Sally-CF - IDE Compact Flash card interface for 8-bit Atari XL/XE computers.
Design assumptions:
- Identical functionality to XEL-CF
- Easy DIY assembly thanks to THT components
- Compatibility with as many CF cards as possible (and SD/microSD card adapters)
- Possibility to use the shortest possible IDE 44 cable thanks to the conveniently placed connector
- CPU output signals for U1MB (Phi2, R/W, RST, HLT) with the same pinout as in Ulitmate 1MB module
- Connector for: Activity LED, Swap Button, Swap LED (optional)
- Connector for signals from motherboard: /$D1xx and B02
- PCB versions matching XL and XE series (Atari 800 XL, Atari 65/130/800 XE with ECI port)
- Probably future adaptation to 600/1200 XL
Reference Quantity Value Info
C1 C2 C3 3 0.1uF Capacitor THT 2.54mm 10%
D1 1 1N914 Diode THT DO-35/SOD-25 (1N914 or 1N4148)
J1 1 DIL40 40-pin Precision Socket W15.24mm
J2 1 SWITCH/LED CONN 1x6 Pin Header 2.54mm
J3 1 IDE HEADER 2x22 Pin Header 2mm
J4 1 Wires 1x2 Pin Header 2.54mm
J5 1 U1MB Conn 1x4 Pin Header 2.54mm
Q1 1 PN2222 Transistor NPN 40V 0.8A TO-92
R2 R1 2 1K Resistor THT 0207 5%
R3 R4 2 390R Resistor THT 0207 5%
RN2 RN1 2 3 * 75R Resistor Network 6-pin SIP (or 6 x 75R Resistors THT)
U1 1 SN74F138 IC DIP16 W7.62mm 74F138 - 1-of-8 Decoder/Demultimplexer
U2 1 SN74F32N IC DIP14 W7.62mm 74F32 - Quad NOR Gates
U3 1 SN74F00N IC DIP14 W7.62mm 74F00 - Quad NAND Gates
U4 1 SN74F245N IC DIP20 W7.62mm 74F245 - Octal Transceiver with 3-state outputs
- B02 - Gated Phase 2 Clock
- /D1xx - Chip select at area $D100 - $D1FF
B02 - PBI connector - pin 31 | Cartridge port - pin S (30) | U7 (ANTIC) - pin 29 | U18 (74LS08) - pin 11
/D1xx - U2 (74L138) - pin 14 (not connected)
B02 - Cartridge port - pin S (30)
/D1xx - ECI port - pin 3