A player has lost his hat in a field full of holes, and he must navigate back to it without falling down one of the holes or stepping outside of the field.
The purpose of this project is to help me to better understand JS classes and to have fun with this game.
- JavaScript - version ES6
- Node.js - version 12.19.0.
Please use Node.js to run the program in your local environmnet. Make sure you have Node and NPM installed Run npm install prompt-sync in the terminal
Examples of message building blocks:
playGame() {
let gameOver = false;
// Generate new hat position
do {
this.hat.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.field[0].length);
this.hat.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.field.length);
} while (this.hat.x === this.start.x && this.hat.y === this.start.y);
// Update game board with new hat position
this.field[this.hat.y][this.hat.x] = hat;
// Add start position to game board
this.field[this.start.y][this.start.x] = pathCharacter;
// Play game until player is out of bounds, in a hole or found his hat
while (!gameOver) {
if (!this.isInBounds()) {
console.log("SORRY, you jumped off the cliff.");
gameOver = true;
} else if (this.isHole()) {
console.log("GAME OVER, you fell down a black hole.");
gameOver = true;
} else if (this.isHat()) {
console.log("COOL, you found your hat!");
gameOver = true;
// Update player location on board
this.field[this.location.y][this.location.x] = pathCharacter;
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Run game in terminal with Node.js
- Generate random game board
To-do list:
- Have the character start on a random location
- Add "hard-mode" where one or more holes are added after certain turns
- Improve game’s graphics and interactivity in the terminal
Project is: finished
Thanks to Nintendo and their first game "Tetris".
Created by @pwagnerde - feel free to contact me!