What's New
- Support DevSandbox for Red Hat OpenShift cluster creation and provision workflow
- Allow users to authenticate using Red Hat Developer credentials
What's Changed
- CRC commands does not work in case of full path has spaces by @dgolovin in #2320
- Print errors to output channel and show error message notifications by @dgolovin in #2321
- Update CHANGELOG.md for v0.2.12 release by @dgolovin in #2322
- Bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 by @dependabot in #2323
- Update odo to v2.5.0 by @dgolovin in #2326
- sandbox form prototype by @dgolovin in #2317
- Preserve mohitsuman commits by @dgolovin in #2328
- fix the align of text and buttons by @mohitsuman in #2327
- add sandbox info in readme by @mohitsuman in #2332
- Add telemetry requests to sandbox integration steps by @dgolovin in #2333
- If storage items have the same name show them as one by @dgolovin in #2336
- Add timeout configuration for Sandbox Registration Service Requests by @dgolovin in #2337
- Fix for CRC commands not working wihout Red Hat Account login by @dgolovin in #2338
- update node to version 16 by @mohitsuman in #2330
- Output verbosity level does not work by @dgolovin in #2343
- Disable phone input when request in progress by @dgolovin in #2342
- Update Sandbox Workflow UI by @dgolovin in #2345
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in #2347
- Filter services without spec.customresourcedefinitions.owned attr by @dgolovin in #2349
- Fix 'Add Cluster Editor' open command by @dgolovin in #2352
- Fix CVEs and errors in dependencies by @dgolovin in #2351
- Delete components without context using 'oc delete' by @dgolovin in #2353
- Update CHANGELOG.md and README.md for 0.3.0 release by @dgolovin in #2354
- Update Jenkins file to use latest vscode by @dgolovin in #2355
- update gitignore by @dgolovin in #2356
- Update nodejs to 16.13.2 by @dgolovin in #2358
- Activate first project if odo return array without active one by @dgolovin in #2360
- Show verification code controls on next line by @dgolovin in #2362
- Remove devpackages form vsix by @dgolovin in #2357
- Use Command.setActiveProject function instead of new CommandText() by @dgolovin in #2364
- Fix for ovsx build including only linux binaries by @dgolovin in #2366
Full Changelog: v0.2.12...v0.3.0