Automated robotics training in VR: Concept and Affect Detection.
Use Dockerfile
to build an docker image and create a new container.
docker build -t confidence .
docker run -itd -v "your_working_dir":/root/home --name confidence confidence:basic
Then start our new container.
docker exec -it confidence /bin/zsh
See special requirements in each subfolder.
- Create file name convention.
- Write python code to segment recordings in 5s clips.
- Use google speech-to-text to transcript 5s clips and store transcriptions
- Save the transcription for each 5 seconds clips, with the same naming conventions.
- Extract and store acoustic features of clips (OpenSmile library), with the same naming conventions.
- Concatenate student id, clip id, acoustic features, transcription content to a csv file.
First directory: studentId
Second directory: studentId-taskId
Third directory: studentId-taskId-clipId
For each clip: studentId-taskId-clipId
Extract and store acoustic features: using compare emotion, EGEmaps configuration files.
Goal: find the features which are most correlated to the labeled confident extend.