Releases: owncloud/music
Releases · owncloud/music
- reset-database command
- set length of a track in the database and expose via Ampache
- fix album count in Ampache API
- expose Album cover via (inofficial) Ampache API
- ownCloud 8 compatibility
- user interaction needed to start background scan and reload the music view
Thanks to Volkan Geezer (@wakeup) and Yu-De (@pellaeon)
- switch to aurora.js for JavaScript decoding of music files (ability to
support more codecs) - currently just mp3 and flac - thanks to @pellaeon - make batch rescan incremental
- make userFolder optional - get rid of wrong type of parameter error logs
- add check for natural numbers above 0 for track number
- add --debug switch to music:scan command to list memory usage of each step
- fix for not working apps/music/#/file/ID routes
- fix broken expand track list for albums
- use WebDAV for file access as it provides a better stability and functionality
- drop unsupported calls to ownCloud private APIs
- use dependency injection for scan command
Known issues
- mp3 seeking isn't working
Thanks to Dan Mac (@danmac-uk)
- Fix undefined index COUNT(*)
- add a name to the COUNT(*) statement
- should work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite
- Fix Ampache URL confusion
- remove of '/server/xml.server.php'
- add note
- RESTful playlist API (thanks @wakeup - Volkan Gezer)
- Updated libraries (AngularJS 1.2.21, angular-gettext 1.0.0, drop jQuery)
- refactor cleanup method (reduce injected dependencies)
- move clean up task to separate helper class
- drop stable5 fixes as they are unused
- verified support for ownCloud 6
- prepare use of sidebar and mobile responsive sidebar
- migrate to ownCloud 7 core CSS
- add ID to ampache session - fixes issues with the DB mapper (#213)
- make user folder injectable into rescan method
- disable share hook, because it delayed the sharing action a lot
- add index for cover_file_id in albums
- playstate is now represented in the URL
- change scan count from 50 to 20 - should fix #172, fix #212
- remove album cover search on remove of album cover (should speedup deletions)
ownCloud 7 related
- adjusted design to ownCloud 7 (loading spinner, no shadow on icon)
- fixes to get it work with ownCloud 7 (especially public shares and Ampache API)
- fixes several typos and minor issues
- migration from separate AppFramework to core provided AppFramework
- JavaScript 3rdparty library management is now handled by bower
- getID3 is update to v1.9.8, which fixes a memory leak - see #212
- change handling of routes in a proper way as preparation for playlist functionality - GSoC project by @wakeup
- improved documentation of PHP classes
- licence header cleanup (shrinked)
- respect the user ID on update (scanner)
Known issues
- listen to shared files doesn't work - this is a issue of the ownCloud core and will hopefully be fixed in 7.0.2 and 6.0.5 - owncloud/core#10173
- handle shared files properly (also fixes mounted storage)
- albums with same name but different artists or years are now different albums by @leizh
- cover and track download moved to music app from files app
- stop scan loop if processed count is greater than total count
- close the session to enable parallel requests to be processed
- add notification for skipped tracks
- the music in the database is now restricted to the user specified path
- update Sounmanager to V2.97a.20131201
- fix mobile styles by @jbtbnl and @wakeup
- fix left alignment issues of artist name and tracks on mobile
- remove unused code
Known bugs:
- seeking in Chromium doesn't work
- allow public share music playback #124
- start/stop implementation, filelist is playlist, no repeat
- mobile styles for phone & tablet
- search provider for artist, album & track
- command to rescan the music files from ownCloud console.php
- Thanks to @leizh
- music:scan
- all users or a specific user
- improved performance on loading of artists (a lot less SQL statements)
- seek in progressbar
- redirect from music file in files app to music app (autoplay) on click
- album art priority (cover, albumart, front, folder, others)
- step by step scanning (50 on each step)
- display of scanning progress
- Chrome now uses HTML5 audio instead of flash fallback
- Ampache API (unstable)
- security
- user can generate passwords to use with the Ampache API
- ability to revoke those passwords
- new DB tables:
- ampache_sessions - session tokens
- ampache_users - generated passwords
- Ampache API (ADD and UPDATE parameters are unsupported yet):
- handshake
- ping
- artists
- artist_albums
- album_songs
- albums
- artist_songs (also supports offset & limit)
- songs
- song
- search_song
- delivery of music file with ampache token
- middleware to authenticate user with ampache token
- security
- fix cover detection - double to single quotes - fixes #134
- fix integrity constraint violation for shared files - fix #127
- shorten index names for oracle (max 30 chars)
- fix SQL statements
- fix error while fileUpdated hook handling - fix #154
- Unknown artists, albums & titles now localizable
- allow and use NULL instead of fixed artist or album name
- add localized string to represent these albums and artists
- migration: convert existing 'owncloud unnknown ...' placeholders to NULL
- new URL generation inside the Javascript
- DB Mapper & Entities:
- Album added attributes: trackCount, artist (both not filled by default)
- Album added methods: getNameString (returns an translated string for unknown artists)
- AlbumMapper added methods: count, countByArtist, findAllByName
- Artist added attributes: trackCount, albumCount (both not filled by default)
- Artist added methods: getNameString (returns an translated string for unknown artists)
- ArtistMapper added methods: count, findAllByName
- Track added attributes: fileSize
- TrackMapper: count methods now return actual count and not an array with 'COUNT(*)'
- TrackMapper added methods: count, findAllByName, findAllByNameRecursive
- add limit ScanStatus SQL
- Tests:
- add L10nStub to properly mock the L10n class of ownCloud core
- push test coverage to 100%
- Build:
- add Makefile command to do PHP unit tests and create the test coverage
- exclude external PHP files from test coverage
- Core API:
- add call to register components to personal settings page
- fix typos
- merged l10n extraction to upstream - removed patchfiles
- minimalized travis-ci footprint
- CSRF token used for restangular queries
- AngularJS 1.2.14
- Underscore 1.6.0
Happy Christmas release
- increase polling interval for whileplaying - fixes #131
- fix play icon bug in IE - SVGs are replaced by PNGs in IE - fixes #126
- FileAction for music files
- add api call to resolve track by fileid
- AngularJS route 'file/:id'
- PlayerController.playFile(id)
- load fileactions script on every page to register FileAction
- added input validation for year - fixes some crashes of the scanner
- fix OC5 issues with MDB2 and Oracle DB
- fix database restrictions for oracle (#120, #119)
- fix l10n-compile for non-latin languages - remove jslint warning
- fix [[ to {{ transition in translations
- removes second scrollbar
- fix angular scope issues and css issues
- fix CSS style - remove comma
- RestAngular 1.2.1
- fix some global variables
- fix l10n issues
- whitespace fix in SQL statement
- fix some leftovers of the OCA\AppFramework -> OCA\Music\AppFramework change
$.placeholder() was renamed to $ .imageplaceholder() in master - Play indicator beside the track in the album view
- move MainController to top, so every children can use it's variables
- make alphabet navigation more dynamic
- add l10n for PHP
Known bugs:
- doesn't play mp3/ogg in IE8
- L10n support
- OGG metadata extraction - just works for local files - not for external ones refs #73
- proper deletion of database cache
- metadata extraction fix - disable 2GB filesize check in getID3
- use Flash fallback in Chrome - drawback: just MP3 playback - there is a notification if this is the case
- fix album art/placeholder race condition
- no more appframework dependency
- Flash unblock element
- alphabet navigation resizes with window height
- hide alphabet navigation if there is no music
- proper IE8 PNGs
- fulltree for artists only return tracks of the artist - #99
- scanner uses the shortest artist name if multiple artists are detected
- scrollbar fix - was overlaped by player bar #102