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Banu Prakash C

Full Stack Architect, Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd., and Corporate Trainer.


[email protected];

[email protected];

[email protected]

Softwares Required: Visual Studio Code (IDE), Chrome Web Browser, NodeJS Latest LTS (minimum is 18 version)


  • Using Build tool Webpack to dymistify React and React DOM
  • Typescript
  • Build a react application with typescript, react router dom, React Hooks, Context, Making API calls ...
  • State Managment: migrate the state managment for the already built applicatiion a) Redux b) RTK c) Mobx d) MST
  • React 18 features
  • Understand PWA


Rendering: representation of data -> presentation (View)

  • Server Side Rendering Pros:
  1. Thin client
  2. Faster
  3. Better SEO


  1. we can't have heterogenous clients [Android / ios / Desktop]
  2. heavy traffic / payload
  • Client Side Rendering
  • we need applications on client side to consume representation of data [ JSON / XML / CSV] to presentation
  • [Android / ios / Desktop/ web ] can consume JSON / XML and create presentation

Client Side Rendering evolution:

  1. Plain JavaScript DOM handling document.createElement("table"); document.querySelector("#btn").addEventListener("click", callback); document.appendChild(...);

  2. jQuery simiplified DOM handling


") was same as document.createElement("table"); $("#btn").on("click", callback);

  1. templates: Handlebar, Mustache, jqueryTemplates, Underscore, Pug, Jade, ....
        products.forEach(p => {
            <td><%= %> </td><td> <%= p.price %></td>
  1. SPA and RWD: Single Page Application and Responsive Web Design Frameworks and Libraries: Model View and Controller

  2. Backbone was a Library based on MVC Architecture [provided Model and Controller], for views we need any of above mentioned templates

  3. ExtJS

  4. AngularJS by Google --> Framework [issue with $apply() and $digest()] --> top down render [ circular dependency]

  5. ReactJS by Facebook : XHP, BoltJS, ReactJS --> View Library

  6. Angular: enhanced version of Angular [ completly re-written ] [ ZoneJS, Reactive, Component based approach]. more modularized : Modules, services, Components, Guards, ....

  7. Vue, Svelete,.. ================

  • Webpack and React : React demystify

  • Webpack is a javascript build tool Why Build tool? A) JavaScript engine : V8, SpiderMonkey, JavaScriptVM, Nashorn, Rhino, Continnum, ... can execute JS code. Each engine might work on different versions of JS --> ECMA Most of the browsers support ECMAScript 5 --> JS 5 --> ES5

we might write code in:

  1. ES2015 --> JS 6 / ECMAScript6
  2. ES2020 --> JS 7 ...
  3. TypeScript [ static typing ]
  4. CoffeeScript [csc]
  5. LiveScript [lsc]
  6. DART

transcompile to JS or Compile to JS

ES2020 version code --> Babel Transcompiler --> ES 5 Typescript --> tsc Person.ts --> ES5 code Person.js

B) Minify, Uglify, Bundle [bundle.js]

Without bundling:

<script src="person.js"> </script>
<script src="product.js"> </script>
<script src="order.js"> </script>
<script src="payment.js"> </script>

50+ files


  1. order of including is important
  2. each <script> tag and tag leads to Network call [50+ network calls from browser]

With Bundling:

<script src="bundle.js"> </script>

C) Testing: Unit testing , Integration testing , E2E tesing D) Static Code Analysis: Coding Stds and Conventions

Alternate to Webpack: Grunt, Gulp, ...

========================================== Step 1: create empty node project cd webpack-react

$ npm init --y creates a package.json

Step 2: install dependencies

npm i webpack webpack-cli html-webpack-plugin css-loader style-loader babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react -D

-D means these libraries are required only in development mode.

node_modules: place where these are downloaded to. modifies package.json

"node_modules" will not be commited to "repo".

team members: npm install

  • babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env

babel-loader to understand ES6 Module system

import Product from './Product' ==> babel-loader loads Product.js

in ES 5: const Product = require('./Product'); // CommonJS module system

babel-loader --> @babel/core [ transcompiler] a) Transform syntax:

let add = (x, y) => x + y;
function add(x,y) {
    return x + y;

b) Polyfill :

A polyfill is a piece of code used to provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support:

@babel/preset-env is a smart preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript without needing to micromanage which syntax transforms (and optionally, browser polyfills) are needed by your target environment(s)

let result = Promise.resolve(200); // ES2015+


babel-loader loades imported "js" files and sends to "@babel/core" compiler, which uses @babel/preset-env a smart pre-preset to take care of transformation and polyfills


import 'logo.png'; --> file-loader

import 'styles.css'; --> css-loader ==> style-loader

import Product from './Product.ts'; ==> ts-loader --> tsc


webpack-react % npm run dev

asset bundle.js 5.38 KiB [emitted] (name: main) runtime modules 670 bytes 3 modules cacheable modules 743 bytes ./src/index.js 356 bytes [built] [code generated] ./src/Book.js 213 bytes [built] [code generated] ./src/lib.js 174 bytes [built] [code generated] webpack 5.91.0 compiled successfully in 272 ms

webpack-react % npm run prod

asset bundle.js 382 bytes [emitted] [minimized] (name: main) orphan modules 387 bytes [orphan] 2 modules ./src/index.js + 2 modules 743 bytes [built] [code generated] webpack 5.91.0 compiled successfully in 276 ms


npm i webpack-dev-server -D

npm i html-webpack-plugin -D

The HtmlWebpackPlugin simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles. This is especially useful for webpack bundles that include a hash in the filename which changes every compilation. Also if we have many bundles creates we need HtmlWebpackPlugin

When JSX code is written we got Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined

after adding React object {} index.js:23 Uncaught TypeError: React.createElement is not a function

When JSX is found in JavaScript ==> @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-react looks for createElement() of React object to convert JSX to JavaScript object

For React element: props means:

  1. attributes
  2. children




  • development mode [ can debug ] and production mode [minify, uglify]
  • webpack-dev-server
  • html-webpack-plugin : adding bundles in template file [index.html]
<script src="bundle.<>.js"> </script>
  • babel

  • @babel/preset-react JSX [JavaScript and XML] --> JSON tree structure

  • render() --> JSON tree of JSX --> Presentation [ DOM, TV, native, proton,...]


Target environment is ES5 engine

I have written code in latest version of JS [ES2015+ / ES6]

* Syntax transform
a) let add = (x,y) => x + y;
transformed into
function add(x,y) {
    return x + y;

b) import Product from './Product'
transformed to
const Product = require('./Product');

* new functionalites are not available in older JS engine

Promise.resolve(100).then(data => console.log(data));

Polyfills are required

babel --> transcompiler 
tracuer --> transcompiler [ google]

need to load latest version of JS into memory [babel-loader]
loaded file is given to transpiler [ @babel/core]
transpiler makes use of @babel/preset-env for syntax transforms and polyfill

Day 2:

JavaScript is dynamically typed. var data = "good day"; // string data.toUpperCase(); .. data = 24; // number


... data = true; // boolean if(data) {}


  • optional type system for JavaScript
  • code quality and understandibilty
  • form of documentation
  • catch errors at compile time rather than runtime

Simple data types:

  1. string let name:string = "Harry";

  2. number let age:number = 24; age = "Twenty Five"; // tsc catches this error

  3. boolean let valid:boolean = true;

  4. Union type

let course:string | number = "ReactJS";

course = 235; // valid

  1. Functions

function add(a:number, b:number) : number { return a + b; }

add(4,5); add("Hello", "World"); // tsc complains --> throws error

Note: every JS code is valid in TS

  1. any
  2. unknown unlike "any" it forces you to do typechecking before using it JS library: function makeRequest() { // API call return JSON if success return 404 if not found if error return "Problem :-("; }

in typescript: let result:any = makeRequest();

install "typescript type system and compiler"

npm i -g typescript

% tsc anyExample.ts --> anyExample.js % node ./anyExample.js //TypeError: callback is not a function

  1. type

type Product = { title:string, price:number, category?:string // optional }

let p:Product = {"title": "iPhone", price: 98000.00}; // valid

let p2:Product = {"title": "iPhone", price: 98000.00, category: 'mobile'}; // valid

function addProduct(product:Product) : void { // }

  1. interface
9.1) can be used to declare shape of object like type
interface Product {
    category?:string // optional

we can extend interface but not a type [ specialization]

interface Tv extends Product {
    screenType: string,

interface Mobile extends Product {
    camera: string

let m:Mobile = {"title": "iPhone", price: 98000.00, category: 'mobile', camera: '128MP'};

9.2) can be used for Realization relationship

interface Renderer {
    render(): JSXElement ; // abstract method

class DOMRenderer extends Renderer {
    // code
    render() : JSXElement {
        // logic

class TvRenderer extends Renderer {
    // code
      render() : JSXElement {
        // logic

let render:Renderer = new TvRenderer(); 
render = new DOMRenderer();
  1. Type Assertions using "as" and "in"; Type predicates using "is"

  2. class type ===========================

HOF: High Order Functions

  1. functions which can accept function as arguments
  2. function which can return a function

--> main goal: Code re-usability Commonly used HOF are: a) filter ==> to get a subset of collection based on predicate b) map ==> transform data c) reduce ==> to get aggregate of data [ sum / avg/ max ...] d) forEach ==> traverse and perform action on each element

let add = (x, y) => x + y;

let res = add(4,5); // 9


let add = (x,y) => {
    // code
    return x + y;

function add(x:E, y: E): E { return x + y; }

add(3,4); // 9 here E is number

add("Hello", "React"); // HelloReact here E is string

"ts-project" $ npm init --y $ npm i typescript $ tsc --init this creates tsconfig.json

"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist",

tsc ==> compile all .ts files in "src" % tsc ts-project % node ./dist/index.js 6 4 { name: 'iPhone', price: 95000, category: 'mobile' } { name: 'Samsung Fold', price: 124000, category: 'mobile' }


HOF: map ==> transform

function map (elems, transformFn) {


x => x * 2


JavaScript in TypeScript

install JS library npm i underscore

import {random} from 'underscore'; // Could not find a declaration file for module 'underscore'.

console.log(random(1, 1000));

Solution 1: declare type definitions

typings.d.ts ==> type definition file

declare module 'underscore' {
    export function random(min: number, max: number): number

Solution 2: Definitely Typed

npm i @types/underscore

For Example to use React in TS: npm i @types/react

to use jQuery in TS: npm i @types/jquery

.npmrc adobe repository

npm i

Decorators : Metadata for class members [@decoratorName] one way of code re-usability instead of specialization pattern

specialization pattern: [used by React]

class Component {
    // members

// inherits all from Component, maybe i need 10% of base class members
class ProductComponent extends Component {


Decorator pattern: [used by Angular]

    template: `<div> <h1></h1></div>`
    selector: 'app-product'
class ProductComponent {
    // members 

    template: `<div> <h1></h1></div>`
    selector: 'app-book'
class BookComponent {

Now ProductComponent also contains "template" and "selector"


1) Class level Decorator:
function classDecorator(constructor:Function) {}
function Component(constructor:Function) {}

2) Property decorator:
function propertyDecorator(target: any, propertyKey:string) {}
function Min(target:any, propertyKey:string) { // logic }

class Person {

class Product {
let p: Person = new Person(); // target is "p"
// age is a propertyKey;

3) Method decorators:
function methodDecorator(target: any, methodName:string, descriptor?:PropertyDescriptor) {}

using "PropertyDescriptor" i can access the actual definition of the method

class Person {

    @Alert("Do you want to delete!!!?")
    deletePerson(id: number) : void {


To use Decorators in "tsconfig.json" "experimentalDecorators": true,


Day 3


  1. Typescript
  • string, number, boolean, any, unknown, type, interface, union, class
  • is, as, in operator for type assertions and type predicates
  • Using JS in TypeScript [typings.d.ts or use Definietly Typed @types/library] @types/react @types/node @types/jquery
  • Decorators are simple functions appled using @
  1. class decorator
  2. method decorator
  3. property decorator
  4. parameter decorator

Understanding call and apply:

function setPrice(p) { this.price = p; //this refers to "product" or "book" based on how you call }

let product = { "title" : "iPhone", "price" : 98000.00 }

let book = { "name" : "React", price : 4500.00 }, 89000.00);, 2300);

setPrice.apply(book, [2300]); // use apply if we need to pass array of arguments


Object.defineProperty() is used to dynamically add fields, method, property to an object



  • react ==> React.createElement() ==> JSX to JSON Object Tree
  • react-dom ==> renderer to covert " JSON Object Tree" to presentation for DOM

Hello World react application: npx create-react-app samplereact

npx --> executable node package

"create-react-app" creates a scaffolding code internally using "webpack", installs all depdencencies and creates a starting react component.

"start": "react-scripts start", is same as "start": "webpack serve --mode development"


React 18 onwards uses asynchrouns rendering and is based on Fiber Architecture. Upto React 17 it was Stack based.


26547: function performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {

21516: function beginWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {

22064: function completeWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {


  1. a functional component is one which returns JSX
  2. class component is one which is inherited from Component and overrides render() method which should return JSX
  3. Core API: React.createElement() --> JSX to JSON tree

Prefer always functional components --> light weight compared to Class component


upto React 16 class component was essential for "state" , "life cycle methods" , "error boundaries".


React SPA application with: a) react-router-dom [60%] b) react context c) make api calls using axios library d) react hooks instead of class components


  1. npx create-react-app productapp

  2. productapp> npm i axios react-router-dom

using axios make api call to


  1. NavbarComponent
  2. ProductList
  3. ProductCard
  4. CartComponent
  5. CartList
  6. Details
  7. ProductForm
  8. Default [in case of Wrong URL]

React is Component based approach:

  1. Atoms: basic building blocks of matter, sucha s button. input, label. Not useful on their own for Atoms we will use pre-defined libraries

  2. Molecules: Grouping of atoms ==> ProductCard

  3. Organisms: Combining molecules --> Navbar, ProductList

  4. Templates

  5. Pages


productapp> npm i bootstrap react-bootstrap @fortawesome/react-fontawesome @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons

bootstrap is a CSS library react-bootstrap: react components for bootstrap

npx create-react-app productapp-ts --template typescript

cd productapp-ts productapp-ts> npm i bootstrap react-bootstrap @fortawesome/react-fontawesome @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons axios react-router-dom @types/axios


*.js or *.ts ==> helper code

*.jsx or *.tsx --> Component

http://localhost:3000/dfgdfg ==> default http://localhost:3000/details/1 ==> Details http://localhost:3000/new_product http://localhost:3000/cart http://localhost:3000/products http://localhost:3000/

include in index.tsx import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'

href="#home" ==> server side routing use Link and "to" for client side routing

JSON to TS : extension for VSCode

copy JSON into clipboard

VSCODE: View --> Command Pallete -=> JSON to TS

Object contains "state" and "behaviour" React Hook: useState() is used to declare a "state variable" in functional component

class Component:

public class ProductList extends Component {
    state = {
        products: []

    constructor() {
        // default initialize minus API call

    componentDidMount() {
         axios.get("").then(response => {

    render() {


placing API call in constructor() leads to FCP issue [core web vitals] constructor() ==> render() ==> componentDidMount()

componentDidMount() updates state ==> render()

Response Web Design using Bootstrap: bootstrap uses 12 grid system


React Hooks:

  1. useState
  2. useEffect

to be covered: 3) useReducer 4) useContext 5) useParams

React Context for state management: anti-pattern


Day 4


1) componentDidMount() called only once after first render()
useEffect(() => {


2) componentDidUpdate() gets called each time "name" state changes
useEffect(() => {
    // code
}, [name]);

3) componentDidUpdate() gets called each time any state changes
useEffect(() => {


Lazy loading of bundles. If all components are loaded as single bundle --> FCP issue

<script src=".../bundle.js"></script>

const CartComponent = lazy(() => import ('./components/CartComponent')); const ProductForm = lazy(() => import ( './components/ProductForm'));


useReducer() hook use this hook instead of useState() if: a) conditionally mutate the state b) mutation depends on previous state

Reducer function is one which takes state and action => returns a new state

Action is an object of format { type: 'TYPE_OF_ACTION', payload: data [optional] }

Examples for Counter: { type: 'INCREMENT', payload: 10 }

{ type :'DECREMENT', payload: 1 }

{ type: 'CLEAR' }

    function Counter(state, action) {
        switch(action.type) {
            case 'INCREMENT':
                return {
                    count: state.count + action.payload
            case 'DECREMENT':
                return {
                    count: state.count - action.payload
            case 'CLEAR':
                return {
                    count : 0

const initialState = {
    count: 0
let [state, dispatch] = useReducer(Counter, initialState);

dispatch({type:'INCREMENT' : payload: 10});

dispatch({type:'DECREMENT' : payload: 2});

Count: {state.count}

SOLID design principle S --> Single Resposibility


Context Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.


Consumer can be any component which is a child to Provider

Files: index.tsx ProductCard.tsx ==> useContext and addToCart CartComponent.tsx ==> useContext to consume total, products added to cart, checkout CartList.tsx ==> list





  1. Controlled Components React holds the state
  2. Uncontrolled Components Underlying component holds the state [example : DOM element]

Controlled Components:

    export default function ProductForm() {
        let [name, setName] = useState("");
        let [price, setPrice] = useState(0);

        function doSubmit() {

        return <div>
            title: <input type="text" onChange={ (evt) => setName(}/> <br />
            price <input type="number" onChange={ (evt) => setName(}/> <br /> 
            <button onClick={() => doSubmit()}>Submit</button>

UnControlled Components:

    export default function ProductForm() {
        let nameRef = useRef(); // reference
        let priceRef = useRef();

        function doSubmit() {
            let product = {
                name: nameRef.current.value,
                price: priceRef.current.value
            // product to server
        return <div>
            title: <input type="text" ref={nameRef}/> <br />
            price <input type="number" ref={priceRef}/> <br /> 
            <button onClick={() => doSubmit()}>Submit</button>

json-server can be used to fake RESTapi endpoints ==> CRUD

npx json-server --watch data.json --port 1234

Using "Adobe Spectrum"

npm i @adobe/react-spectrum

npm install --save @swc-react/card



Recap: JSX to JSON Object Tree --> VDOM

  1. React.createElement()
  2. functional components [99%] from React 16.8 version onwards React 16.8 version introduced Hooks: Hooks are used to acheive what class components provide in functional components 2.1) state useState() and useReducer() useReducer uses Reducer function: [ (state, action) => new state] dispatch(action) to reducer function; internally previous state is passed to reducer function; returned value from reducer function is used to update the state 2.3) life-cycle methods a) componentDidMount() called only once after first render() useEffect(() => { // logic like API calls },[]);

b) componentDidUpdate() called every time state or props change useEffect(() => {



useEffect(() => { // gets called if name or age changes // dependent API call

}, [name, age]);

  1. class Components

VDOM to Presentation like DOM ==> render()

  • react-dom
  • react-native
  • react-tv

props ==> data passed from parent to child

Whenever state or props change ==> Reconcillation [ compare VDOM with VDOM_Copy, compute diff algorithm ==> update the DOM]

  • prefer using "key" for children collection

react-router-dom: lazy, Suspense

Context: state management [ anti-pattern] Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

was meant to avoid props drill Provider, Consumer [useContext()]

React Hooks:

  1. useState
  2. useReducer
  3. useContext
  4. useParams
  5. useEffect

json-server --> fake RESTApi


Day 5:

Predicatable State Management using Redux

Prefer Redux instead of Context for Statemanagement:

  1. large application State management code can be devlopmed by a team, who need not know about View components Redux for statemanagement; I can use it along with a) React b) Angular c) any other view frameworks or libraries d) even in server side application

  2. time-travel debugging

  3. re-usability

  4. Micro-frontend

Redux is based Flux Pattern [ uni-directional flow] instead of MVC Pattern React Story:

Redux Characters:

  1. Store: where state resides { user: { "avatar": "banu.png", name: "BanuPrakash }, cart: { products: [], count: 10 } }

  2. Reducers

  3. RootReducer

  4. react-redux

) (App)

// state is from Redux Store
function mapStateToProps(state) {
    return {
        username: state =>,
        items: state => state.cart.products

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
    return {
        addCart: p => dispatch({type: 'ADD_CART', payload: p}),
        clear: () => dispatch({type: 'CLEAR_CART'})

<button onClick ={() => props.addCart(p)}> Add </button>

npx create-react-app contactmanager

contactmanager> npm i redux react-redux

Check Redux Devtools extension

Redux : single store Flux: multiple store and Store contained entire logic of mutation + event emitter

  • we need to create a store class


Redux Toolkit (RTK): new way of using Redux

  • no need to write immutable logic
  • Devtools are configured out of Box
  • writing reducers became easy
  • can use useSelector() and useDispatch() instead of connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)


Covert productapp-ts to use RTK instead of Context

  • delete Context folder
  • remove reference in index.tsx, CartList.tsx, CartComponent.tsx, ProductCard.tsx, NAvbarComponent.tsx

use "@reduxjs/toolkit" instead of "redux"

npm i @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux


const initialState = { value: 0 } satisfies CounterState as CounterState

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  reducers: {
    increment(state) {
    decrement(state) {
    incrementByAmount(state, action: PayloadAction<number>) {
      state.value += action.payload

export const { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } = counterSlice.actions
export default counterSlice.reducer



TypeScript has ReturnType util

function add(x,y) { return ""; }

type MT = ReturnType;

MT will be string

Hooks: useSelector() : The selector is approximately equivalent to the mapStateToProps argument to connect conceptually.

useDispatch(): The is approximately equivalent to the mapDispatchToProps argument to connect conceptually.

npx json-server --watch data.json --port 1234

files: redux folder [ 3 files] index.tsx ProductCard.tsx

Task: complete the increment, checkout, ....

function App() {
   let {products} =  useSelector(state => state.cart);

   return <div>
        <ProductList products={products} />

class ProductList extends Component {
    render() { (...)

Async Redux, Mobx, ...


Day 6


  • Context as state management --> Anti-pattern
  • Redux -> time travel debugging -> can be built as a seperate module and intergated with any JS library / framework -> Predicatable State managment: only actions mutate the state. actions are dispatched from view -> Micro-frontend [global store shared between modules [ devloped using React / Angular / ...]]

Characters: Store: Single store per redux application RootReducer: store interacts with RootReducer Reducers: are functions which take (state, action) => new_state connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App) : bridge react with redux [ react-redux]

Redux Toolkit:

  • simplifies using Redux -> opinated -> less code createSlice() contains actions + reducer functions -> immutabliity for mutation logic is built-in [immer / ImmutableJS/ AutoDux ,...] -> useSelector() is a hook --> mapStateToProps -> useDispatch() is a hook --> mapDispatchToProps


Redux is based on Synchronous actions.

view sends action --> store --> root reducer --> reducers --> update state --> root reducer --> store --> notify views about changes

Async Logic and Data Fetching: --> middleware library

Middleware: Thunk / Saga / ObservableJS ,...

// function apiCall() { // http request // axios or fetch }

dispatch(apiCall()); //thunk --> taken by middleware

dispatch({type: '', payload: ...}); // --> store --> reducer


RTK Query: advance data fetching: caching tool, pre-fetching, Mutation logic ,...

Solution 1: to Refetch

export default function CustomerForm() {
    const [addCustomer] = useAddCustomerMutation();
    const { refetch } = useCustomersQuery();
    const customer = {
        "id": 6,
        "firstName": "Greogry",
        "lastName": "Peck"

    const addHandler = async () => {
        await addCustomer(customer);


Solution 2:

Auto - fetching:

export const customersApi = createApi({ reducerPath: 'customersApi', baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1234/' }), tagTypes: ['Customers'], endpoints: (builder) => ({ //returns Customer[]; no PathPArameter or QueryParameter customers: builder.query<Customer[], void>({ query: () => /customers, providesTags: ['Customers'] }), // http://localhost:1234/customers/3 customer: builder.query<Customer, number>({ query: (id) => /customers/${id}, }), addCustomer: builder.mutation<void, Customer>({ query: customer => ({ url: '/customers', method: 'post', body: customer }), invalidatesTags: ['Customers'] }) }), });

RUSH is a monorepo ...
Module Federation: for creating Microfrontend
npx create-mf-app samplemf
Done using:
npx create-mf-app store [store]
npx create-mf-app host 
npx create-mf-app nav

store: npm start
nav: npm start
host: npm start


Mobx: State Management

* annotated as observable
* similar to useState's state variable

* annotated as action, runInAction
* functions that changes the observable state
* similar to useState's setter function

update() {

* derived from observable state   without any interaction
* updated automatically when observable state is modified
* similar to useEffect

Example: cart "total" is derived from cart state [ observable]

Uni-directional flow:
* Actions update observable state
* State update notifues derivations to be updated and other observers

remove all Context reference
"experimentalDecorators": true, in tsconfig.json
npm i mobx mobx-react-lite mobx-logger

Approach 2 without decorators:

class CartStore { cart: Cart[] = [] constructor() { makeObservable(this, { cart: observable, addToCart: action, count: computed, total: computed }); // make CartStore also observable }

addToCart(product:Product) {
    let item: Cart = {
        quantity: 1,
        amount: product.price

get total() {
    // gets triggered eact tim Observable changes
    return => i.amount).reduce( (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);

get count() {
    return this.cart.length;


const cartStore = new CartStore(); // object export default cartStore; // singleton

Approach 3 without decorators:

class CartStore { cart: Cart[] = [] constructor() { makeAutoObservable(this); // make CartStore also observable } }

Atoms , Molecules, Organisms, templates appraoch of building re-usable components

1) build ts or js react application
2) npx storybook@latest init

npm run storybook


React 18:

useTransition, startTransition

function ProductList({products}) {
    let productsData = useDefferedValue(products); // low priority 

    return <div>
        { (...)}


MST: MobxStateTree


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