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Pornganizer V5

Adult Media Organization Tool

Import both videos and images

Tag them with any combination of categories, dvds, images, stars, themes or websites

Rate and save favorite scenes

Built in media player with related tag lookups

Splooge counter


Find the latest release here:

(this information is V4 specific but much of it applies equally to v5)


First, open PG and if you haven't already, create a Database for your porn via the button on the opening page. If you have an SSD, I'd suggest creating it there if you have the space. When you open that database for the first time, it will be empty. Your aim is to fill it with the videos in your collection, then associate those videos to different types of descriptive tags, so you can sort through your collection via queries against those tags. For example, you could query for all videos starring Alexis Texas, from Digital Playground, that contain threesomes.

When you open PG and select your new database, you will see the following tabs listed along the top:

Scenes: This window is where you put Scenes (video files). This is the default page PG opens to, where you'll see all the videos you've put in your database in a great big window. To add a video, drag and drop it (or a folder with videos in it) into the large window. PG will then create a Scene icon, and display a link to that Scene's Details Page (To access this page, right click on the Scene icon and select “View Details”). You can double-click any scene you see here, and it will play via your offboard player (VLC or MPC-HT, which you set up under the "Settings" tab).

Categories: These are tags that you create, that you can then attach to/associate with a given video. They represent momentary things that happen in the video. For example, if you wanted to track videos with a striptease in them, you would create a category here called "Striptease", using the plus (+) symbol at the bottom. Make as many Categories as you like, but don't let it get out of hand. When you create a Category, PG will create a Category icon for it that will appear here under the Categories tab, just like Scenes under the Scenes tab. This is the same for every Tag type to follow. To add a Category tag to a video, right click on the Scene you want to associate a category with, and select “View Details”. From there, you can access the Details Pane below the video playback window by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the lower left. There, you’ll see a place to associate Categories and other Tags with your scene. It’s also possible to associate tags to a Scene or multiple selected Scenes directly from the Scenes tab, by selecting them, then adding the tag via the flyout panel that appears to the right. To return to the previous window, hit escape or use the back button on your mouse.

PRO TIP: Only "remove" tags from a given Scene's Details Screen if you want to dissociate them from a video. Don't remove them from the pop-out menu you may see now and again on the right, or you're removing them from the database in general and will be unable to use those tags in PG until you re-create them.

Themes: These are qualities the video has, in general or throughout. Like, if you want to track videos that are Gangbangs, you would create a Theme called “Gangbang”, using the plus (+) at the bottom of the Themes tab. You would see your new Gangbang Theme listed in the Themes window, then you can add that theme to any Gangbang movies you have.

To associate a Theme to a Scene, follow the steps above for Categories, but use the Themes controls in the Scene’s Details Pane. It’s the same for Websites, Stars, and DVDs, explained below. Websites: These are Website tags that you create in order to track the Websites and studios videos come from. Again, use the plus at the bottom to create a website, then you can associate that Website to various videos.

Stars: These are the performers you wish to track in your Scenes. To add a Star, use the plus(+) sign at the bottom of the stars tab. PG will create an icon for that Star, and you'll see it displayed in the window under the Stars tab. You can then associate that Star to any video they're in.

When you first create a Star, using the (+) in the Stars tab, you will be greeted with a blank data sheet for that Star. Since nothing you type into this window is saved to the database except the Name field, don’t bother filling out all of it. It is helpful, however, once you’ve typed in the Star’s name to click “Use Starscraper” to auto-populate the fields from an internet database of porn stars. This way, you ensure (for at least common porn stars) that you’ve spelled the name right. Once you are satisfied you have the name right, click “Save”, and the Star will appear under the Stars tab, and you’ll be taken to the Star’s Details screen. Once you are in the Details Window for your new Star, clicking the circular Edit icon at the top left of the main window to bring up the Star’s datasheet again, and this time the Starscraper functionality will work, saving the data it gets from the internet to the Star’s entry. Some of the fields, like Waist Size, don’t really work. DVDs: These are DVDs from which you have ripped porn into Scenes that you wish to track in your Database. You create a DVD using the plus sign (sense a theme here?). After you've created a DVD, you can associate any videos you have that belong to that DVD.

Details Screen: This window is common to individual Stars, DVD's, Websites, Categories, and Themes that you have added to your Database. Each one has its own Details Screen. The Details Screen will have general info on the left, and a window for videos associated with the particular tag on the right. You can drag and drop a jpg into the icon area/empty frame on the left to represent that theme, like a Star's profile pic, or a DVD cover, etc. into the labeled window on the left, and PG will use the pic as an icon/thumbnail for that theme/star/whatever. I suggest creating a separate cache folder on an SSD for each of these types of thumbnail images: Star, Website, Theme, Category, and DVD. You want them on a fast drive, because you may have to, for example, load hundreds of Star images to view all the Stars in your database, when you go to the Stars tab in PG. If it's loading from a mechanical drive, there may be a lot of latency, especially if you're using larger images. There is a details screen for Scenes, too, that has a playback window on top, and a list of associated tags available at the bottom (via the drop-down arrow on the lower right).

Settings: This is where you point PG to whatever offboard video player software you want it to use outside of Pornganizer (has to be either VLC or MPC). Your player invoked when you double click a Scene icon, anywhere. Using Pornganizer Features:

Auto-Tagging: PG will pick up on, from the file name and path of any video files you drag into it, the names of any DVDs, Categories, Themes, Stars, and Websites that are in your database, and it will automatically tag any given video with those items. In order to save yourself a ton of work, use descriptive filenames for your porn vids and include such things as you want picked up by PG and tagged to the video automatically. For example, here's the name of a file in my database: "Ava Taylor - CFNM Teens - Vacation Time Office Quickie 08022015" I did nothing but drag this file into PG and PG tagged it several times by itself, based on the filename.

Adding Themes to Stars, DVDs, Websites, etc: Pornganizer allows you, in certain cases, to add tags to other tags. For example, it is possible to tag a Star (like say, Alexis Texas) with a Theme (like say, "Blonde"). When you do this, PG will automatically tag any video tagged with that Star with the given Theme. In the example, when I import a Scene with Alexis Texas in the file name, PG auto-tags it (see above) with Alexis Texas AND "Blonde", because I have the Alexis Texas Star tag associated with the "Blonde" Theme in my database. A great place to do this is on any themed websites you have. To do this, open the Details Screen for any tag you want to tag, and add the Theme via the button below the tag’s icon window on the left. The vast majority of Tags for my videos are automatically added via the Auto-Tagging and Themed Tags functions of Pornganizer. Query Filters: On the Details screen for most tag types, as well as on the main Scenes tab, there is a set of filters you can see just to the left of the main display window, in a vertical column. Clicking the pull-out arrow at the top of the column will reveal them in full. They should be self-explanatory, but here is where you perform query searches of your database.

Bookmarks: Bookmarks are a way for you to pinpoint exact places in a given video that a Category appears. For example, if you were tracking videos with stripteases in them via a Category tag, you can add a bookmark at the particular spot in a given video where a striptease begins. Using the bookmark, you can skip to that exact point in the video. The Bookmark facility is located on a given Scene’s Details Page. Use the drop-down on the lower left of the Details Page for your Scene to access the controls. Only Categories that have been tagged to the Scene itself can be used to create Bookmarks within the video. To create a Bookmark, cue up the video so it’s paused at the exact moment you want the Bookmark. Then, right-click on the Category listing below the video for the Category you want to Bookmark, then select “Create Bookmark”. The Bookmark will appear on the Scene’s timeline. From then on, clicking the Bookmark will advance the video playback cursor to that time in the video.

These are what I consider the main features of Pornganizer. Other features, such as the Clip Creator, Splooges, the Google Image API, and Discord integration are topics hopefully someone else will detail with a how-to. The above should be enough to get you started. As you begin, I would suggest adding a single video to the database, then add one of each tag type at least that you want to associate to that video, then associate them, just to get used to the navigation and controls. Once you understand how everything relates, I’d suggest rounding out your Themes and Categories with common things like positions, and creating Star and Website tags en masse for at least those that have multiple appearances in your database. This way, the auto-tagger will be able to perform much of the work for you as you add scenes in your collection.