Trailhead is a web application that allows hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to search for trails across multiple National Parks. Hikers can filter their selection by distance, difficulty, and other preferences. Trailhead was built as a paired project using ReactJS, the fetch API, and Sass styling at Turing School of Software and Design.
These instructions will get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for usage and testing purposes.
clone down the repository:
$ git clone
cd into directory and run npm install:
$ npm install
launch in your browser:
$ npm start
We took as much advantage of planning time as we could, working from the wireframe below all throughout the project and utilizing a daily retro log (also linked below) as well as github issues to keep our group organized and on task. We worked mostly together, which helped keep syntax errors to a minimum and allowed to immediate feedback on design and functionality decisions.
- Add the ability to query over a larger dataset(state parks/international parks)
- Allow users to have random trail selected for them on the home page based on location
- Allow users to login and save location data, as well as track which trails they've already hiked.
- Adapt to mobile
Whateverly, Mod 2 at the Turing School of Software and Design
Paul Vangelakos:
mike duke: