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Releases: salesforce/lwc


17 Apr 18:24
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Bug fixes

  • #1756 - synthetic-shadow: Add polyfills for the copy, cut, and paste clipboard events to ensure that they are composed across all supported browsers. These events are currently non-composed in Firefox.


17 Apr 18:23
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  • #1764 - style-compiler: This change modifies the way the compiler concatenates strings when producing the stylesheet by using Array.prototype.join('') instead of the + operator to avoid a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error thrown by Rollup. This processing is done to inject the tokens used for the shadow DOM emulation at runtime.


  • #1720 - wire-service: Perform stricter typescript checks by enabling the noImplicitAny compiler option.
  • #1753 - integration-karma: Migrate skipped tests from integration-tests to integration-karma.
  • #1765 - integration-karma: Clean up error boundary tests.


11 Mar 00:52
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Bug Fixes

  • #1762 - compiler: Use an updated version(1.32.1) of Rollup. This upgrade of Rollup safeguards the bundled component code while using dependencies with null prototype. More details on the Rollup issue can be found here.


  • #1760, #1759, #1758, #1757: Enforce strict typescript checks for theengine, template-compiler, module-resolver, and style-compiler packages.


05 Mar 23:08
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Bug Fixes

  • #1750 - compiler: This change disables the wrap_func_args terser output. This option breaks the regular expression used for module namespace mapping. On top of this, the latest JavaScript VMs already optimize for such a pattern and the function expression wrapping might actually hurt performance.

  • #1728 - wire-service: This change fixes an issue in which a wire adapter receives an incomplete config when the wire instance has 2 or more reactive parameters with the same head: { p1: '${head}.foo', p2: ${head}.bar }.



27 Feb 21:19
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Bug Fixes

  • #1744 - synthetic-shadow: This change fixes a bug where it wasn't possible for the copy, cut, and paste events to be listened for outside of the shadow root from which they were dispatched. Adding these events to the event-composed polyfill fixes this issue.


27 Feb 21:19
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Bug Fixes

  • #1610 - engine: This change fixes a bug where setting the spellcheck attribute to "false" in the template resulted in a value of "true" being rendered in the DOM. It's worth noting that this change does not address the same issue when setting spellcheck to "false" via template expressions, which will be subsequently revisited if the need arises.


26 Feb 19:59
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  • #1738 - errors: Eliminates the dependency that @lwc/jest-transform has on @lwc/errors. This is a required step to make @lwc/errors truly private.


26 Feb 19:59
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Bug Fixes

  • #1724: Update release script to reflect the correct package version in the distribution file. LWC distribution files are generated along with a version number comment. This change fixes a bug where the release script was incorrectly using the version number of the previous release.


18 Feb 22:09
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  • #1722 - synthetic-shadow: Default implementation for programmatic focus when delegating focus. Components using delegatesFocus now have a focus() method that follows shadow semantics and focuses on the first focusable element in its shadow tree. This change is backwards compatible with components that define their own focus() method.


18 Feb 22:09
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Bug Fixes

  • #1723 - synthetic-shadow: Pass arguments through to the underlying native focus() method. Our patch for HTMLElement.prototype.focus() was ignoring any optional arguments that may have been passed to the method.