This is a flaschard webapp where you could selected a deck with different flash cards, to study from.
You could view cards, study cards, edit cards, delete cards, and add cards.
You could also view, edit, delete, and add different decks.
The tests are using the Test Framework and Test Runner - Jest, using Test Utilities from React-Testing-Library, and end-to-end and integration tests using Cypress.
To launch the app, please clone this repository and open up to its directory.
Install all packages
npm install
Then run the build
npm run build
Then start the web app
npm start
This webapp also uses bootstrap react for designing the react components. If it doesn't get installed with npm install, try this:
npm install [email protected]
- Make sure that the app is up and running by following the Installation steps above
- Open Cypress GUI with command
npx cypress open
- Click end to end tests
- Select the tests you want to run
This project was the final capstone in the Frontend Web Development course of Chegg Skills. It focuses on installing packages using npm, running tests from command line, writing react function components, creating routes (including nested routes) using react router, using hooks, utilizing React's state and props for managing and passing data, integrating API endpoints to fetch and update, and error handling. It uses a modular approach with separate components for different functionalities. Each component handles a specific aspect of the app's functionality, promoting code reusability and maintainability. It had a basic design to it, but I added Bootstrap components to make it look a little better and user-friendly.