 - Support for Nextcloud 25 (tested on beta 1)
- Allow playing
files within Files if the MIME type is mapped in the cloud configuration - If updating a podcast channel fails, don't retry it each time the background task runs but only upon the normal podcast update schedule
- HLS-type radio streams are now relayed via the cloud server, removing the need to whitelist each allowed source server
- Subsonic: Use album-based track numbering also on playlists, to help DSub in cache management
#994 - Allow playing external audio streams from playlist file also on link-shared folders
- HLS-type streams are not allowed, though
- Albums with the same name but different artist now each have their own color on placeholder album art
- Previous radio station being played without any error messages when failed to start playing an HLS stream
- Playback of a local track starting from a non-zero offset after playing an HLS stream
- Errors being logged because of incomplete exception case handling
#988 - Podcast episodes shown in wrong order after channel updated via the web UI
- Fallback Aurora.js player not working in the main app (i.e. worked only within Files; broken since Music v1.2.1)
- Fallback Aurora.js not working on most versions of Nextcloud (starting from NC15 or NC16)
- The manifest file of the HLS stream was being polled indefinitely after listening to the stream was stopped
- Severe performance problem in the background cleaunup task when PostgreSQL used
#997 - Not able to start playing a podcast episode which happens to have the same ID as currently playing song or radio station
- Allow dragging current song from the player bar to a playlist on the navigation pane
#946 - Support for Nextcloud 24
#957 @PVince81 - Support for PHP 8.1
- Lyrics not detected from the metadata of a FLAC file
#940 - Folders view not opening if the music folder tree has any invalid parent references in the file index
#955 - Attribute
missing from the Subsonic XML responses
#970 @rstefko - Radio view behaving badly if there were any stations with no name (i.e. URL only)
- Support for Nextcloud 23
#912 @PVince81 - Option
to theocc
#843 - Menu with stop button shown with long press on the play/pause button
#911 - Stop button shown in place of the play/pause button while shift held down
- User setting to disable metadata extraction and scan only the file and folder names
#914 - Possibility to start playback and/or set shuffle/repeat with the URL arguments
#922 - Option to remove duplicates from a playlist
- Allow replacing '/' and characters forbidden on Windows file names with '_' when matching image files to artist names
#913 - Improved robustness for scanning
#600 - Updated the getID3 library to development version 1.9.21-202111211051
#921 - Enable using wildcards in file names on
occ music:playlist-import
#832 - Never use the library root folder name as an album or an artist name (in case no metadata is available)
- Keyboard shortcuts not working after opening the details pane before clicking somewhere else on the page
- Compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (broken since v1.4.0)
- Not being able to provide artist image for the "Unknown artist"
- Albums compact layout not using the whole screen width on narrow window where only one column fits
- Nextcloud dark theme not always properly applied, especially after page reload
- Scanning via the web UI often not finding the artist images
- Layout problems, most notable on the Albums view, on Nextcloud 22.2.1 and later
#923 - error notes not centered as intended (since v1.4.0)
- Clicking a track in the Folders view not working if there wasn't already something playing (since v1.4.0)
- Long album names overlapping the alphabet navigation on the mobile layout
- Alphabet navigation being sometimes hidden after changing the view on the mobile layout
- Metadata not shown in the embedded Files player for files outside the music library (since v1.3.0)
- The result of the playlist "Sort" operation not saved to the server if the list is very long
- Ampache: A few more actions now support pagination with offset and limit:
- Subsonic: Added support to
to identify the artist using a track ID, an album ID, or a folder ID
#906 - Subsonic: Added support to
to identify the album using a track or folder ID
- A performance problem affecting Subsonic method
, Ampache actionartist_albums
, and a few other functions - Duplicate folders showing up in the tree layout of the Folders view with some tree structures