Collection of material for quantum computing educational activities using Qibo. Feel free to explore all the lectures provided by our special teacher: the Qibo mangoose!
Like all mongooses it builds its living environment as well-organized burrows arranged on several levels, always remaining alert to its surroundings, observing what is happening to be ready to react. That's why Qibo the mongoose is the perfect mascot for the Qibo framework, a full-stack project (from hardware to simulation) and with an eye on the latest frontier of research as community and research-driven 😄.
The lectures are divided into macro-groups, corresponding to similar or related topics.
In the following table, we give a brief description of the Qiboedu
Lecture | Topic |
Introduction | |
1_qibo_basics | First steps with Qibo |
Query algorithms | |
1_phase_kickback | The phase kickback trick |
2_deutsch_josza | The Deutsch-Josza algorithm |
3_grover | The Grover search algorithm |
4_grover_details | Opening the Grover black-box |
Entanglement tests | |
1_Bell-Wigner | Simulate Bell-Wigner inequality |
2_Bell64 | Simulate Bell 1964 inequality |
3_CHSH | Simulate CHSH inequality |
Quantum noise | |
1_simulating_noise | Simulating quantum noise |
2_error_mitigation | Mitigating the noise |
Quantum Machine Learning | |
1_vqe | Variational Quantum Eigensolver |
2_fitting_the_proton_content | One-dimensional fit with high-energy physics data |
Given you have poetry installed:
# poetry install && poetry shell
# jupyter lab
will install everything, shell into your local environment and start jupyter.