Leanie Williams
2025 01-07
- Can we determine bacterial operon structure using the GFF and genome information?
- Can operons be used as the features for transcriptomic experiments?
- How do we find promoters?
- What are the regulators?
Work in progress
- Features in an operon must be co-oriented.
- co oriented would mean that the features are on the same strand (+ or -)
- Features must be found serially.
- serially means that the number of bases between features should not exceed 500 bases (note we will examine the threshold of bases and how it impacts the output)
input: gff
- defined separation threshold (0-500)
- anything else???
output : csv
- results csv
- BED file of operons
- BED file of intergenic regions
input: RdKW20.annot.gff
- sequence-region 1 1830138
- species https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=727
We define functions for parsing the GFF, finding operons based on our rules (see Methods), and returning the results as a csv. The csv contains a header Feature, Locus_tag, Gene_type, Operon_ID, Operon_Start, Operon_End, Strand
and each feature (defined as genes or pseudogenes) is specified within an operon.
The user can include a separation threshold (--sep_thresh
) which will specify how many bases between features. This parameter has a range between 0 and 500 bases, and a default of 500. This parameter informs the results in the columns oriented
and oriented_nearby
. If a feature is located on the '+' strand (sense), they receive a 1 and the '-' strand (antisense) is 0. The results of oriented_nearby
are TRUE
if the features are both on the same strand and located within the defined separation threshold, defining the operon.
The user may return an optional [BED] formatted file (--bed
The user may return a bed file for intergenic regions using --inter
To do:
argument parser
- help
- verbose
define feature name, BED attributes (chromosome, start, stop, name, score, strand, ID, feature type, description etc etc...)
- fix number of cols in BED outputs
- BED off by 1 error?
- naming convention of results --> remove GFF, remove underscore?