Core lib:
chore: add log info for action decorator
refactor: refactor RcModule with immer 9.0
feat: add enableES5 to support IE
feat: implement multi-watch in core
fix(createStore): support custom reducers
Commons lib:
feat: add ExtensionFeatures to replace RolesAndPermissions
feat(Contacts): support contact hidden
feat(CallingSettings): support att call with jupiter in v1
feat: add rawContacts for contact source
feat: implement lib/rateLimitThrottle
feat: support api discovery in widgets
fix(ActiveCallControlV2): active call control call status issue
fix: dataMatcherOptions issue for DataMatcherV2
fix: proxy reducer issue, add storageWritable for StorageV2
fix: update lib/validateIsOffline.js for IE
fix: wrong sleep detect in inactive tab
fix(RateLimiter): rate limit warning will remain after the duration is over
fix(ComposeText): fix sms MessageSending popup trigger time issue
fix(Auth): fix discovery api brandId param and auth login issue
fix(ConnectivityManager): error when the optional module of CallingSettings is referenced when it is null
fix(ChromeTransport): chrome.tabs.onActivated issue in chrome v91
fix(TabManagerV2): fix event state issue
improvement(Locale): add normalizeLocale
refactor: remove lib/debounce-throttle decorator
refactor(Meeting): refactor meeting module about enforce password related
refactor(contactHelper): remove normalizeNumber in getMatchContactsByPhoneNumber helper
refactor(SoftphoneV2): support get call Uri with Jupiter Universal link for other conditions
refactor(CallHistoryV2): make CallMonitor dep optional in the CallHistoryV2 module
chore(WebSocketExtension): ignore recovering websocket connection when it's connecting already
upgrade: @ringcentral/sdk
upgrade: web phone sdk 0.8.6
upgrade: ringcentral-call
0.2.13 to support warm transfer call session
Widgets lib:
refactor: refactor ConferenceParticipantPage with ConferenceParticipantUI
refactor: refactor DialerAndCallsTabContainer with DialerAndCallsTabUI
refactor: refactor CallsOnholdPage with CallsOnholdUI
refactor: refactor RecentActivityContainer with RecentActivityUI
refactor: refactor ActiveCallsUI with RcUIModuleV2
refactor: rename IncomingCallPage into IncomingCallContainer, add IncomingCallUI
refactor: rename SimpleActiveCallCtrlPage into SimpleCallControlPage, add SimpleCallControlUI
refactor: refactor ConversationsPage with ConversationsUI
refactor: refactor ConversationPage with ConversationUI
refactor: refacor CallHistoryUI module
refactor(ComposeTextUI): refactor ComposeTextUI with RcUIModuleV2
refactor(CallBadgeUI): refactor CallBadgeUI with RcUIModuleV2
refactor: refactor and rename CallCtrlUI into CallControlUI
refactor: change contact prop to getContact in RecentActivityContainer
clean: remove CallMonitorUI module, SmCallCtrlContainer
fix(MeetingConfig): fix password clear icon style error in some devices
improvement(Dialer): support making call by pressing enter key
improvement: allow user to select output device if setsinkid enable at firefox
improvement: update meeting invitation string template
improvement: add showRcvAdminLock toggle for RCV meeting
improvement: update ModalV2 component with RcPopupBox
improvement: update DNC style
upgrade: use juno 1.8.3-beta.4905-adf6ee90 and update theme.json
style: update rcBlue color
feat: add recurringMeetingPosition flag for GenericMeetingPage
fix(AdapterCore): add autoplay at iframe
fix(SwitchCall): fix switch call modal error
chore: replace font icon to svg, remove rcfont
Enage Voice Widgets lib:
feat: show queue name when incoming call in webrtc
feat: implement call recording control feature
feat(CallHistory): imperative create than submit in call history call log
feat(CallHistory): sync call log status in multi tabs
feat(CallHistory): add call back button
refactor: update DialerPanel
refactor: use new juno PopupBox API
refactor(EvAgentSessionUI): remove othersTabConfigureAgent for session config page
improvement(EvAgentSession): when tabs config but some tabs fail, those tabs just could do other tab config
fix: off hook incoming modal
fix: data wrong when outbound and offhooking
fix(EvAgentSession): force login expire
fix: call hangup issue
fix: recording undefined issue
fix(EvStorage): TabManager and ev storage issues
fix(EvAuth): agent id clean late sometimes
fix(EvAgentSession): set callsLimited to false when user log out
fix(EvTransferCall): fix transfer PhoneBook search bug
fix(CallHistory): fix wrong history order bug
fix(CallHistory): redirect to right url after disposition
update: i18n strings
upgrade: typescript to 4.2.3
chore(deps): upgrade security issue deps
update(Juno): update juno version 1.8.3-beta.4905-adf6ee90