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Team WPI Integrator Chains Screenshots

Team WPI Integrator Chains

A submission to the FMRBenchmark contest by California Institute of Technology at ICRA 2016. Team WPI submits two controllers to the Scaling Chains of Integrators domain, wpi_solution_01 and wpi_solution_02

Rohit Sheth, Nishan Srishankar, Joseph McMahon, Professor Jie Fu

Please see FMRB's Github ( and its installation and usage documentation at (

Instructions if FMRB is already installed

  1. Extract files from team_wpi.tar.gz or
  2. Move the folder team_wpi into your instance of FMRB integrators_workspace/src folder created in step 2.2.2 of the documentation. Alternatively, symlink the team_wpi folder into integrators_workspace/src created in step 2.2.2 of the documentation
  3. Rebuild the ROS package using catkin_make install in the integrators_workspace folder
  4. Open another terminal window in integrators_workspace and source both windows source install/setup.bash
  5. Run the FMRB trial runner in one window with python $FMRBENCHMARK/domains/integrator_chains/ -l -f mydata.json src/sci_concrete_examples/trialconf/mc-small-out3-order3.json
  6. Run roslaunch team_wpi wpi_solution_01.launch in another window. The second controller can be run by using wpi_solution_02.launch instead

2D and 3D overlay plots (as shown in screenshot)

A 2D and 3D plotting tool was created that overlays the generated paths with the goal and obstacle regions in 2D or 3D

To use it for 2D overlays, run this from your integrators_workspace folder python $TEAM_WPI/ -t 0 --traj --state "0,1" mydata.json where $TEAM_WPI is the folder path to this GitHub repo on your machine

To use it for 3D overlays, run this instead python $TEAM_WPI/ -t 0 --traj --state "0,1,2" mydata.json


Team WPI's winning submission for ICRA 2016 FMRB Contest: Scaling Chains of Integrators




