PlanningPoker - game for evaluating scrum team tasks
Planning poker is a problem assessment technique based on team discussion of each problem. Each participant anonymously evaluates the problem by voting with a scorecard. Then the cards are revealed and the median for each problem is calculated.
For configuration project uses file ServersSettings.json and env.list if you would use docker container. The settings files contain values * instead of which you need to substitute your own data this is done for security reasons
For local working this project, restoring database and start run sql scripts from file "SQL_PlanningPoker.sql".
- Step 1. Open file with sql scripts. Highlights all scripts and press F5 or run with MSSQL Managment Studio.
- Step 2. Wait finish work.
- Step 1.
cd <YourPathToProject>
- Step 2. Change server in connection string on localhost
server=localhost;user id=PlanningPoker;password=Pa$$word;database=PlanningPoker;
- Step 3.
go run main.go
- Step 4.
- address app.
- Step 1.
cd <YourPathToProject>
- Step 2. Change server in connection string on mssql
server=mssql;user id=PlanningPoker;password=Pa$$word;database=PlanningPoker;
- Step 3.
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
- Step 4. Wait db inti scripts and
address app
When running through docker, there may be a problem related to
./ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `$'\r''
Change line breaks to Unix lf in all related files.