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Releases: salesforce/lwc


12 Feb 22:34
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Bug Fixes

  • #1709 - synthetic-shadow: Refine the focus delegation behavior. The focus delegation polyfill assumed that any element with an href attribute was sequentially focusable via keyboard. This was tightened to only consider a and area tags with href attributes. In addition, iframes have also been added to the list of sequentially focusable elements.


12 Feb 22:28
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  • #1711 - engine: Add support for the isConnected property on component instances. This property
    can be used to check if the instance is connected to the DOM.

Bug Fixes

  • #1681 - wire-service: Fix a bug to discontinue usage of WireContextEvent event type to be consistent with the event naming standard. wirecontextevent should be used instead.


  • #1703, #1710, #1713 Upgrade Node(12.15.0) and Yarn(1.22.0) versions used by the project. Upgrade handlebars dependency from 4.0.12 to 4.7.3. Upgrade dev dependencies
  • #1717 - engine: Remove unused currentContext functionality which was storing context before invoking component callbacks.


06 Feb 01:57
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Bug Fixes

  • #1704 - engine: Fix an infinite loop that was introduced during an internal refactor of how we resolve error boundaries. This bug was introduced in v1.2.0.


  • #1696 - synthetic-shadow: Enable the toggling of feature flags used in the @lwc/synthetic-shadow polyfill. This change stores feature flag values globally such that all packages share a single instance of feature flags.


06 Feb 01:56
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  • #1687 - template-compiler: Add support for content attributes with leading hyphens. Until now, component authors were able to define component properties in Pascal case but users were not able to set those properties in their templates. Users can now set the value of a Pascal case property by adding a leading hyphen to the attribute (e.g., @api FooBar can be set via -foo-bar={awesomeValue})
  • #1679 - wire-service: Add support for the lowercase event type wirecontextevent in addition to the currently supported event type WireContextEvent. This allows component authors to avoid engine warnings triggered when using event types with capital letters. WireContextEvent is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Bug Fixes

  • #1676 - synthetic-shadow: Fix a bug in the Event polyfill so that the composed option is respected when instantiating an instance of Event. The previous behavior ignored the composed option and only considered the type of the event when accessing the composed property of an Event instance. This polyfill exists to normalize the behavior of some browsers that incorrectly set the composed property of natively composed events.


  • #1682: Remove usage of white/black as good/bad. Implements the “tone” guidelines for the WHATWG style guide.
  • #1648 - engine: Remove the instanceof Event check in LightningElement.prototype.dispatchEvent. The same check is run by the browser when invoking the EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent method. Reduces the coupling between the engine and the DOM in preparation for server side rendering.
  • #1668, #1674, #1675: Review all disabled karma integration tests. Enable tests that can be enabled. Remove tests that are no longer relevant. Refactor tests appropriately based on their relevancy (native vs synthetic shadow).
  • #1669 - karma-integration: Port existing webdriver integration tests to karma. Delete unnecessary tests. The goal here is to reduce the number of integration tests to the strict minimum to increase the integration test passing rate.
  • #1692 - engine: Refactor the way error boundaries are computed by decoupling the logic from the DOM.
  • #1683 - features: Fix a bug where unary negation of a runtime feature flag was being interpreted as a compile-time boolean false.
  • engine: Improve our usage of internal types.
  • #1694 - features: Remove support for feature flags as computed properties. This means that featureFlags['ENABLE_FOO'] will no longer work and should be referenced as featureFlags.ENABLE_FOO instead.
  • #1652 - synthetic-shadow: Add tsc as part of the build. tsc should run before rollup to catch TypeScript-related errors.


21 Jun 22:14
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21 Jun 22:16
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Fix event determinism & minor bug fixes

10 Jan 02:02
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Bug Fixes

  • engine: patching events from lwc to be deterministic (#870) (8d3fc9f)
  • compiler: add bundle entry name + filenames case validation (#902) (39b1e00)
  • engine: to show shadow in IE11 devtool DOM explorer (#904) (6e2817f)
  • jest-transformer: update @salesforce/apex transform (#924) (a3d6af5)
  • Add crossorigin as valid img tag attribute (#918) (e861600)
  • rollup-plugin: add stylesheetConfig to rollup-plugin options (#921) (ca43c83), closes #920
  • compiler: remove misleading and useless stack info on CompilerError (#893) (860da4f)
  • module-resolver: wrong path separator in glob call (#895) (7f1f954)

Minor bug fixes for IE11

18 Dec 18:58
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix IE11 constructor extension