My software projects range from workflows to process ocean color data from drones to open access geospatial and remote sensing courses to satellite analysis of ocean dynamics to machine learning for detecting marine megafauna. I'm a strong proponent of open source science, teaching, and data.
I’m currently an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Maine’s School of Marine Sciences. I’m interested in biological oceanography and marine ecology (from viruses to whales) as well as applied and fundamental ocean optics within a broader Earth system science framework. My work is often a combination of seagoing observations, satellite remote sensing, and lab-based analysis - all with a strong computational dimension. Working at the confluence of remote sensing, data science, and seagoing oceanography I lean heavily on machine learning and scientific computing tools for parsing large amounts of data and connecting remotely sensed and in-situ oceanographic monitoring. I'm also interested in tools and ideas that will be relevant for Earth science and for exploring other bodies within our solar system.