A very small yet powerful example of a real time web chat using Node, Express and Faye.
- Download and install node.js
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the server:
node server.js
- Open http://localhost:8000/client.html
- Have fun :)
This example was made for my lightning talk on Caipira Ágil 2012. But you can use it for your own study, or for a talk of yours if you want. You just have to give me some credit (see LICENSE for more info).
Found a bug? Are you an expert in the field and saw a huge mistake of mine? Want to see improvements on it?
Please let me know, to help this work get better! :)
You may want to:
- send me an e-mail: [email protected]
- send me a tweet: @panaggio
- send me a message via github:
- signup and login to github
- go to my page on github
- click "Message"
- send a bug on github's issue tracker:
- signup and login to github
- go to the issue tracker
- click "Create Issue"
- make the changes yourself:
- signup and login to github
- go to the talk's page
- fork this repo: click "Fork"
- make your changes
- send a pull request.