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Releases: pytorch/tensordict


27 Feb 11:31
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We are pleased to announce the release of tensordict v0.7.2, which includes several bug fixes and backend improvements.

Bug Fixes:

  • Consolidated lazy stacks of non-tensors (#1222, #1224)
  • Passed type directly during reduction (#1225)
  • Fixed non-deterministic key order in stack (#1230)
  • Added _PASSTHROUGH_MEMO for passthrough tensorclass (#1231)
  • Improved performance and safety of non-tensor stack (#1232)
  • Fixed serialization of stacks of Tensorclasses (#1236)
  • Fixed compile during _check_keys (#1239)

Backend Improvements:

Improved errors for TensorDictSequential (#1227)

Documentation Updates:

Improved documentation for TensorDictModuleBase (#1226)

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2

0.7.1: Fixes and doc improvements

18 Feb 11:03
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We are pleased to announce the release of tensordict v0.7.1, which includes several bug fixes and a deprecation notice.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed get method for nested keys with default values in TensorClass (#1211)
  • Enforced zip(..., strict=True) in TDModules to prevent potential issues (#1212)
  • Properly handled auto-batch size for unbatched tensors (#1213)
  • Fixed indexing issues in TensorClass (#1217)

Deprecation Notice

Softly deprecated extra-tensors with respect to out_keys (#1215). We make sure a warning is raised when the number of output tensors and output keys do not match.

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1

v0.7.0: More robust composite distributions, TensorClass superclass

05 Feb 16:39
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v0.7.0: More robust composite distributions, TensorClass superclass

v0.7.0 brings a lot of new features and bug fixes. Thanks to the vibrant community to help us keeping this project

New Contributors

A special thanks to our new contributors (+ people interacting with us on the PyTorch forum, discord or via issues and
social platforms)!

BC-breaking changes

  • In #1180, we use the same object for min and max operations as we do with torch.Tensor.min. Previously, tensorclasses
    were used, but that lead to some undefined behaviors when indexing (in PyTorch, min returns a namedtuple that can be
    indexed to get the values or argmax, whereas indexing a tensorclass indexes it along the batch dimension).
  • In #1166, we introduce broadcasting for pointwise operations between tensors and tensordicts. Now, the following two
    operations on either sides of the == sign are exactly equivalent:
    td = TensorDict(..., batch_size=[3, 5])
    t = torch.randn(5)
    td + t == td + t.expand(td.shape)

Announced API changes


TL;DR: We're changing the way log-probs and entropies are collected and written in ProbabilisticTensorDictModule and
in CompositeDistribution. The "sample_log_prob" default key will soon be "<value>_log_prob (or
("path", "to", "<value>_log_prob") for nested keys). For CompositeDistribution, a different log-prob will be
written for each leaf tensor in the distribution. This new behavior is controlled by the
tensordict.nn.set_composite_lp_aggregate(mode: bool) function or by the COMPOSITE_LP_AGGREGATE environment variable.
We strongly encourage users to adopt the new behavior by setting tensordict.nn.set_composite_lp_aggregate(False).set()
at the beginning of their training script.

We've had multiple rounds of refactoring for CompositeDistribution which relied on some very specific assumptions and
resulted in a brittle and painful API. We now settled on the following API that will be enforced in v0.9, unless the
tensordict.nn.set_composite_lp_aggregate(mode) value is explicitly set to True (the current default).

The bulk of the problem was that log-probs were aggregated in a single tensor and registered in td["sample_log_prob"].
This had the following problems:

  • Summing the log-probs isn't a good idea, users should be entitled to user the log-probs as they please.
  • "sample_log_prob" is a generic but inappropriate name (the data may not be a random sample but anything else.)
  • Summing requires reduction (because log-probs may have different shapes), but sometimes we don't want to reduce to the
    shape of the root tensordict (see pytorch/rl#2756 for instance).

What's new


  • Introduction of the TensorClass class to do simple inheritance-style coding, which is accompanied by a stub file
    that encodes all the TensorDict op signatures (we ensure this in the CI). See #1067
  • @Tensorclass shadow attributes: you can now do @tensorclass(shadow=True) or class T(TensorClass["shadow"]): ...
    and you will be able to use dedicated names like get or values as attribute names. This is slightly unsafe when you
    nest the tensorclass, as we can't guarantee that the container won't be calling these methods directly on the
  • Similarly, @tensorclass(nocast=True) and TensorClass["nocast"] will deactivate the auto-casting in tensorclasses.
    The behavior is now:
    • No value: tensorclass will cast things like TensorDict (ie, int or np.arrays will be cast to torch.Tensor
      instances for example).
    • autocast=True will cause @tensorclass to go one step further and attempt to cast values to the type indicated
      in the dataclass definition.
    • nocast=True keeps values as they are. All non-tensor (or non-tensordict/tensorclass) values will be wrapped in
      a NonTensorData.


  • It is not easier to build non-tensor stacks through a simple NonTensorStack(*values).

See the full list of features here:
[Feature] Add __abs__ docstrings, __neg__, __rxor__, __ror__, __invert__, __and__, __rand__, __radd__, __rtruediv__, __rmul__, __rsub__, __rpow__, bitwise_and, logical_and (#1154) (d1363eb) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 97ce710b5a4b552d9477182e1836cf3777c2d756
[Feature] Add expln map to NormalParamExtractor (#1204) (e900b24) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 9003ceafbe8ecb73c701ea1ce96c0a342d0679b0
[Feature] Add missing __torch_function__ (#1169) (bc6390c) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 3dbefb4f5322a944664bbc2d29af7f862cb92342
[Feature] Better list casting in TensorDict.from_any (#1108) (1ffc463) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 427d19d5ef7c0d2779e064e64522fc0094a885af
[Feature] Better logs of key errors in assert_close (#1082) (747c593) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 46cb41d0da34b17ccc248119c43ddba586d29d80
[Feature] COMPOSITE_LP_AGGREGATE env variable (#1190) (9733d6e) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 16b07d0eac582cfd419612f87e38e1a7acffcfc0
[Feature] CompositeDistribution.from_distributions (#1113) (a45c7e3) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 04a62439b0fe60422fbc901172df46306e161cc5
[Feature] Ensure all dists work with DETERMINSTIC type without warning (#1182) (8e63112) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 63117f9b3ac4125a2be4e3e55719cc718051fc10
[Feature] Expose WrapModule (#1118) (d849756) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 55caa5d7c39e0f98c1e0558af2a076fee15f7984
[Feature] Fix type assertion in Seq build (#1143) (eaafc18) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 83d3dcafe45568c366207395a22b22fb35f61de1
[Feature] Force log_prob to return a tensordict when kwargs are passed to ProbabilisticTensorDictSequential.log_prob (#1146) (98c57ee) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 326d0763c9bbb13b51daac91edca4f0e821adf62
[Feature] Make ProbabilisticTensorDictSequential account for more than one distribution (#1114) (c7bd20c) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: b62b81b5cfd49168b5875f7ba9b4f35b51cd2423
[Feature] NonTensorData(*sequence_of_any) (#1160) (70d4ed1) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 537f3d87b0677a1ae4992ca581a585420a10a284
[Feature] (#1132) (4404abe) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 86065377cc1cd7c7283ed0a468f5d5602d60526d
[Feature] NonTensorStack.from_list (#1107) (f924afc) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: e8f349cb06a72dcb69a639420b14406c9c08aa99
[Feature] Optional in_keys for WrapModule (#1145) (2d37d92) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: a18dd5dff39937b027243fcebc6ef449b547e0b0
[Feature] OrderedDict for TensorDictSequential (#1142) (7df2062) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: a8aed1eaefe066dafaa974f5b96190860de2f8f1
[Feature] ProbabilisticTensorDictModule.num_samples (#1117) (978d96c) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: dc6b1c98cee5fefc891f0d65b66f0d17d10174ba
[Feature] ProbabilisticTensorDictSequential.default_interaction_type (#1123) (68ce9c3) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 37d38df36263e8accd84d6cb895269d50354e537
[Feature] Subclass conservation in td ops (#1186) (070ca61) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 83e79abda6a4bb6839d99240052323380981855c
[Feature] TensorClass (#1067) (a6a0dd6) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: c3d4e17599a3204d4ad06bceb45e4fdcd0fd1be5
[Feature] TensorClass shadow attributes (#1159) (c744bcf) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: b5cc7c7fea2d48394e63d289ee2d6f215c2333bc
[Feature] TensorDict.(dim='feature') (#1121) (ba43159) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 68f21aca722895e8a240dbca66e97310c20a6b5d
[Feature] TensorDict.clamp (#1165) (646683c) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 44f0937c195d969055de10709402af7c4473df32
[Feature] TensorDict.logsumexp (#1162) (e564b3a) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 84148ad9c701029db6d02dfb84ddb0a9b26c9ab7
[Feature] TensorDict.separates (#1120) (674f356) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: be142a150bf4378a0806347257c3cf64c78e4eda
[Feature] TensorDict.softmax (#1163) (c0c6c14) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: a88bebc23e6aaa02ec297db72dbda68ec9628ce7
[Feature] TensorDictModule in_keys allowed as Dict[str, tuple | list] to enable multi use of a sample feature (#1101) (e871b7d) by @bachdj-px
[Feature] UnbatchedTensor (#1170) (74cae09) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: fa25726d61e913a725a71f1579eb06b09455e7c8
[Feature] intersection for assert_close (#1078) (84d31db) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 3ae83c4ef90a9377405aebbf1761ace1a39417b1
[Feature] allow tensorclass to be customized (#1080) (31c7330) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 0b65b0a2dfb0cd7b5113e245c9444d3a0b55d085
[Feature] broadcast pointwise ops for tensor/tensordict mixed inputs (#1166) (aeff837) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: bbefbb1a2e9841847c618bb9cf49160ff1a5c36a
[Feature] compatibility of consolidate with compile (quick version) (#1061) (3cf52a0) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 1bf3ca550dfe5499b58f878f72c4f1687b0f247e
[Feature] dist_params_keys and dist_sample_keys (#1179) (a728a4f) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: d1e53e780132d04ddf37d613358b24467520230f
[Feature] flexible return type when indexing prob sequences (#1189) (790bef6) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 74d28ee84d965c11c527c60b20d9123ef30007f6
[Feature] from_any with UserDict (#1106) (3485c2c) by @vmoens ghstack-source-id: 420464209cff29c3a1c58ec521fbf4ed69d1355f
[Feature] inplace to method (#1066) (fbb71...

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14 Nov 15:08
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Minor bug fixes

[BugFix] Fix none ref in during reduction (#1090) 88c86f8
[Versioning] v0.6.2 fix cdd5cb3
[BugFix] smarter check in set_interaction_type 0b3c778
[Versioning] 0.6.2 b26bbe3
[Quality] Better use of StrEnum in set_interaction_type 477d85b
[Minor] print_directory_tree returns a string 05c0fe7
[Doc] Add doc on export with nested keys d64c33d
[Feature] Better logs of key errors in assert_close 1ef1188
[Refactor] Make _set_dispatch_td_nn_modules compatible with compile f24e3d8
[Doc] Better docstring for to_module 178dfd9
[Feature] intersection for assert_close 8583392
[Quality] Better error message for incongruent lists of keys 866943c
[BugFix] Better repr of lazy stacks e00965c
[BugFix] calling pad with immutable sequence (#1075) d3bcb6e
[Performance] Faster to f031bf2

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2

v0.6.1: Minor fixes and perf improvements

04 Nov 15:23
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This release offers some minor bug fixes in bytes (#1059), a better handling of edge cases in keys, values and items (#1058), better caching of grads (#1069) and a broken reference cycle in reductions during calls to export (#1056).

v0.6.0: Export, streaming and `CudaGraphModule`

21 Oct 16:38
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What's Changed

TensorDict 0.6.0 makes the @dispatch decorator compatible with torch.export and related APIs,
allowing you to get rid of tensordict altogether when exporting your models:

from torch.export import export

model = Seq(
    # 1. A small network for embedding
    Mod(nn.Linear(3, 4), in_keys=["x"], out_keys=["hidden"]),
    Mod(nn.ReLU(), in_keys=["hidden"], out_keys=["hidden"]),
    Mod(nn.Linear(4, 4), in_keys=["hidden"], out_keys=["latent"]),
    # 2. Extracting params
    Mod(NormalParamExtractor(), in_keys=["latent"], out_keys=["loc", "scale"]),
    # 3. Probabilistic module
        in_keys=["loc", "scale"],

model_export = export(model, args=(), kwargs={"x": x})

See our new tutorial to learn more about this feature.

The library integration with the PT2 stack is also further improved by the introduction of CudaGraphModule,
which can be used to speed-up model execution under a certain set of assumptions; mainly that the inputs and outputs
are non-differentiable, that they are all tensors or constant and that the whole graph can be executed on cuda with
buffers of constant shape (ie, dynamic shape is not allowed).

We also introduce a new tutorial on streaming tensordicts.

Note: The aarch64 binaries are attached to these release notes and not available in PyPI at the moment.


  • [Deprecate] Make calls to make_functional error #1034 by @vmoens
  • [Deprecation] Act warned deprecations for v0.6 #1001 by @vmoens
  • [Refactor] make TD.get default to None, like dict (#948) by @vmoens


Code improvements


  • [BugFix] Add nullbyte in memmap files to make fbcode happy (#943) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Add sync to cudagraph module (#1026) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Another compiler fix for older pytorch #980 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Compatibility with non-tensor inputs in CudaGraphModule #1039 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Deserializing a consolidated TD reproduces a consolidated TD #1019 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix foreach_copy for older versions of PT #1035 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix buffer identity in Params._apply (#1027) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix key errors catch in del_ and related (#949) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix number check in array parsing (np>=2 compatibility) #999 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix pre 2.1 _apply compatibility #1050 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix select in tensorclass (#936) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix td device sync when error is raised #988 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix tree_leaves import for older versions of PT #995 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Fix vmap monkey patching #1009 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Make probabilistic sequential modules compatible with compile #1030 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Other dynamo fixes #977 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Propagate maybe_dense_stack in _stack #1036 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Regular swap_tensor for to_module in dynamo (#963) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Remove ForkingPickler to account for change of API in #998 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Remove forkingpickler (#1049) by @bhack
  • [BugFix] Resilient deterministic_sample for CompositeDist #1000 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Simple syncs (#942) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Softly revert get changes (#950) by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] works as nn.Module, not TDParams contained TD #1025 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] Use separate streams for cudagraph warmup #1010 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] dynamo compat refactors #975 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] resilient _exclude_td_from_pytree #1038 by @vmoens
  • [BugFix] restrict usage of Buffers to non-batched, non-tracked tensors #979 by @vmoens



Not user facing

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0

Co-authored-by: Vincent Moens [email protected] by @albertbou92

v0.5.0: `consolidate`, compile compatibility and better non-tensor support

30 Jul 21:39
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This release is packed with new features and performance improvements.

What's new


There is now a TensorDict.consolidate method that will put all the tensors in a single storage. This will greatly speed-up serialization in multiprocessed and distributed settings.

PT2 support

TensorDict common ops (get, set, index, arithmetic ops etc) now work within torch.compile.
The list of supported operations can be found in test/ We encourage users to report any graph break caused by tensordict to us, as we are willing to improve the coverage as much as can be.

Python 3.12 support

#807 enables python 3.12 support, a long awaited feature!

Global reduction for mean, std and other reduction methods

It is now possible to get the grand average of a tensordict content using tensordict.mean(reduce=True).
This applies to mean, nanmean, prod, std, sum, nansum and var.

from_pytree and to_pytree

We made it easy to convert a tensordict to a given pytree structure and build it from any pytree using to_pytree and from_pytree. #832
Similarly, conversion to namedtuple is now made easy thanks to #788.


One can now iterate through a TensorDIct batch-dimension and apply a function on a separate process thanks to map_iter.
This should enable the construction of datasets using TensorDict, where the preproc step is executed on a separate process. #847

Using flatten and unflatten, flatten_keys and unflatten_keys as context managers

It is not possible to use flatten_keys and flatten as context managers (#908, #779):

with tensordict.flatten_keys() as flat_td:
    flat_td["flat.key"] = 0
assert td["flat", "key"] == 0

Building a tensordict using keyword arguments

We made it easy to build tensordicts with simple keyword arguments, like a dict is built in python:

td = TensorDict(a=0, b=1)
assert td["a"] == torch.tensor(0)
assert td["b"] == torch.tensor(1)

The batch_size is now optional for both tensordict and tensorclasses. #905

Load tensordicts directly on device

Thanks to #769, it is now possible to load a tensordict directly on a destination device (including "meta" device):

td = TensorDict.load(path, device=device)

New features

  • [Feature,Performance] to(device, pin_memory, num_threads) by @vmoens in #846
  • [Feature] Allow calls to get_mode, get_mean and get_median in case mode, mean or median is not present by @vmoens in #804
  • [Feature] Arithmetic ops for tensorclass by @vmoens in #786
  • [Feature] Best attempt to densly stack sub-tds when LazyStacked TDS are passed to maybe_dense_stack by @vmoens in #799
  • [Feature] Better dtype coverage by @vmoens in #834
  • [Feature] Change default interaction types to DETERMINISTIC by @vmoens in #825
  • [Feature] DETERMINISTIC interaction mode by @vmoens in #824
  • [Feature] Expose call_on_nested to apply and named_apply by @vmoens in #768
  • [Feature] Expose stack / cat as class methods by @vmoens in #793
  • [Feature] Load tensordicts on device, incl. meta by @vmoens in #769
  • [Feature] Make Probabilistic modules aware of CompositeDistributions out_keys by @vmoens in #810
  • [Feature] Memory-mapped nested tensors by @vmoens in #618
  • [Feature] Multithreaded apply by @vmoens in #844
  • [Feature] Multithreaded pin_memory by @vmoens in #845
  • [Feature] Support for non tensor data in h5 by @vmoens in #772
  • [Feature] TensorDict.consolidate by @vmoens in #814
  • [Feature] TensorDict.numpy() by @vmoens in #787
  • [Feature] TensorDict.replace by @vmoens in #774
  • [Feature] out argument in apply by @vmoens in #794
  • [Feature] to for consolidated TDs by @vmoens in #851
  • [Feature] zero_grad and requires_grad_ by @vmoens in #901
  • [Feature] add_custom_mapping and NPE refactors by @vmoens in #910
  • [Feature] construct tds with kwargs by @vmoens in #905
  • [Feature] determinstic_sample for composite dist by @vmoens in #827
  • [Feature] expand_as by @vmoens in #792
  • [Feature] flatten and unflatten as decorators by @vmoens in #779
  • [Feature] from and to_pytree by @vmoens in #832
  • [Feature] from_modules expand_identical kwarg by @vmoens in #911
  • [Feature] grad and data for tensorclasses by @vmoens in #904
  • [Feature] isfinite, isnan, isreal by @vmoens in #829
  • [Feature] map_iter by @vmoens in #847
  • [Feature] map_names for composite dists by @vmoens in #809
  • [Feature] online edition of memory mapped tensordicts by @vmoens in #775
  • [Feature] remove distutils dependency and enable 3.12 support by @GaetanLepage in #807
  • [Feature] to_namedtuple and from_namedtuple by @vmoens in #788
  • [Feature] view(dtype) by @vmoens in #835


  • [Performance] Faster getattr in TC by @vmoens in #912
  • [Performance] Faster lock_/unclock_ when sub-tds are already locked by @vmoens in #816
  • [Performance] Faster multithreaded pin_memory by @vmoens in #919
  • [Performance] Faster tensorclass by @vmoens in #791
  • [Performance] Faster tensorclass set by @vmoens in #880
  • [Performance] Faster to-module by @vmoens in #914

Bug Fixes

  • [BugFix,CI] Fix storage filename tests by @vmoens in #850
  • [BugFix] @Property setter in tensorclass by @vmoens in #813
  • [BugFix] Allow any tensorclass to have a data field by @vmoens in #906
  • [BugFix] Allow fake-tensor detection pass through in torch 2.0 by @vmoens in #802
  • [BugFix] Avoid collapsing NonTensorStack when calling where by @vmoens in #837
  • [BugFix] Check if the current user has write access by @MateuszGuzek in #781
  • [BugFix] Ensure dtype is preserved with autocast by @vmoens in #773
  • [BugFix] FIx non-tensor writing in modules by @vmoens in #822
  • [BugFix] Fix (keys, values) in sub by @vmoens in #907
  • [BugFix] Fix _make_dtype_promotion backward compat by @vmoens in #842
  • [BugFix] Fix pad_sequence behavior for non-tensor attributes of tensorclass by @kurtamohler in #884
  • [BugFix] Fix builds by @vmoens in #849
  • [BugFix] Fix compile + vmap by @vmoens in #924
  • [BugFix] Fix deterministic fallback when the dist has no support by @vmoens in #830
  • [BugFix] Fix device parsing in augmented funcs by @vmoens in #770
  • [BugFix] Fix empty tuple index by @vmoens in #811
  • [BugFix] Fix fallback of deterministic samples when mean is not available by @vmoens in #828
  • [BugFix] Fix functorch dim mock by @vmoens in #777
  • [BugFix] Fix gather device by @vmoens in #815
  • [BugFix] Fix h5 auto batch size by @vmoens in #798
  • [BugFix] Fix key ordering in pointwise ops by @vmoens in #855
  • [BugFix] Fix lazy stack features (where and norm) by @vmoens in #795
  • [BugFix] Fix map by @vmoens in #862
  • [BugFix] Fix map test with fork on cuda by @vmoens in #765
  • [BugFix] Fix pad_sequence for non tensors by @vmoens in #784
  • [BugFix] Fix setting non-tensors as data in NonTensorData by @vmoens in
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25 Apr 16:14
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What's Changed

This new version of tensordict comes with a great deal of new features:

  • You can now operate pointwise arithmetic operations on tensordict. For locked tensordicts and inplace operations such as += or data.mul_, fused cuda kernels will be used which will drastically improve the runtime.

    • [Feature] Pointwise arithmetic operations using foreach by @vmoens in #722
    • [Feature] Mean, std, var, prod, sum by @vmoens in #751
  • Casting tensordicts to device is now much faster out-of-the box as data will be cast asynchronously (and it's safe too!)
    [BugFix,Feature] Optional non_blocking in set, to_module and update by @vmoens in #718
    [BugFix] consistent use of non_blocking in tensordict and torch.Tensor by @vmoens in #734
    [Feature] non_blocking=None by default by @vmoens in #748

  • The non-tensor data API has also been improved, see
    [BugFix] Allow inplace modification of non-tensor data in locked tds by @vmoens in #694
    [BugFix] Fix inheritance from non-tensor by @vmoens in #709
    [Feature] Allow non-tensordata to be shared across processes + memmap by @vmoens in #699
    [Feature] Better detection of non-tensor data by @vmoens in #685

  • @tensorclass now supports automatic type casting: annotating a value as a tensor or an int can ensure that the value will be cast to that type if the tensorclass decorator takes the autocast=True argument
    [Feature] Type casting for tensorclass by @vmoens in #735

  • now supports the "fork" start method. Preallocated outputs are also a possibility.
    [Feature] mp_start_method in tensordict map by @vmoens in #695
    [Feature] map with preallocated output by @vmoens in #667

  • Miscellaneous performance improvements
    [Performance] Faster flatten_keys by @vmoens in #727
    [Performance] Faster update_ by @vmoens in #705
    [Performance] Minor efficiency improvements by @vmoens in #703
    [Performance] Random speedups by @albanD in #728
    [Feature] Faster to(device) by @vmoens in #740

  • Finally, we have opened a discord channel for tensordict!
    [Badge] Discord shield by @vmoens in #736

  • We cleaned up the API a bit, creating a save and a load methods, or adding some utils such as fromkeys. One can also check if a key belongs to a tensordict as it is done with a regular dictionary with key in tensordict!
    [Feature] contains, clear and fromkeys by @vmoens in #721

Thanks for all our contributors and community for the support!

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v0.3.2: Minor release

07 Apr 13:39
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[BugFix,Feature] Optional non_blocking in set, to_module and update (#718)
[Refactor] Refactor contiguous (#716)
[Test] Add proper tests for torch.stack with lazy stacks (#715)
[BugFix] Fix dense stack usage in torch.stack (#714)
[BugFix] Dense stack lazy tds defaults to dense_stack_tds (#713)
[Feature] Store non tensor stacks in a single json (#711)
[Feature] TensorDict logger (#710)
[BugFix, Feature] tensorclass.to_dict and from_dict (#707)
[BugFix] Fix inheritance from non-tensor (#709)
[Performance] Faster update_ (#705)
[Benchmark] Benchmark update_ (#704)
[Performance] Minor efficiency improvements (#703)
[Feature] Allow non-tensordata to be shared across processes + memmap (#699)
[CI] Unpin mpmath (#702)
[CI] Remove snapshot from CI (#701)
[BugFix] Support empty tuple in lazy stack indexing (#696)
[CI] Pinning mpmath (#697)
[BugFix] Allow inplace modification of non-tensor data in locked tds (#694)
[Feature] Better detection of non-tensor data (#685)
[Feature] Warn when reset_parameters_recursive is a no-op (#693)
[BugFix,Feature] filter_empty in apply (#661)

See the release on PyPI:


27 Feb 01:33
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Solves several bugs and performance issues.

List of changes: