I’m an Iowan living in New York City. I work as a reporter, an editor and a computer programmer. My job is to use those skills, together, to find and tell stories.
This README includes a directory of my open-source computer code on GitHub and other platforms. It does not include the dozens of apps, stories and graphics I've published as part of my journalism career. For that, visit palewi.re to find my résumé, a database of my news clips and an archive of my public-speaking engagements.
repo | description |
amsat-satellite-index | A searchable, sortable table listing all the ham satellites in space |
californiacivicdata.org | The online home of the California Civic Data Coalition |
cummings.ee | A collection of the work of Edward Estlin Cummings, as it enters the public domain |
moneyinpolitics.wtf | America's most comprehensive dictionary of campaign finance jargon |
news-homepages | An open-source archive that gathers, archives and shares news homepages |
palewi.re | My blog |
savemy.news | A personal, permanent clipping service |
studs-terkel-podcast | Selections from WFMT's Studs Terkel Radio Archive delivered to your podcatcher |
repo | description |
first-athena-query | How to analyze millions of records in seconds with Amazon Web Services and SQL |
first-automated-chart | Learn how you can use Python and the Datawrapper API to create a limitless number of charts and maps |
first-django-admin | A step-by-step guide to creating a simple web application that empowers you to enlist reporters in data entry and refinement |
first-github-scraper | An introduction to free, automated web scraping with GitHub Actions |
first-llm-classifier | Learn how journalists use large-language models to organize and analyze massive datasets |
first-pull-request | How to propose changes to open-source software using GitHub pull requests |
first-python-notebook | A step-by-step guide to analyzing data with Python and the Jupyter Notebook |
first-web-scraper | A step-by-step guide to writing a web scraper with Python |
first-visual-story | A step-by-step guide to publishing a standalone story from a dataset |
go-big-with-github-actions | Learn how to scale up your data pipelines using GitHub’s powerful Actions framework |
repo | description |
old-la-photos | A bot that posts photographs from the Los Angeles Public Library’s digital collection |
metar-weather-bot | A bot that posts the latest METAR weather report for LAX airport |
muckrockbot | A bot that posts the latest public records requests filed and completed at muckrock.com |
nyc-open-data-monitor | Automated monitoring of new and updated datasets posted to New York City's data portal |
reuters-jobs | A bot that posts the latest open jobs at Reuters |
random-pigeon-gpt | A bot that posts AI-generated images of New York City pigeons generated using random adjectives |
sanborn-maps-bot | A bot that posts random images from the Library of Congress collection of Sanborn Fire Insurance Company maps |
repo | description |
baseball-notebooks | Python notebooks exploring Major League Baseball data |
california-crop-production-wages-analysis | Crop worker pay in California |
california-electricity-capacity-analysis | California's costly power glut |
california-fire-zone-analysis | California buildings within fire hazard zones |
california-h2a-visas-analysis | Temporary visas granted to foreign agricultural workers |
census-hard-to-map-analysis | A census undercount could cost California billions — and L.A. is famously hard to track |
cfb-gap-analysis | College football's most imbalanced teams |
chicago-regions-map | Creates a regional map of Chicago based on the city's official designations |
chicago-trees-analysis | How many trees has Chicago planted? And where? |
construction-jobs-analysis | Demographics and pay of construction workers |
cubs-opening-day-analysis | Analysis of the Opening Day starters for the Chicago Cubs baseball team |
deadspin-scraper | Scrape posts from Deadspin |
deleon-district-election-results-analysis | How former state Sen. Kevin de León fared in his own district |
drudge-domain-analysis | A simple example of using storytracker and the PastPages API to conduct a link analysis |
faa-drone-license-analysis | Who can fly commercially? |
ferc-enforcement-analysis | Civil penalties issued by FERC |
helicopter-accident-analysis | A Los Angeles Times analysis of helicopter accident rates |
hollister-ranch-analysis | Agricultural property tax breaks in Hollister Ranch |
houston-flood-zone-analysis | Geospatial analysis of Houston homes after Hurricane Harvey |
hsr-document-analysis | How California’s faltering high-speed rail project was ‘captured’ by costly consultants |
judge-home-run-analysis | How the Yankee slugger's 2022 pace compares to the past |
la-settlements-analysis | Legal payouts by L.A. city |
la-vacant-building-complaints-analysis | Vacant building complaints filed with L.A. city |
la-weedmaps-analysis | Black market cannabis shops thrive in L.A. even as city cracks down |
literary-notebooks | Python notebooks exploring Project Gutenberg texts |
native-american-census-analysis | The 2020 census is coming. Will Native Americans be counted? |
nl-west-2022-race-analysis | The Dodgers and Padres were tied for first on June 22. Here's what happened next. |
news-nerd-repo-analysis | How active are news nerds on GitHub? |
promenade-west-sales-report | An analysis of downtown Los Angeles housing prices |
street-racing-analysis | Street racing fatalities in L.A. County |
swana-census-analysis | Are Arabs and Iranians white? Census says yes, but many disagree |
washingtonpost-newswhip-analysis | How many pieces does the Washington Post publish? |
repo | description |
amateur-satellite-database | The amateur satellites in space. A machine-readable mirror of JE9PEL's website and the SatNOGS database. |
aphis-inspection-reports | Scrapes inspection data and PDFs from the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
california-coronavirus-data | The Los Angeles Times' open-source archive of California coronavirus data |
california-coronavirus-scrapers | The open-source web scrapers that feed the Los Angeles Times California coronavirus tracker |
fed-dot-plot-scraper | Extracting the "dot plot" economic projections posted online by the Federal Open Market Committee |
noaa-hurricane-gis-scraper | Automated downloads of geographic information system data posted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center |
repo | description |
california-business-entities | Corporations and limited-liability companies registered with the California Secretary of State |
california-house-members | A simple machine-readable list of the 53 men and women California sends to Congress |
california-topojson-atlas | Simple maps of California's 58 counties |
cedar-rapids-buildings-unsafe-after-derecho-2020 | Buildings marked as unsafe to occupy by the Cedar Rapids city government following the 2020 derecho storms |
la-county-2016-primary-precinct-maps | Maps of the consolidated precincts used in Los Angeles County's 2016 primary election |
la-county-election-precincts-2018 | Final election precincts used by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk in the 2018 elections |
la-county-election-precincts-2020 | Final election precincts used by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk in the 2020 general elections |
la-county-trail-maps | Geospatial data of trails managed or planned by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation |
la-magnets-2016-test-scores | A database of test scores for roughly 200 L.A. Unified magnet schools obtained by the Los Angeles Times |
la-metro-maps | Geospatial data from L.A. Metro's public transportation system |
lausd-school-campus-polygons | The areas of school campuses at the Los Angeles Unified School District |
los-angeles-county-tsunami-hazard-areas | California Geological Survey maps of flooding tsunamis could produce in Los Angeles County |
noaa-hurricane-hunters-logo | An official logo of NOAA's Hurricane Hunters released via FOIA |
nrol-39-logo | A vector PDF of the official mission logo of NROL-39 released via FOIA |
nrol-logos | Official logos for National Reconnaissance Office satellite launches released via the Freedom of Information Act |
nyc-parks-logo | The official logos of NYC Parks released via FOIL |
regional-connector-art | Public art created for light rail stations on the Los Angeles Metro's Regional Connector line |
san-francisco-campaign-contributions | Itemized monetary campaign contributions compiled by San Francisco's Ethics Commission |
space-force-emblems | The official logos of 83 US Space Force units |
union-station-site-map | The glossy map on display in the Los Angeles transit hub |
us-ca-butte_county-addresses_parcels_roads-shp | SHP files of addresses, parcels and roads received in a public record request from Butte County, California |
us-ca-el_dorado_county-currprcl-shp | SHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in El Dorado County California |
us-ca-lake_county-situs_parcels-shp | SHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in Lake County California |
us-ca-lassen_county-situs_parcels-shp | SHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in Lassen County California |
us-ca-madera_county-situs-shp | SHP file of address points provided via public records request by local government in Madera County California |
us-ca-orange_county-situs_parcels-shp | A SHP file of parcel polygons downloaded from Orange County California's public website |
us-ca-san_joaquin_county-situs_parcels-shp | SHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in San Joaquin County California |
us-ca-santa_clara_county-gis-shp | SHP files downloaded from Santa Clara County California's password-protected GIS repository |
us-ca-santa_cruz_county-PointAddress_SC-shp | SHP file of address points provided via public records request by local government inSanta Cruz County California |
us-ca-shasta_county-ShastaCountySitusPoints-shp | SHP file of address points provided via public records request by Shasta County government |
us-ca-sonoma-county-sc_base_adr_addresses-shp | SHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in Sonoma County California |
us-ca-yuba_county-AddressPoints-shp | SHP file of address points provided via public records request by local government in Yuba County California |
usa-style-guides | U.S. government style guides acquired via the Freedom of Information Act |
usgs-anss-logo | The logo for the U.S. Geological Survey's Advanced National Seismic System |
usgs-hawaii-volcano-drone-survey-october-2022 | Photography and a digital elevation model from an October 2022 USGS drone mission over the Kilauea volcano's Halema‘uma‘u pit crater. |
repo | description |
django-heroku-template | A template for Django projects hosted by Heroku |
python-open-source-template | A template for open-source Python software repositories |
repo | description |
air-quality-index | Download air quality index data from AirNow |
altair | Declarative statistical visualization library for Python |
atcf-data-parser | Parser for the a-deck data posted online by the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System |
archiveis | A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service |
calfire-wildfires | Download wildfires data from CalFire |
census-data-aggregator | Combine U.S. census data responsibly |
census-data-downloader | Download U.S. census data and reformat it for humans |
census-error-analyzer | Analyze the margin of error in U.S. census data |
census-map-consolidator | Combine Census blocks into new shapes |
census-map-downloader | Easily download U.S. census maps |
cpi | Quickly adjust U.S. dollars for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) |
django-anss-archive | Archive real-time earthquake notifications from the USGS's Advanced National Seismic System |
django-bakery | A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files |
django-calaccess-downloads-website | An open-source archive of campaign finance and lobbying disclosure data from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
django-calaccess-raw-data | A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbying activity data from the California Secretary of State's CAL-ACCESS database |
django-calaccess-processed-data | A Django app to transform and refine campaign-finance data from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
django-calaccess-scraped-data | A Django app to scrape campaign-finance data from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS website |
django-calaccess-technical-documentation | Technical documentation for our pipeline of Django apps that download, extract, load and process the CAL-ACCESS database |
django-greeking | Django template tools for printing filler, a technique from the days of hot type known as greeking |
django-internetarchive-storage | A custom Django storage system for Internet Archive collections |
django-postgres-copy | Quickly import and export delimited data with Django support for PostgreSQL's COPY command |
django-yamlfield | A Django database field for storing YAML data |
inciweb-wildfires | Download wildfire data from inciweb |
install-python-pipenv-pipfile | Easily install Python, pipenv and Pipfile packages in your GitHub Action |
ipsos-credibility-interval | Calculate Bayesian credibility intervals for online polling using the Ipsos method |
mlbcolors | Easy access to the official colors of every team in Major League Baseball |
nasa-wildfires | Download wildfire data from NASA satellites |
nifc-wildfires | Download wildfires data from NIFC |
noaa-wildfires | Download wildfires data from NOAA satellites |
nws-aurora | Download forecast data for Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis from the National Weather Service |
nws-wwa | Download watch, warning and advisory data from the National Weather Service |
python-censusbatchgeocoder | A simple Python wrapper for U.S. Census Geocoding Services API batch service |
python-googlegeocoder | A simple Python wrapper for version three of Google's geocoder API |
python-muckrock | A simple Python wrapper for the MuckRock API |
reuters-style | A Python library format dates, numbers and text to conform with the Reuters Style Guide, the standards that guide the world's largest independent newsroom |
savepagenow | A simple Python wrapper for archive.org's "Save Page Now" capturing service |
sphinx-palewire-theme | A Sphinx theme for sites hosted at palewi.re |
storysniffer | Inspect a URL and estimate if it links to news story |
repo | description |
altair-column-sort-example | An example of how to sort the columns in a bar chart created by the Altair data visualization library |
altair-election-maps-example | An experiment in creating precinct-level election results maps using Python's Altair library |
altair-interactive-scatterplot-example | An example of how to add a tooltip to a scatterplot in Python's Altair charting library |
climate-data-example | An example of how to use the European weather agency's gridded climate data |
dorling-cartogram-example | How to calculate a dorling cartogram with Python |
geopandas-intersection-area-example | How to use geopandas' overlay method to find the area of intersections between two datasets |
geopandas-spatial-join-example | An example of how to join point to polygon data with geopandas and Python |
git-scraper-example | A example of a git scraper that download, lints, commits and archives a data set |
jupyter-notebook-execution-examples | Examples of how to remotely execute Jupyter Notebooks from other contexts |
pandas-combine-workbooks-example | How to use Python's pandas library to combine tabs from multiple Microsoft Excel workbooks into a single CSV |
pandas-squarify-example | How to use the squarify extension to matplotlib to visualize a pandas DataFrame as a treemap |
random-tract | A Python hack to respond to a Twitter challenge to "select a random geographic point in the US, with the probability weighted by population." |
repo | description |
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 RUN | A popular one-line script for the Commodore 64 |
2018-year-in-review | A streamgraph of the Los Angeles Times' master branch |
analyzing-color | Experiments in manipulating color data |
baseball-visualizations | Abstracting America's pastime |
california-fire-zones | Maps developed as part of a Los Angeles times geospatial analysis of fire risk zones |
california-in-mercator | A base map of the state |
california-poppy-generator | A randomized generator of California poppies |
covid-19-prototypes | Experiments developed as part of the Los Angeles Times’ coronavirus tracking effort |
delaunay-headline-hero | This modification of Mike Bostock's Delaunay Dual diagram was drafted for consideration as lead art on a gallery of data analysis pieces |
earthquake-intensity-map | A "shakemap" of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Searles Valley, Calif., on July 5, 2019 |
election-2013 | Resultados de las Oct. 2013 Buenos Aires elecciones |
election-results-by-education-treemap | A treemap of Iowa's 2016 presidential election results by education |
election-results-challenge | Got a better idea? Here's you chance to prove it |
first-observable-notebook | A course taught at the 2020 conference of the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting |
hexbin-headline-hero | The first draft of the diagram that serves as the lead art on a gallery of data analysis pieces |
how-iowa-voted | Mapping election results from the state of Iowa |
inglewood-inventory | Lunches in the "City of Champions" with the Los Angeles Times Data Desk |
iowa-dorling | An example of a Dorling cartogram mapping the population of Iowa's 99 counties |
load-d3-data-incrementally-using-sorted-value | Gradually loads all the cities of California from north to south, and then removes them from south to north. |
numbers-in-the-newsroom | Calculators for common newsroom needs, including those featured in Sarah Cohen’s book “Numbers in the Newsroom: Using Math and Statistics in News” |
observable-framework-cpi-example | A demonstration of how to deploy an Observable Framework dashboard via GitHub Pages |
observable-framework-example-loader-canvas-to-png | Observable data loader to generate PNG from canvas |
observable-helpers | Utilities to help do things |
spike-chart | This variation on a standard bar chart substitutes in a proportionally sized spike for the traditional rectangle |
the-ichiro-bet | The Ichiro Bet |
the-many-voices-of-the-other-americans | Visualizing the rotating narrators of Laila Lalami's novel "The Other Americans" |
tinting-a-canvas-image | How to overlay a color filter on top of a canvas image |
trump-tweets | Techniques for working President Donald Trump's posts on twitter.com |
us-census-data | A variety of methods for visualizing data from the United States Census Bureau |
vega-visualizations | Examples of using the Vega data visualization toolkit |
voronoi-husband-and-wife | A photograph of my wife and I stippled using a Voronoi diagram |
web-dubois | Digital recreations of data visualizations made for W.E.B. Du Bois’ presentation at the “Paris Exposition Universelle” in 1900 |
repo | description |
dotfiles | My configuration files |
ebook-exports | Export the e.e. cummings free poetry archive to a variety of ebook formats |
internet-archive-upload | Upload files to an archive.org item |
is-5 | Page scans of E.E. Cummings’ 1926 book of verse |
tulips-and-chimneys | Page scans of E.E. Cummings’ first published book of verse |
repo | description |
boundaries.latimes.com | An API that serves up local GIS data |
documentstacker | Use DocumentCloud to publish PDFs for humans |
nicar18-datadesk-family-reunion | Los Angeles Times Data Desk Reunion @ NICAR 2018 |
nicar19-datadesk-family-reunion | Los Angeles Times Data Desk Reunion @ NICAR 2019 |
orchestral-motion.github.io | L.A. Phil hackday website |
pastpages.org | The news homepage archive |
tablestacker | Publish spreadsheets as interactive tables. And do it on deadline. |
repo | description |
first-news-app | A step-by-step guide to publishing a simple news application |
repo | description |
checkbook-la-watchdog | A periodically updated archive of financial data published by the city of Los Angeles' Checkbook LA data portal |
everytractcount | Statistics about every U.S. Census tract mapped by @everytract |
mistadobalina | A script that posts raps by Del Tha Funkee Homosapien to @MISTADOBALINA on Twitter |
mlb-postseason-bot | Twitter bot that posts daily updates on a team’s chance to make the Major League Baseball postseason |
questionheds | A feed of headlines with question marks in them |
trump-tweets | All @RealDonaldTrump tweets stored at trumptwitterarchive.com in a single JSON |
repo | description |
appengine-template | Bootstrap a Google App Engine project with Django and other goodies |
django-project-template | A custom template for initializing a new Django project the Data Desk way |
django-calaccess-project-template | A custom template for initializing a new Django project with the California Civic Data Coalition's applications for analyzing the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
repo | description |
altair-latimes | A Los Angeles Times theme for Python's Altair statistical visualization library |
calculate | Some simple math we use to do journalism |
django-a-matter | An app for authoring background biographical matter on newsworthy people |
django-autoarchive | Django helpers for automatically archiving URLs |
django-calaccess-campaign-browser | A Django app to refine, review and republish campaign finance data drawn from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
django-calaccess-cookbook | A Chef cookbook and Fabfile for deploying the California Civic Data Coalition's applications for analyzing the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database on Amazon Web Services |
django-calaccess-docker | A standalone Docker stack serving the California Civic Data Coalition's applications for analyzing the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
django-calaccess-lobbying-browser | A simple Django app browse California lobbying activity data from CAL-ACCESS |
django-correx | A set of models and template tags for pulling in lists of content changes across applications |
django-memento-framework | A set for helpers for Django web sites to enable the Memento framework for time-based access |
django-orchestral-motion-db | A Django channels app for receiving live motion data from an accelerometer |
django-rapture | An archive of the Rapture Index at raptureready.com |
django-swineflu | A quick and dirty data dump of the H1N1 flu vaccine locations that LA County public health currently buries in a PDF |
django-urlarchivefield | A custom Django model field that automatically archives a URL |
lametro-api | A simple Python wrapper for the L.A. Metro’s API for bus stops, routes and vehicles |
mappingla | A Python wrapper for accessing the Mapping L.A. Boundaries API |
pastpages2gif | Create an animated GIF from the PastPages news homepage archive |
pluggablemaps | A pluggable GeoDjango app with the boundaries of all states in the United States of America. Geography, loosely coupled |
pluggablemaps-hackshackers | A GeoDjango app that maps unemployment, meant to demonstrate concepts from my talk |
pluggablemaps-lametrorail | A pluggable GeoDjango app mapping the Los Angeles Metro Rail system |
pluggablemaps-uscounties | A pluggable GeoDjango app with the boundaries of United States counties |
pyplacefinder | A very simple wrapper for Yahoo PlaceFinder |
python-elections | A Python wrapper for the Associated Press' U.S. election data service |
qiklog | A simplified wrapper for Python's logging module |
scrapy-calaccess-crawler | A Scrapy app to scrape campaign-finance data from the California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS website |
statestyle | A Python library that standardizes the names of U.S. states |
storytracker | Tools for tracking stories on news homepages |
webcitation | A simple Python wrapper for the webcitation.org capturing service |
wordpress-memento-plugin | A plugin for Wordpress web sites to enable the Memento framework for time-based access |
repo | description |
california-k12-notebooks | Scripts to download and process California K12 schools data |
chirp-ham-radio-channels | Channels formatted for the CHIRP amateur radio programming system |
first-python-notebook-binder | A template for deploying "First Python Notebook" with Binder |
ire2010 | Class materials for the Django bootcamp at the IRE 2010 conference in Las Vegas |
nicar2010 | Materials from the Django bootcamp at NICAR 2010 |
nicar2011 | An example Django app for a class at the NICAR 2011 conference |
python-calaccess-notebooks | Python notebooks analyzing campaign finance and lobbying activity data from California Secretary of State’s CAL-ACCESS database |
osm-quiet-la | A street-centric base layer for overlaying point data about Southern California |
osm-silent-la | A template for a black base layer about Southern California |
sopr-activity | A quick and dirty script for pulling down lobby disclosure docs filed with the Senate Office of Public Records |
sopr-contribs | Scripts for processing and analyzing federal lobbyist disclosure data reporting contributions to political campaigns |
the-mondesi-bet | The Mondesi Bet |