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The brew command

adamv edited this page Dec 4, 2010 · 40 revisions

Use man brew to view the manpage.

Command Consequence
brew install foo Installs foo
brew install --HEAD foo Installs the HEAD version of foo, if foo defines such a version.
brew install --force --HEAD foo Installs a newer HEAD version of foo.
brew search Lists all formula that you can install
brew search foo Searches for foo in formula available to install
brew search /foo/ Same as above but parses /foo/ as a regex
brew list Lists all installed formulae
brew list foo Lists the installed files for foo
brew info --github foo Open your browser at the Github History page for formula foo
brew info Summarises all installed Homebrew packages
brew info foo Gives all available information for installed or not installed formula foo
brew home Open’s Homebrew’s homepage in your default browser
brew home foo Opens foo’s homepage in your default browser
brew update Update homebrew formulae and homebrew itself
brew remove foo Uninstalls foo
brew create [url] Generates a formula for the downloadable file at url and opens it in $BREW_EDITOR or $EDITOR 1
brew create url-of-tarball --cache Generates a formula, then downloads the tarball. Adds the md5 to the formula template for you
brew create --macports foo Open your browser at the MacPorts package search page, so you can see how they do foo
brew create --fink foo Same thing, but for Fink
brew edit foo Opens the formula in $BREW_EDITOR or $EDITOR
brew link foo Symlinks all of foo’s installed files into the Homebrew prefix 2
brew unlink foo Unsymlinks foo from the Homebrew prefix
brew prune Removes dead symlinks from the Homebrew prefix 3
brew outdated Shows formula that have an updated version available . To install the new version of foo: brew install foo
brew --config Print some useful system configuration to the console
brew --prefix Display the real path to your Homebrew prefix (Usually /usr/local)
brew --prefix (formula) Display the path where this formula is installed
brew --cellar Display the real path to your Homebrew Cellar (Usually /usr/local/Cellar)
brew --cache Display the real path to where Homebrew caches downloads (Usually ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew)
brew doctor Checks your installation for common issues
brew audit Audits all formulae for common code and style issues
brew cleanup foo For all installed or specific formulae, removes any older versions from the cellar 4

You can update outdated packages like so:

brew install `brew outdated` (or brew outdated | xargs brew install (or brew upgrade))

1 Homebrew will attempt to automatically derive the formula name and version, if it fails, you’ll have to make your own template. I suggest copying wget’s.

2 This is done automatically when you install formula. It is useful for DIY installation, or in cases where you want to swap out different versions of the same package that you have installed at the same time.

3 This is generally not needed. However, it can be useful if you are doing DIY installations.

4 To delete only a specific out of date version, just go to the folder in the Cellar and “rm -rf” it, or drag it to the trash in Finder.

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