A tiny interface for the Spark40 guitar amp.
Richard Jackett, 2021
This is a work in progress. There are many bugs still, and it can be a bit janky, but it is functional.
Enormous thanks and credit to Paul Hamshere for his SparkClass and for the SparkPedalOverride code, which I used as the basis for this program.
This will only work on the M5Stack Core2 hardware, although it could be modified to work on any ESP32 with a touchscreen with enough work. It will not work on the M5stack Core, as that doesn't have a touch screen.
Sparkle needs these to work:
ropg's fork of M5Core2 --- https://github.com/ropg/M5Core2 I think most of this is now rolled into the main branch, but some types have been renamed, so for now the linked version is needed. Sorry.
BluetoothSerial --- ESP32 bluetooth from Espressif https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
ArduinoJson.h --- by Benoit Blanchon
The Arduino IDE will want you to put the Sparkle code in a folder with the same title.
Basic operation:
- The mode is changed by vertical swipe gestures on the left hand side of the screen (e.g. AMP, MOD, etc)
- The effect is changed by horizontal swipe gesture over the current effect text at the bottom (in the code effects are called 'items')
- Parameters are changed by dragging up or down within each slider. The value (%) is shown above. Change happens on release.
- Double tap on a slider is supposed to set it alternately to zero, then to 100 (to work like a switch). Currently flaky.
- Sliders that show -1 are not used by the current effect.
- Turn the current effect on/off by the centre button (BtnB). Yellow text if on, White if off.
- Cycle through hardware presets (0 to 3) using the right button (BtnC).
- The left button (BtnA) toggles whether the 'Extra' (hidden) effects are enabled (like extra amps, treble booster, etc).
- The status light bottom right is yellow when connecting, and green when connected to Spark40
The touch screen on the Core2 is more responsive when plugged into USB and/or held in the hand (i.e. grounded).
- Too numerous to list them all, here are the lowlights...
- Doesn't update screen when parameters are changed on amp, and in some other situations (incl. preset change).
- Sometimes the left/right gesture doesn't change the effect until the direction is reversed, like the index increases beyond bounds or something.
- Under some situations Sparkle can get out of sync with the amp. Need to look into this.
- The double tap rarely works.
- Some effects have more than 5 parameters, or have switches. Switches are mapped to sliders, set to > 50 or < 50 to enable/disable.