This GitHub repo contains lessons taught in the 2024 Fall Festival Clean Code workshop. If you want to work on these lessons online, you can open the repo using the binder link below
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- open peer review
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Important: Binder is a service that provides a temporary instance for your work. It does not save your work for you. If you close your browser, your work will not persist.
Tip: To make sure you have a persistent copy of your notebook, you should download it periodically. The download button is convenient and shown below:
To launch Binder for this workshop, click on this badge:
It will take 15-60 seconds to build a workspace in the cloud for you. When Binder has finished loading, you will see the following Jupyter Lab workspace:

- On the left is the file navigation sidebar where you will find the activities.
- On the right is the Jupyter Notebook interface.
- Reminder: Shift+Enter key combination or the play button will run a notebook cell.
Thank you to 2i2c and NASA for providing a Binder instance that we can use for workshops. We're grateful for the work that they are doing to support open learning and discovery.