This is a lab excercise from Red Academy Web Development Professional Program, Spring 2018 Objective: to create a simple app to fetch current informationa about weather in Vancouver. I exchange the fixed city info with geolocation statment and data, so if app shows the current place weather information. I've also added the date.
##featured used
- fetching data from Open Weather API by using ajax method;
- jQuery;
- styling inspired by google material design;
- Structure was NOT yet customized to be mobile-first - it will be rewritten soon;
- I did not use node-modules, GULP or SASS yet. Will do that soon;
- Nice to have: time displayed;
- I have problems with http:// and https:// on Github and the app might not work, when you check it, clicking on the link in description. I will fix it as soon as possible;
- Some of requirements cover the FreeCodeCamp Front End Developer challenge: [Show the Local Weather];(, but no all user-stories was used.
- I would like to use this awesome icons in future: [link to codepen] (