Jumga is marketplace created for buyer and sellers of product. A seller uses the platform to advertise and sell his/her products. The buyer browse through the marketplace to buy products. The payment system for the marketplace is facilatated with the flutterwave v3 api.
- Seller sign up with account detail
- Account detail is verified with the flutter api
- Seller cant upload product to marketplace until the store is approved by paying $20
- Seller can edit the quantity (amount they have in stock) of previusly uploaded product by clicking on the product card
- Payments are accepted through flutterwave standard v3 api
- To share payments accordingly between Jumga owners, seller and disapatch riders, subaccount was created for each.
- The app is in test-mode i.e you can only regsiter with test account and can only pay with test card
Use these test accounts
- Access Bank Account number: 0690000031 OTP: 12345
- Access Bank 2 Account number: 0690000032 OTP: 12345
- Access Bank 3 Account number: 0690000033 OTP: 12345
- Access Bank 4 Account number: 0690000034 OTP: 12345
Use these test cards
- Card number: 5531 8866 5214 2950 cvv: 564 Expiry: 09/32 Pin: 3310 OTP: 12345
- Card number: 4187 4274 1556 4246 cvv: 828 Expiry: 09/32 Pin: 3310 OTP: 12345
- Card number: 5258 5859 2266 6506 cvv: 883 Expiry: 09/31 Pin: 3310 OTP: 12345
To run the app locally on your computer you will need to create a mongodb connection url and also a flutterwave account. After signing up with flutterwave, navigate to your dashboard, toggle to test-mode, then click on settings then API, here you can see your account API keys, copy the secret key as shown below.
With the mongodb connection url and the flutterwave secret-keys ready, you can now clone this repo on your computer then take the following steps.
- cd into Jumga directory/folder i.e type in 'cd jumga' in the command terminal
- cd into the server directory
- create a .env file. You can use this command [touch .env]
- copy and paste your mongodb connection url and your flutterwave secret api keys
- Your .env in the server directory file should look like this.
- run 'npm install'
- run 'npm start'
- cd into the client directory and run 'npm install' then run 'npm run serve'
- goto http://localhost:8080/.