I am a passionate frontend developer with a strong focus on crafting engaging and intuitive user experiences. With 1 year of experience in the industry, I have honed my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and interactive websites and web applications.
- Languages: C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
- Frameworks/Libraries: React, NextJs, TailwindCSS, ChartJS
- Version Control: Git, Github
- Design Tools: Figma, Webflow
- Other: UI/UX, Vercel, Firebase
- A notes app where you can create and delete note.
- Technologies: ReactJs and TailwindCSS.
- An expense tracker for your daily needs.
- Technologies: ReactJs, TailwindCSS and ChartJS.
- A news app to see daily news.
- Technologies: ReactJs, TailwindCSS, Axios, GnewsAPI, v0.
- A dashboard to checkout latest SpaceX launches.
- Technologies: NextJS, TailwindCSS, Axios, SpaceX API, Oauth.
- Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science: Medi-Caps University, 2020 - 2024
- Current Grade: 8.3 CGPA
- Keeping up with the latest frontend development trends and technologies
- Exploring new design and UX/UI concepts
- Continuous learning and personal growth
- Learning about new tech devices, especially mobiles and laptops
- Email: radzhivkrishna@gmail.com
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RadzhivDev
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajeevkrishna25/
- Portfolio: Under progress but for temporary https://rajeevkrishna.vercel.app/
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or collaboration opportunities, or just want to connect! I'm always open to new challenges and exciting projects.
Let's build amazing user experiences together! 💪 🚀