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Sanity Check

Sanity Check #95

Workflow file for this run

name: "Sanity Check"
- master
fail-fast: false # let other jobs try to complete if one fails
- { id: "default-amd64", extraDockerOpts: "", runner: "ubuntu-22.04" }
- { id: "default-arm64", extraDockerOpts: "", runner: "ubuntu-22.04-arm" }
- { id: "manifest-cache", extraDockerOpts: "-e ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE=true", runner: "ubuntu-22.04" }
- { id: "disable-ipv6", extraDockerOpts: "-e DISABLE_IPV6=true", runner: "ubuntu-22.04" }
runs-on: "${{ matrix.runner }}"
name: "${{ }} (${{ matrix.extraDockerOpts }})"
- name: Install pipetty and ccze and jq
run: |
sudo apt-get -o "DPkg::Use-Pty=false" -q install -y colorized-logs ccze jq
- name: Get machine's first IPv4 address for eth0
id: ip
run: |
echo "ETHER=$(sudo ip addr show dev eth0 | egrep '^(\ )+inet\ ' | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '/' -f 1)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Show the IPs via vars
run: |
echo "Ethernet IPv4 is: ${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}"
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
id: buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Build image locally to Docker
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
build-args: |
builder: ${{ }}
context: .
file: ./Dockerfile
tags: sanity-check/docker-registry-proxy:latest
push: false
load: true
- name: Start foreground instance for first-contact sanity checking
run: |
timeout --signal=9 --verbose 10 docker run \
--name docker_registry_proxy_fg ${{ matrix.extraDockerOpts }} \
sanity-check/docker-registry-proxy:latest || true
sleep 3
docker stop docker_registry_proxy_fg || true
docker remove docker_registry_proxy_fg || true
- name: Start proxy instance in docker (ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE=false)
run: |
docker run -d --rm --name docker_registry_proxy \
-p ${{ matrix.extraDockerOpts }} \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_cache:/docker_mirror_cache \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_certs:/ca \
- name: Get the initial logs for the container into a file after 10s
run: |
echo "Sleeping 10s..."
sleep 10
docker logs docker_registry_proxy &> initial_logs.txt
- name: "LOG: initial_logs.txt"
run: pipetty ccze -A < initial_logs.txt
- name: Wait for container to be up
timeout-minutes: 1
run: |
declare -i IS_UP=0
while [[ $IS_UP -lt 1 ]]; do
echo "Waiting for docker-mirror to be available at ${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }} ..."
curl --silent -I http://${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}:3128/ && IS_UP=1 || true
sleep 1
echo "Container is up..."
- name: Grab the CA cert from running container via curl
run: |
curl http://${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}:3128/ca.crt | sudo tee /usr/share/ca-certificates/docker_registry_proxy.crt
- name: Stop proxy instance in docker
timeout-minutes: 1
run: |
timeout 58 docker stop docker_registry_proxy
- name: Refresh system-wide CA store
run: |
echo "docker_registry_proxy.crt" | sudo tee -a /etc/ca-certificates.conf
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
- name: Configure dockerd via systemd to use the proxy
run: |
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
cat << EOD | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}:3128/"
Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}:3128/"
- name: Reload systemd from disk
run: |
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- name: Restart dockerd via systemd
run: |
sudo systemctl restart docker.service
- name: Start proxy instance in docker again
run: |
docker run -d --rm --name docker_registry_proxy \
-p ${{ matrix.extraDockerOpts }} \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_cache:/docker_mirror_cache \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_certs:/ca \
- name: Wait for container to be up again
timeout-minutes: 1
run: |
declare -i IS_UP=0
while [[ $IS_UP -lt 1 ]]; do
echo "Waiting for docker-mirror to be available again at ${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }} ..."
curl --silent -I http://${{ steps.ip.outputs.ETHER }}:3128/ && IS_UP=1 || true
sleep 1
echo "Container is up again..."
# This can be quite slow, since Github Actions runner Docker comes preloaded with a lot of images.
- name: Initial prune of all unused images from docker cache (slow)
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
docker image prune --all --force
- name: First round of pulls
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
docker pull alpine:3.20
docker pull
- name: Get the cold cache logs for the container into a file
run: |
docker logs docker_registry_proxy &> cold_cache.txt
- name: "LOG: cold_cache.txt"
run: |
pipetty ccze -A < cold_cache.txt
- name: "ERRORS/WARNINGS: cold_cache.txt"
run: |
grep -e "error" -e "warn" cold_cache.txt | pipetty ccze -A || true
- name: "JSON: cold_cache.txt"
run: |
grep '^{"' cold_cache.txt | pipetty jq .
- name: prune all unused images from docker cache again
timeout-minutes: 1
run: |
docker image prune --all --force
- name: sleep 2s to allow cache to stale a bit
run: |
sleep 2
- name: Second round of pulls
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
docker pull alpine:3.20
docker pull
- name: Get the warm cache docker logs for the container into a file
run: |
docker logs docker_registry_proxy &> warm_cache.txt
- name: "LOG: warm_cache.txt"
run: |
pipetty ccze -A < warm_cache.txt
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
grep '^{"' warm_cache.txt | pipetty jq .
- name: "ERRORS/WARNINGS: warm_cache.txt"
run: |
grep -e "error" -e "warn" warm_cache.txt | pipetty ccze -A || true
- name: "JSON: warm_cache.txt"
run: |
grep '^{"' warm_cache.txt | pipetty jq .