The Confluence workflow includes the following AWS service in the workflow-infrastructure
- AWS Batch compute environment, job queue definitions.
- AWS CloudWatch Logs.
- AWS IAM Roles & Policies.
- AWS S3 SoS Bucket.
- AWS Security Groups and VPC definition.
- AWS System Manager Parameter Store and Key Management Service.
The Confluence workflow includes the following AWS service in the stepfunction-infrastructure
- AWS EventBridge rule.
- AWS Step Function state machine.
- AWS IAM Roles & Policies.
Deploys AWS infrastructure and stores state in an S3 backend. This top-level terraform repo contains AWS infrastructure that applies to all components. Each component may have additional terraform files for deploying AWS resources, see each components
for details.
To deploy:
- Initialize terraform:
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="bucket=confluence-<env>-tf-state" -backend-config="key=confluence.tfstate" -backend-config="region=us-west-2" -backend-config="profile=<named_profile>"
- Plan terraform modifications:
terraform plan -var-file="conf.tfvars" -out="tfplan"
- Apply terraform modifications:
terraform apply tfplan
can be dev1
, dev2
, dev3
or ops
is the name of the profile used to authenticate to AWS
Script to deploy Terraform AWS infrastructure
- Terraform (
Command line arguments:
[1] s3_state_bucket: Name of the S3 bucket to store Terraform state in (no need for s3:// prefix)
[2] terraform_state_key: Name of Terraform state key (e.g. confluence.tfstate or confluence-sfn.tfstate)
[3] terraform_directory: Which directory to deploy (e.g. workflow-infrastructure)
Infrastructure example usage: deploy/ confluence-bucket-tf-state confluence.tfstate workflow-infrastructure
Step Function example usage: deploy/ confluence-bucket-tf-state confluence-sfn.tfstate workflow-step-function