Create a utility which will download the meteorological data of http://meteosearch.meteo.gr/ (property of National Observatory of Athens - NOA) and then it will export them in .csv format.
Brief description:
The data provided by meteo.gr are in .txt file format, so in order to be able to process them in a software like Excel or SPSS, we should have a utility that will parse and store them in a commonly used format for tabular data.
Basic usage example:
$ python3 meteo_load.py -a nemea -i 2008 -f 2009
Arguments explanation:
- -a area-name
- -i start-year
- -f stop-year
The area-name is the name of the meteorological station. You can see the list of available area names by typing:
meteo_load.py -d
The arguments start-year and stop-year define the range of the years in which we want to parse the data.
The .csv file format is:
For help type: meteo_load.py -h