This is the source code for Paris Buttfield-Addison's personal website. It's a Hugo-based site, using the PaperMod template.
There's a few licenses at play in this repository:
- The Secret Lab logo is copyright and trademark Secret Lab Pty. Ltd.. All rights reserved.
- The Yarn Spinner logo is copyright and trademark Secret Lab Pty. Ltd.. All rights reserved.
- Unless otherwise stated on specific pages, or for specific blocks of content, all text content in Markdown format (i.e. posts, pages) and images or photographs created by Paris Buttfield-Addison are licensed CC BY-SA 4.0.
- Any other images are licensed as per their attribution.
- Any code, as well as the theme itself, is licensed under the MIT license. The PaperMod theme is copyright nanxiaobei and adityatelange.
- Any fiction, interactive or interwise, is not licensed to you in any way beyond your ability to read it on the blog/files of the blog.